Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 330 Evolution! Dragonite! Rebuilding the glory of the Dragon King! (Monthly vote requested!)

Bang! !

Dragonite's fist was blocked by Haxorus's tail.

A dull sound was made.


Feeling the power from Haxorus' tail, Dragonite's eyes flashed with a little surprise.

Not bad.


Haxorus also called out softly, and was not surprised by Dragonite's sudden attack without any warning.


In this collision with Dragonite, it also clearly felt its own progress.

During the Dragonite period, it grew freely in the Dragon Sanctuary, and the one it admired most was Dragonite, its father.

Because every time Dragonite attacked, no matter what enemy or opponent it was, there was no possibility of winning.

Dragonite was the guardian of the Dragon Sanctuary.

So, Dragonite at that time also wanted to be like Dragonite.


No matter how it tried at that time, it was only Dragonite's palm patting its head.

It seemed that in Dragonite's eyes, it would always be a child who would never grow up, and it had no qualifications to challenge it.

But now.

When it returned to the Dragon Sanctuary again, it was greeted by Dragonite's fist.

In Haxorus's opinion, it finally qualified to fight Dragonite.


Haxorus gave an excited long roar.

"This is." Jinghe, who was standing by, saw this scene and couldn't help asking.


Xiaochun answered him with only two words.

Why are the dragon-type Pokémon in the Dragon Sanctuary so strong?

That's all because of beating.

Jinghe was stunned.


Dad beats his son?

So Adu often beats you, which is also the tradition of the Dragon Family?

In his opinion.

It's more like the son went out to make a living, and finally came home, and the old father wanted to see his son's progress.

"If that's the meaning, it's much easier to understand."

Jinghe felt a strong desire to fight in Haxorus.


Dragonite suddenly roared, his eyes became sharp, and the seemingly delicate wings behind him shook violently, rolling up milky white airflows.

At the same time, its momentum was also rising like its rising posture.

Dragon Dance!

It's real!

Jing He's heart tightened slightly, and just as he was about to speak, Xiao Chun beside him hurriedly said:

"Don't go, don't get involved!"

At the same time.

The short white wings next to Hakron's head quickly grew larger, and as it waved, it also rolled up airflow, chasing the Dragonite above with a seemingly more agile posture.

The same Dragon Dance!

The two dragons circled and rose in the air, and the bright sunlight projected their silhouettes on the ground.

The big movement caused the little guys in the Dragon Sanctuary to put down their things and look up.


Hakron groaned again, and the bright white light on his body was shining during the day. At an extremely fast speed, like an arrow, he shot straight at Dragonite.


Dragonite's eyes were serious, but there was a little sarcasm on his face.

With a flap of wings, a layer of white light enveloped his body. After a brief pause in the air, he rushed towards Hakron without hesitation.

It was also extremely fast!

Bang! !

The two dragons collided head-on in the air, bursting out with a rolling roar and shaking out a circle of white air waves.

The leaves of the trees in the sanctuary were rolled up, making a rustling sound.

The grass and flower beds all over the ground were suppressed, and waves were turned up.


Hakron screamed in pain, flew backwards, and rolled uncontrollably in the air.

Dragonite hovered in place, watching the Hakron that was knocked away, nodding slightly, but did not stop.


Bear! !

Dragonite suddenly put on a blue-purple dragon coat, roaring and chasing after the falling Hakron.

The extremely fast speed, the terrifying breath, bursts of air-breaking sounds.

Dragon Dive!

When Haxorus, who was flying backwards, felt the approaching Dragonite again, he was suddenly startled and kept flapping his wings to keep himself steady.

Then a giant dragon coat appeared on his body, and he faced Dragonite again fearlessly.

But seeing this, Jinghe couldn't help it.

He shouted: "Hakorus, quickly avoid it!"

Hearing Jinghe's voice, Haxorus didn't hesitate at all, and the dragon's diving coat on his body instantly faded away, and then turned into a white light, avoiding Dragonite's dragon dive.

Boom! !

Dragonite fell heavily to the ground, making a rumbling sound.

Haxorus also flew back to Jinghe's side.


Jinghe knocked Haxorus's head unhappily and said:

"You have forgotten everything I taught you. Why do you need to use fighting moves when fighting Dragonite? His characteristic is still multiple scales."


Haxorus shrank his head and laughed awkwardly.

I was a little excited and forgot about it.

Jinghe: "."

Kuailong walked out of the pit slowly, and his eyes swept over Jinghe and Haxlon.

He nodded slightly.

In that case, then you two should come together!


Xiaochun wanted to say something, but the Dragon Elder came to her at some point and stopped her with a smile.


The Dragon Elder nodded, signaling her to continue watching.

Jinghe and Haxlon looked at each other.

Everything is left unsaid.

Then Jing He looked at Kuailong and happened to catch Kuailong's gaze.

That look seems to be saying: Let me see how far you have progressed!


Kuailong roared, and a mouthful of hot dragon breath spurted out from its mouth.

You want to see progress, right?

Jing He clenched his fist fiercely and shouted:



Hackron flapped its wings again and flew into the air, almost grazing the edge of the dragon's breath at an extremely tricky angle.

A little surprise flashed in Kuailong's eyes, but he flapped his wings again and chased after him.

"Move at high speed and fly!"

Air currents appeared on Hackron's body, and its speed continued to increase under the layers of wrapping.

From a distance, the Hackron looks like a white arrow flying at high speed in the air!

Seeing that Kuailong could not catch up, he was also preparing to move at high speed.

But that's it.

"Quickly, shoot it back!"

Hackron suddenly turned around, and when Kuailong didn't expect it, white light flashed past its side.

Bang! !

The speed blessing of two Dragon Dances, the speed blessing of high-speed movement, plus divine speed.

