Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 129 I would like to call him

Chapter 129 I would like to call him a "scheming person"! (4.2k words, please vote for me!)

The Academic Affairs Office moved a large instrument to the arena. At first glance, it looked a bit like a lottery machine, except that the balls inside became Poké Balls, which are Pokémon used for teaching in the academy.

All twelve Pokémon from the mentors will be shaken out, and the Pokémon you get is completely random.

Some people may ask, isn't it only fair that the twelve Pokémon available to both sides of the battle are exactly the same?


This is not a game, where are the exact same Pokémon?

Even if the moves and characteristics are the same, there are bound to be differences to some extent.

Therefore, this is already considered the fairest way.

"Kou Jie Kou Jie~~"



Ghost Stone, Ice Vulpix and Little Blacksmith, the three little guys were holding the cheerleader's bouquet in their hands and cheering Jing He on in the audience.

Although it feels a bit of a shame not to have to fight them.

But if Jing He can win this game, he will not only advance to the semi-finals, but also get the prize of the semi-finals, an "Evolution Stone"!

That thing is precious.

Moreover, after advancing to the semi-finals, there will be no loan games. Will they have to take action later?

The opponents you will encounter by then will be stronger.

Come to think of it, I still have a little expectation.

On the playing field.

Jing He took the plate handed by the staff, with twelve Poké Balls placed on it, as well as a simple list of these Pokémon.

There are only Pokémon names, attribute names, and move lists, but not any more detailed descriptions.

The staff said he had ten minutes to prepare.

If you need any props, you can tell him directly, but one person can choose up to six items.

And when Jing He saw the twelve Pokémon he had drawn, he immediately felt a little dizzy.

Lada, Arbor, Crocodile, Hunting Swallowtail, Wind Ball, Edelweiss Moth

However, one Pokémon caught his attention.


Grass-type and normal-type Olive Pokémon generally have a gentle personality and are good at special attack and special defense.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

Jing He's opponent this time is Karl, the counselor of class 3, second grade in the combat department, who has outstanding strength and ability.

On the big screen in the arena, the heads of the two people were projected, as well as three elf balls.

At the referee's signal, the two men walked onto the field.

Carl wears a pair of glasses and looks tall, thin and gentle, with a confident smile on his face. He seems to be very confident in the three Pokémon he has chosen and his tactics.

But he said:

"Teacher Jinghe, please be merciful."

Seeing how he clearly felt that he was "certain of victory" but had to pretend to be humble, Jing He had a good word to describe him in this state.


Although Jing He is somewhat famous, especially in terms of tactics.

But in Karl's view, Jing He was using his "interest" to challenge his "job."

Jing He may have some tactical ability, but in the random Pokémon mode of choosing 3 out of 12, the requirements for a mentor are too high.

More importantly, he was lucky enough to land on a Pokémon that was already a good match for him.

In the 12-choose-3 mode, luck is also a very important factor.

And in the face of Karl's "humility".

Jing He responded with a smile.



Karl was startled and slowly narrowed his eyes.

At the referee's signal, both sides got ready.

"The battle begins!"

"Go, Flame Horse!"

"Come on, Oliva!"

Two elf balls were thrown at the same time.

"Grass-type versus fire-type, Jinghe will suffer if it's the first Pokémon."

"By the way, where is Oliva's Pokémon?"

"Teacher Carl is best at fire and flying Pokémon. It seems like Teacher Carl is more lucky this time."

"Luck? Luck is also part of strength."


When they saw the two Pokémon appearing, the audience started talking.

Because this quarterfinal match may involve a relatively high level of tactics, professional commentary will be provided.

"Oliva is a Pokémon from the distant Padia region! It seems that our teacher Jing He has a good understanding of the Pokémon in the Padia region! But it's a pity that it hit Teacher Carl's gun On the mouth.”

"Some students may not know the advantages of the Flame Horse. Let me briefly explain it to you."

Flame Horse is good at physical attack and extremely fast, while Oliva is better at special attack and special defense and is extremely slow, coupled with restraint in attributes.

After listening to it, the audience immediately felt that...

This is completely impossible to fight!

"Flame Horse, Flash Charge!" Karl waved his hand with confidence on his face.

