Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 320 Gengar: It fell down by itself! (Monthly vote requested!)

"You are."

Matsuba looked past Gengar and saw Jinghe standing in the Burning Tower, showing a bit of surprise.

"Teacher Jinghe?"

"Master Songye knows me?" Jinghe was also a bit surprised.

As for the person who came, he recognized it. It was Songye, the gym leader of Yuanzhu Gym in Yuanzhu City and an expert in ghost-type Pokémon!

Songye smiled and said:

"I watched your speed-pass battle frontier live broadcast some time ago. Gengar won 45 consecutive victories to clear the battle tower."

As a trainer of ghost-type Pokémon like Gengar, Songye is naturally familiar with this matter.

Jinghe showed a little realization.

His own ghost is also promising, and it can attract Songye's attention.

"So, Teacher Jinghe, you came to Yuanzhu City to take the badge of Yuanzhu Gym?" Songye asked.


Is your word "take" a bit of essence?

"No, we are here for tourism." Jinghe smiled.

Songye showed a look of pity.

As a ghost-type Pokémon trainer, he actually wanted to have a battle with Jinghe.

On the other side.



Songye's Gengar slowly reacted. It turned out that it was another Gengar who scared him just now.

This made it curious about Jinghe's Gengar.

The two purple-skinned fat guys looked at each other, and their grinning expressions were almost exactly the same, but Songye's Gengar's eyes were more surprised, while Jinghe's Gengar's eyes were mostly teasing.


I don't know what the reason is.

Maybe it's because too many people came into the already decayed burning tower at once, or because Songye's Gengar was scared by the noise just now.

A piece of charred wood fell from a certain part of the burning tower.

Seeing this, Jinghe's Gengar flashed and came to the fallen wood.

"Click" stepped on the wood with his foot.

Then he put his hands on his hips, pouted his lips and pretended to whistle, tilted his head 45 degrees, pretending to be "nothing happened, don't look at me".

But the problem is.

Although Gengar is not small, his feet are not big, and the fallen charred wood is much bigger than Gengar's feet.

Songye's Gengar came to it, looked down at the half-exposed wood, and then looked at Gengar who was looking up, with a strange expression.

"Geng ga~!"

Seeing this, Jinghe's Gengar looked "ferocious", scratched his butt, and shouted at Songye's Gengar in a low voice.

Don't look at me! Otherwise I'll beat you!

Jinghe said that although the burning tower was burned, it was still a building wreck protected by the alliance, and we couldn't really grab something from it.

If we can't grab it, we can only wait for it to fall off.

Look, it's not easy to fall off such a big piece, how could Gengar let it go?

This scene, of course, could not escape the attention of Songye, who possessed the "clairvoyance".

"Teacher Jinghe, what is Gengar doing?"

Jinghe held his forehead.

"To be honest, it is actually like this."

Then, Jinghe simply recounted the purpose of their trip.

It was not something that needed to be hidden, it was just that they might need wood from the burning tower and the bell tower.

As for the purpose, he just casually mentioned it.

"Wood burned by flames, it is better to have some ghost energy or characteristics?" Songye rubbed his chin gently.

He did not ask Jinghe what he wanted such wood for, after all, it was his privacy.

He continued:

"If these are the only requirements, there are quite a few in my gym."


Jinghe was stunned.

Songye smiled and explained:

"The burning tower has been in disrepair for a long time, and some charred wood chips often fall down, so I collected them all back to the gym."

No wonder, this burning tower looks so clean.

In Jinghe's impression, the Burning Tower should not be a mess with broken wood and stones everywhere. They just need to pick them up.

Although not all of them can meet the requirements, at least there are enough. There must be some useful things, right?

But when they entered the Burning Tower, he found that although the tower was dilapidated and the ground was full of potholes and burn marks, there was no garbage on the ground.

It turned out that Songye "got there first".

At this time.

A Poké Ball on Jinghe's waist suddenly opened.


In the flashing red light, Tan Xiaoshi appeared beside him, gently pulled Jinghe's trouser leg, and pointed to a certain position below the Burning Tower.

"What's wrong?"

Jinghe asked.


Tan Xiaoshi thought about it, but didn't know how to explain it. He just asked Jinghe to follow, and then he ran quickly into the tower.

Now, only the first floor and the underground floor of the Burning Tower are barely intact. Tan Xiaoshi followed the creaking stairs that seemed to collapse at any time and led Jinghe and the others to the underground floor.

It was pitch black around, with traces of burning everywhere, and even a little bit of Yin Qi.

Songye raised a lot of Gastly and Haunter. They were naughty like Gengar, sneaking into the Burning Tower from time to time to play and tease the tourists who entered.