This is no longer just a quick move, but speed in exchange for power!

Kuailong staggered in the air.

It’s a bit interesting.

A slight smile appeared on Kuailong's face.

But the next second, it became more serious.


In an instant.

A dark red terrifying air flow appeared on Kuailong's body, and its eyes gradually became bloodshot.

Inverse scale, open!

However, Kuailong's mind was not affected by the negative effects of Ni Lin, and instead, with the help of Ni Lin's terrifying blessing, he rushed towards Hacker Dragon again.

Jing He's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw this scene.

Good guy!

Controllable reverse scale, you are cheating, right?

In the blink of an eye, Kuailong approached Hackron.

"Hold on!" Jing He shouted hurriedly.

Bang! !

The emerald green barrier shattered instantly, and Hackron fell heavily to the ground like a cannonball.


Hackron shook up the dust.


Kuailong landed, the red light still lingering on his body.

It nodded to Jing He and Hackron.

OK, enough.

Hackron's progress has been recognized by it.


But Harkeron, who had always wanted to be strong in his life, became more determined to refuse to admit defeat, and he shouted at Kuailong vigorously.

Kuailong in this state should be beaten with his head.

Jing He felt somewhat helpless.

But when he saw Hackron's eyes and felt its unwillingness to give up, he had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​not fighting.

Hackron will be satisfied at least if he blocks Kuailong's full blow head-on.

Then face this situation.

There is no other way.

"Hakron!" Jing He shouted.


Hackron looked at Jing He.

The gazes of one person and one Pokémon met, and at this moment, their hearts resonated with each other.

Jing He nodded slightly.


Hackron grinned.

From the day it left here with Jing He, it no longer had to face anything alone!



A dazzling white light burst out from Hackron's body.

"This is."

Xiaochun was startled suddenly, "Light of evolution?!"

All the elf balls on Jing He's waist were opened, and the little ones appeared one after another.

Looking at the Harkerosaurus wrapped in white light, they looked excited.


Rush the duck! Hack Dragon, the Dragon King sits every year and comes to our house this year! !

It is our duty to recast the glory of the Dragon King!

Bang! !

The light of evolution dissipated in an instant, and in the star-like crystals, Kuailong's tall and fleshy orange figure was surging with high-spirited fighting spirit.

Hack dragon evolves, fast dragon! !

BGM, up!


Kuailong spread his arms, spread his wings, and roared at the Kuailong opposite.

A terrifying wave of air burst out from it.

When Kuailong on the opposite side saw this scene, his eyes could not help but reveal a bit of astonishment.

Immediately afterwards, its fighting spirit began to rise.

good! good! good!

bring it on! !

The dark red air flow rose again.

"What a frightening momentum and determination." Elder Dragon murmured.

But after evolution, is Kuailong comparable to the Guardian God of the Sanctuary?

Is the gap still huge?

Xiaochun thought.

But Jing He's command shocked her again.


Jing He shouted loudly, "Ni Lin!"


After evolution, Kuailong also mastered the scale-reverse move!

One punch and you win!

"The newly evolved Kuailong uses reverse scale?" Xiao Chun's throat was a little dry.

How can anyone use Reverse Scale as soon as they evolve and comprehend it? Aren't they afraid of losing control?

And I didn’t say it before, don’t fight.

boom! !

Dark red cyclones also burst out from Jing He's Kuailong.

Its breath became violent and raging!

Out of control?


But Jing He believed in Kuailong and himself.

Jing He raised his arms horizontally with his five fingers open.

The power of waveguide is in the heart!

"Dragonite, calm down! Think of something happy!"

Jing He's voice rang in Dragonite's mind.

"Think about it, there was no seasoning packet in Gengar's instant noodles last night!"

Geng Gui: "???"


At the same time.

The Dragonite on the opposite side clenched his fist and rushed over.


Jing He's Dragonite shook his head violently, his breath was still violent and his expression was abnormally ferocious, but in the depths of Dragonite's eyes, while struggling, he regained a brief clarity.

Reverse scale, open it for me! !

With the help of the power of waveguide, Jing He, who got feedback in an instant, showed a wanton smile on his face.

Indeed, even if it has evolved, there is still a gap in strength between Dragonite and Dragonite.

And even if it is the same controllable reverse scale, his own Dragonite is definitely far inferior to the Dragonite of the Sanctuary.

But his own Dragonite also has advantages.

Two dragon dances and high-speed movement, such speed and strength gains, if not utilized, there is a high probability that it will still be defeated.


"Dragonite, speed!"

Dark red cyclones surged on Dragonite's body, as if it turned into a sharp arrow and shot out.

On its body, there was a grass-green fragment, faintly rippling.

In an instant.

The two Dragonites met head-on.

Fists and fists, auras and auras, eyes and eyes.

Bang! !

Boom--! ! !

The terrifying air waves shook, the ground collapsed, and large pieces of rocks flew and shattered.


The Dragonite of the Dragon Holy Land staggered and flew out of the dust.

With it, there was Jinghe's Dragonite.

They looked at each other, landed and stood still.

The wings flapped.

The dust was dispersed!

This punch.

It hit!

The red light on the Dragonite of the Dragon Holy Land faded.

At this point, it was very, very satisfied.

Very good!

This is its evaluation of its child.

When the red light on Jinghe's Dragonite faded, the fierceness in its eyes instantly dissipated, and it sat on the ground with a buttock, and its state was obviously much weaker.


It blew on its palm, then looked at Jinghe, showing its red hand pitifully.


It's swollen.

Jinghe couldn't help laughing out loud.

It's you who want to be strong, you must fight.


"Well done, Dragonite."


PS: Although it's late, 3,600 words are sent, please vote for the monthly ticket!

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