I saw that the flame horse, which was already wrapped in flames, was completely wrapped in the flames, and rushed towards Oliva at an extremely fast speed like a meteor.

And with Oliva's speed, it was impossible to even dodge.

However, Jing He's command also exceeded everyone's expectations.

"Oliva, put the parasitic seeds under your feet."

As soon as Oliva planted the tiny seeds, the flaming horse covered in blazing flames rushed towards him.

The speed gap between the two sides is so huge that there is not much room for maneuver.

boom! !

Oliva was knocked away directly.


The referee raised the flag.

"Oliva lost his ability to fight! He was killed instantly by Flamehorse! Because the item carried by Mr. Karl's Flamehorse is 'Charcoal'!"

[Charcoal: Increases the power of fire-attribute moves by about 20%]


The whole audience was in an uproar again.

A Pokémon was killed instantly right after coming up?

How can we fight?

Is Mr. Jinghe no longer good?

However, when Oliva was knocked away, several seeds fell from its body again, and those seeds took root and sprouted at a very fast speed, quickly spreading all over the field.

"But Oliva's characteristic is 'dropping seeds', and the field now becomes a 'green grass field'!"

"At the same time, because Flamehorse performed 'Flash Charge', it must bear the rebound damage caused by the collision. Wait! Oliva is carrying a 'convex helmet', so the damage suffered by Flamehorse is increased!"

The Flamehorse on the field roared in pain.

[Convex Helmet: When the attacker performs a contact move, the attack will rebound and lose the attacker's physical strength]

"Damn, wearing the 'Convex Helmet', Teacher Jinghe is worthy of being Teacher Jinghe, but it's dirty!"

"Doesn't that mean that Teacher Jinghe has already prepared to 'sacrifice' Oliva?"

"And, Flame Horse is also entangled by the 'Parasitic Seed'."

The careful audience found out.

The rebound damage of "Flash Charge", the rebound damage of "Convex Helmet" plus the "Parasitic Seed", although Flame Horse killed Oliva in seconds, it seems that it does not have much advantage!

In addition, the venue has been turned into a "green grass venue"!

"'Green Grass Venue'. Will Teacher Jinghe's next Pokémon still be a grass-type?"

"Aren't grass-type Pokémon still deadly to Flame Mark?"

Jinghe took back Oliva and smiled at the Poké Ball:

"You did a good job, let them do it next."

The second Poké Ball was thrown out quickly.

The Pokémon that appeared exceeded everyone's expectations.

It turned out to be a ghost-type and flying-type hot air balloon Pokémon, Windball!

"Teacher Jinghe's luck is really bad. It seems that the Pokémon he drew are not systematic and not very strong."

"So what is the role of the 'Green Grass Field'? Slowly restore physical strength?"

Everyone still has some understanding of Windball. It is a Pokémon with relatively low physical strength, but extremely poor double defense.

In simple terms, it is a "wooden stake" with thick blood.

But Windball soon gave the answer.

As soon as Windball appeared, a seed fell from its body, the Grass Seed!

[Grass Seed: When the field is the 'Green Grass Field', the physical defense ability is improved]

But. That's it?

This is what everyone thinks.

"The characteristic of Windball is 'lightweight'. After losing the props it carries, the speed ability doubles!"

Fortunately, the commentator gave an answer that everyone could barely accept.

Carl frowned.

If the Flame Horse uses "Flash Charge" again, it will lose its combat capability, and the speed of the "Lightly-equipped" Wind Ball is already faster than the Flame Horse, so it is easy to make the attack miss.

"Flame Horse, Charge Flame Attack!"

It can be seen that the flames on the Flame Horse's feet suddenly increased, and it ran on the field again with its already fast speed.

But Jing He seemed not to see it, and just commanded:

"Wind Ball, avoid it, and then get smaller."

The size of the Wind Ball shrank a lot at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the dodge ability was improved. Coupled with its own extremely fast speed, the Flame Horse's "Charge Flame Attack" was cleverly avoided.

However, the speed of the Flame Horse was also improved under the "Charge Flame Attack".

"Wind Ball, continue to get smaller."

"Flame Horse, another Charge Flame Attack!"