The Yin Qi here was more or less brought by them.


They were standing in a corner on the underground floor.

Tan Xiaoshi's footsteps stopped in front of a pillar.

See you soon.

On the charred pillar, there was an irregular piece of wood about the size of a palm. Only a small part was still connected to the pillar, as if it might fall off at any time.

"This is."

But Jing He, who owns a waveguide, discovered it keenly.

On this piece of wood, there is actually a faint wisp of fire?

The flames in the burning tower have been extinguished for more than a hundred years. In such a long time, there is still a wisp of flame left?

And in this wisp of flame, which is smaller than a hair, there is a faint breath of life?

Songye also discovered this and showed a little surprise.

He often comes to the Burning Tower, but he rarely comes to the underground floor. After all, the stairs are really not safe, but he didn't expect it.

"There are still remnants of flames here?"

He muttered in disbelief.

If it weren't for Mr. Tan, no one would have noticed such an inconspicuous flame.

The main thing is that although it remains, there is no sign of burning.

Bang! Bang! Bang--

Just when the two of them were stunned, the sound of heavy footsteps came.


I saw Jinghe's Gengar striding around the underground floor, mumbling——

Today's weather is awesome! No! wrong! ah!

Gengar in Songye followed suit, laughed strangely, and started to "saunter" in stride.

"What are you..." Songye couldn't help but say.

Jing He tilted his head in embarrassment.

Gengar smiled and waved his hand, indicating to Songye not to pay attention to them. They didn't do anything. They wouldn't actively destroy buildings, they would just wander around.

Tan Xiaoshi also joined in.

"Cuck! Cuck! Cuck! Cuck!"

Bing Jiuwei suddenly realized and blinked. While one tail wrapped around Jing He's arm, the other quietly brushed the elf ball around his waist.

The red light flashes again.

Boom! !

A heavy voice sounded.


The giant blacksmith carrying a hammer also appeared on the underground level.

Seeing the posture of Gengar and the others, coupled with the message he heard in the poke ball, he immediately threw off his twin tails and started walking with the hammer on his shoulder.

But Hammer Girl's footsteps are not on the same level as Geng Gui's.

Bang! Bang! Bang--

The rustling debris began to fall from the burning tower with its "bujibuji" steps.

This moment.

Songye only thought that the stairs would be damaged, right?

No, we will be buried underneath!


With the "heavyweight" Forger out of the way, results soon came to fruition.

Snap! Pat, pat—

Many wood chips fell down, including the one with a wisp of flame.

Geng Gui saw this and picked it up.


As you can see, it fell by itself, not by me.

Matsuba: "."

The little guys nodded.

Gengar from Matsuba, who found it amusing, also nodded with a smile.

Songye suddenly had a feeling, why did his Gengar seem a little weird today?

However, he still hurriedly suggested:

"Ahem, Teacher Jinghe, let's go to the gym. There are a lot of them in the gym."

If we stay any longer, we may not be able to get out of the burning tower today.


Songye's Gengar waved to Jinghe's Gengar.

Walk! I'll take you there!

The purple-skinned fat man patted Gengar Songye on the shoulder happily.

Good brother!

Then, they walked upstairs on their own.

Matsuba: "."

Jing He and the other little guys also followed.

He glanced at Songye, who was standing still, and reminded:

"Matsuye Pavilion Master, let's go."

"oh oh."

Songye reacted and followed.

After a slight hesitation, he couldn't help but ask:

"Teacher Jinghe, has your Gengar always been like this?"

Although Songye's Gengar also likes to play pranks and be naughty, Songye feels that some of the things his Gengar does are still within the scope of his understanding.

But Jinghe's Gengar seemed to be somewhat beyond his understanding.

The most obvious point is.

Why does his Gengar seem to have become an honest little brother?

Jing He looked a little confused.

This question is asked.

"Gengar, aren't they all like this?"

His Geng Gui and King Juzi's Geng Gui are almost like this.

On the way back to Yuanzhu Gym.

Songye gradually discovered the difference between his own Gengar and Jinghe's Gengar.

In other words, it was the difference between how he and Jing He treated Geng Gui.

Songye knows that Gengar is naughty and loves to play pranks, so his attitude is often: Gengar can't do this, don't do it, it's not good, how can he make Gengar more obedient.

Jing He’s attitude towards Geng Gui is

Gengar, when dealing with different people and Pokémon, the degree of pranks must be appropriate. You must have a sense of proportion between those who are strong and those who are weak.

This is the difference between blockage and sparseness.

Jing He has always advocated guiding Pokémon's respective characteristics in a direction that is more suitable for it.

This made Songye sigh.

"As expected of a Pokémon psychology instructor, I've failed in my studies."

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