Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 286 The Troublemaker King, Tan Xiaoshi! (Monthly Ticket Request!)

As the flames on Tan Xiaoshi's body started to rise, Jing He's sight finally showed the information on Tan Xiaoshi's illustrated book.

【Tan Xiaoshi】

[Attribute: Fire]

[Characteristic: Flame Body]

[Mastery of moves: Hold, stare, spark, fright, clearing smoke, flame vortex, will-o'-the-wisp, night shadow, charged flame attack, burn, smoke, flame.]

[Mood: Joy, Confidence (When I fully realize my talent, I will make all enemies fearful!)]

[Condition: Excellent (the flames in the body are so full that they almost burst out!)]

[Friendliness: 80 (it senses the kindness in your waveguide!)]

Good guy.

Tan Xiaoshi has mastered almost all the moves that can be learned through leveling up.

As for the moves that require learning or a move learning machine, mastering a flame jet.

If you want to cultivate its move pool, it will probably take a lot of time, energy and resources.

But it seems... ok?

It doesn't seem as bad as imagined?

Except for the relatively high cost of charcoal, the rest is not that difficult to accept.

Many of the moves Tan Xiaoshi masters overlap with those of his own Gengar.

For example, moves such as fright, will-o'-wisp, and night demon.

Because Charcoal is essentially a living form attached to charcoal, it makes sense that it has certain characteristics of a ghost-type Pokémon.

Gengar may be able to help it become more proficient in these moves.


Tan Xiaoshi's body seems to not only have the aura of waveguide, but also the aura of superpowers.

It's normal to think about it.

After all, Tan Xiaoshi can learn many super power-based moves whether he evolves into a Blue Flame Blade Demon or a Red Lotus Armored Cavalry.

"What's going on?" Jing He asked after looking around.

The old man smiled slightly and said:

"You didn't know that. In the breeding house opened by our breeder, we need a few leader Pokémon to help take care of and manage the big and small things among the Pokémon in the fostering house."

For example, if there is a conflict between two Pokémon in the breeding house, this Pokémon needs to mediate.

Say so.

Jing He looked at Mr. Tan.

Is this little guy similar to Xiaozhi's garlic tortoise who will be fostered in Dr. Oak's research institute in the future?

The leader of the Thorns, the King of the Thorns?



Tan Xiaoshi raised his head, and a wave of superpower intertwined power spread out.

Immediately afterwards, its legs were slightly bent, and flames appeared on the soles of its feet in the next second, and then enveloped its whole body in an instant.

Like a cannonball, it jumped towards the direction of cultivating the lake in the house.

boom! !

The blazing firelight flashed before his eyes, leaving a scorched brown mark on the ground.

[Charged Flame Attack: Fire attribute move, power 50, after use, the user's speed can be increased by one level]

Jing He's expression was slightly stunned.

Is this Te Meow's charged flame attack?

Are you sure it's not Flash Charge?

Don't think I didn't see the real Flare Charge at the Quartz Convention.

Garbage illustrated book!

[Illustration:? ? 】

"Let's go and have a look." The old man said.

Then the two of them rushed in the direction of Tan Xiaoshi.

Come to the lake.

Just see it.

A giant claw crab and a Kairos (big armor) were facing each other on the grass by the lake.

The giant claw crab aimed its huge claws at Kairos with a serious expression.

Kairos did not show any weakness, and the extremely thick pliers on his head covered with spikes kept colliding, making a "bang bang bang" sound, full of threats.

Between the two confronting Pokémon, a round purple tree fruit lay quietly.

Look like that.

It seems that these two guys had a conflict over the ownership of a tree fruit.

Jing He felt somewhat enlightened.

So, Tan Xiaoshi’s wave guide and super powers were developed in order to be able to detect the situation as soon as possible?

Facing the two Pokémon who were at war with each other, Tan Xiaoshi strode over with a straight face.

The Bug-type Kairos is okay, but the Crab is a Water-type Pokémon.

Jing He opened his mouth to remind him, but seeing the old man's cheerful look, he still didn't say anything.

The next moment.

I saw Tan-chan coming between the two Pokémon, and whether it was Kairos or Crab, they immediately put away each other's claws after seeing Tan-chan.


Jing He also faintly saw a somewhat embarrassed sneer on the faces of these two Pokémon.

The waiter Tan made a deep voice.

"Guch!" (Give me a face!)

Kairos and the Giant Crab looked at each other and nodded.

Several question marks appeared on Jing He's head.

Deterrence. Is it so strong?


Tan Xiaoshi picked up the tree fruit on the ground and split one into two with a slight exertion.

They were handed to Big Claw Crab and Kairos respectively.

This division is fair and resolves disputes and conflicts.


Kairos and Big Crab split the half of the tree fruit they each received into two again, and handed one half to Tan Xiaoshi.

Jing He:? ? ?

Tan Xiaoshi did not refuse, and nodded with satisfaction. After receiving the fruit, he patted the giant claw crab and Kairos respectively to praise them.



After receiving Tan Xiaoshi's affirmation, Giant Crab and Kairos smiled cheerfully.

One retreated to the lake, and the other returned to the woods.

"Kickback?" Jing He murmured.

The old man from the breeding house said:

"This is a sign of respect for Mr. Tan. If he doesn't accept it, neither the giant claw crab nor Kairos will eat it."

Then he added:

“It’s kind of one of our nursery traditions.”

This tradition is really special. Jing He cursed in his heart.

Tan Xiaoshi came back.

He smiled at Jing He and handed him a quarter of the fruit.

"Guch! (`ω)o"

"For me?"


Tan Xiaoshi nodded.

"Thank you." Jing He didn't shy away from it. He took the fruit and stuffed it into his mouth.

When you take a bite, the juice splashes and the fragrance instantly fills your mouth.

"Yeah, sweet!"

Seeing this, Tan Xiaoshi smiled and threw the other half of the fruit into his mouth.

The old man of the breeding house looked at Jing He who ate the fruit in one bite with some surprise.

You eat the fruit with an inexplicable and heart-breaking skill.

Humans can eat the fruits of Pokémon trees, but it is rare for someone like Jing He to eat them so freely.

The old man from the breeding house sighed secretly.

Sharing the fruit with Jing He shows that Tan Xiaoshi has truly recognized him.

at last.

Jing He followed the old man back to the wooden house of the breeding house, followed by a confident Tan Xiaoshi, who looked like the return of the king.

"Have you chosen?"

Min Jiang, who was waiting outside the door, saw the two of them and also saw Tan Xiaoshi behind Jing He.


"Yeah." Jing He nodded.

Min Jiang looked at the old man for confirmation.

The old man said with some reluctance: "Don't worry, it's definitely the most powerful one."

Hearing this, Min Jiang laughed proudly, patted Jing He on the shoulder and said:

"Hahaha, let me tell you, you can't go wrong looking for a thorn, right?"

At this point, Jing He couldn't help but glance at him sideways.

Thank you.

If you hadn't said to choose the thornhead, we wouldn't have chosen the most peaceful one among the group of thornheads.

As a result, I chose a thorny king.

But there is one thing to say, except that Tan Xiaoshi may have a relatively high demand for charcoal, Jing He is quite satisfied with other places.

Both confident and powerful.

And the only one that's a little troublesome.

It may be that if Tan Xiaoshi wants to evolve in the future, finding the Celebration Armor and the Spell Armor may be a problem.

Is it really not possible to let the giant blacksmith create a set?

After all, our giant blacksmith’s forging ability is full.

As long as there are no electronic or circuit problems involved, it can basically be made.

Of course, the premise is that you have the materials.

"If you have a chance in the future, please come and play often." The old man waved goodbye to the two of them, especially Tan Xiaoshi.

After leaving the training house, Min Jiang finally said what he wanted to ask Jing He.

"Teacher Jinghe, I wonder if you are interested in transferring to the combat department next semester?"

"Battle type?"

Jing He was stunned for a moment, then shook his head decisively.

"Definitely next time."

After saying that, he left with Tan Xiaoshi.

Battle system?

It's not that he can't teach the combat system, but it's just too time-consuming. If he doesn't keep it, he may temporarily leave the school or even leave Hoenn because of some things.

If he switches to the combat system, he won't have so much free time.

Back home.

Jing He immediately called out all the little guys.

"Ouch?" Bing Jiuwei looked at Tan Xiaoshi, wagging his tail and tilting his head, showing confusion.

"This is our new partner, Mr. Tan." Jing He said.

Then he said to Mr. Tan:

"They are"

“Guch! ╰(●’’●)╮”

Before Jing He finished speaking, the confident Tan Xiaoshi had already greeted Gengar, Ice Nine Tails, the Great Blacksmith, Hackron and the Bear Disciple.

Good guy.

With this posture, could it be that Tan Xiaoshi is the legendary "e man"?


Social butterfly?

Gengar obviously likes Tan Xiaoshi very much.

Although Tan Xiaoshi exudes heat, and Geng Gui's whole body is full of cold aura, it only thinks that it should get along well with Tan Xiaoshi.

After all, Tan Xiaoshi is half a ghost.


Another Pokémon that I swallowed, and it's still alive and well?

Jing He thought to himself: Shouldn't I wait and leave a group of "disasters" to the Pokémon world?

Not a moment.

Relying on his experience in coordinating Pokémon relationships in the breeding house, Tan Xiaoshi quickly established a good relationship with Jinghe's Pokémon.

Even the Rotom Pokédex and the Tube Sisters approved of it.

Even the Ice Nine Tails, who is relatively introverted and has completely contradictory attributes, did not show any rejection towards Tan Xiaoshi.

If so.

Tan Xiaoshi is the "e person", then Bing Jiuwei is the "i person".

One ice and one fire, one introvert and one extrovert, they complement each other.



As the big brother, Geng Gui began to familiarize himself with the environment with Tan Xiaoshi.

Feeling the warm atmosphere in the house, Jing He took a deep breath and murmured sadly:

"This winter seems to be finally over."

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