The two sides seemed to be playing hide-and-seek on the field, but the extremely fast and constantly shrinking Wind Ball was really not so easy to catch.

But luck was on Carl and Flame Horse's side again this time, and "Charge Flame Attack" successfully hit the Wind Ball.

But Jing He's command was

"Make it smaller again."

The third time it made it smaller!

The huge Wind Ball became only the size of a fist.

"Is this a shrinking tactic?"

"But wouldn't it be useless if we 'make it smaller' when facing heavy pressure moves?"

"But Flame Horse doesn't seem to have mastered it? He can use moves with a larger range."

Although Flame Horse was hit by the "Parasitic Seed", it didn't fall down for a long time because the "Green Grass Field" was still restoring its strength.

Carl obviously realized that even if Flame Horse was faster, it might not be able to hit the Wind Ball, so he changed his tactics immediately.

"Flame Horse, spray flames, cover a large area!"

Although Flame Horse is good at physical attacks, generally speaking, fire-type Pokémons are both physical and magical.

The blazing flames enveloped half of the field in an instant, wrapping up the Wind Ball.

And Jing He's command also changed at this moment.

"Windball, meditate."

[Meditation: Increases the special defense and special attack capabilities of Pokémon]

Neither dodge nor evade. Although the range of "Jet Fire" is expanded and the power is reduced, it still causes damage.

Oh, Windball has "Green Grass Field" and "Draw Strength", so it's okay.

[Draw Strength: Restores its own physical strength according to the opponent's physical attack ability, while reducing the opponent's physical attack ability]

Then the picture is.

With this speed advantage, Windball quickly achieves "Meditation × 6"!

After stacking "Meditation", the physical strength is still almost full!

During this period, the Flame Horse finally fell under the "parasitic seeds".

Carl's second Pokémon is a fire-type Pyrozoon!

Explosivemon has mastered the "Tarzan Overwhelm" move and is very capable of restraining "smaller" Pokémon. It can even eliminate the ghost-type's immunity to normal types because it has inherited the "see through" move.


"Keep, don't keep, keep" alternately, during which "absorbing power", "substitute" and "meditation" are interspersed with the speed of the wind ball.

Carl and the fire beast had no idea at all.

In the end, even if Sui Feng Qiu was able to defeat the Fire Beast's "mountain pressure", it would not be defeated by an instant kill because it had already "absorbed" many of the Fire Beast's physical attacks and relied on its own solid physical strength.

After the wind balls are stacked with "Meditation".

Here comes the real key to Jing He's tactics.

"Follow the wind, take the baton!"

Wow! !

"I thought it was a 'get smaller' tactic, but I didn't expect it was a 'take over' tactic!"

"Six times! Six times is full of special attack and special defense abilities. Even if the substitute is a dog, he is still the king of special attack!"

"Snow, edelweiss moth? Four times weaker than fire?"

The replacement was an edelweiss moth!

Ice-type and insect-type edelweiss moths are four times weaker than fire!

Facing a fire-type Explosive Beast is almost like a "death" act!

But don't forget.

Firemon was absorbed a lot of power by the wind ball, and its physical attack ability was greatly reduced. Although Firemon is better at special attacks than physical attacks, but...

This is the edelweiss moth that has inherited six "meditations" through "passing on the baton"!

In other words, the Edelweiss Moth’s special attack and special defense are maxed out at this moment!

more importantly.

"Edelweiss moth, wall of light!"

Jing He smiled slightly and commanded.

"Oh ho ho!!" The commentator became excited.

"Students! Let me tell you some 'unfortunate' news. Teacher Jing He's edelweiss moth has the characteristic of 'ice scale powder'!"

[Ice Scale Powder: The damage taken by Pokémon with this characteristic from special moves is halved. 】

Special protection against overfilling!

And the special attack damage caused by "Ice Scale Powder" is halved, plus the special attack damage caused by "Light Wall" is halved.

"Holy shit, shit! With this bonus and the attribute of 'Ice Scale Powder', even if Explosive Beast restrains himself from using 'Fire Breathing' four times, it's still the same as scraping! The question is, has Explosive Beast mastered 'Fire Breathing'?"

"The four-fold restraint is completely offset by the 'Light Wall' and 'Ice Scale Powder', but the full special defense makes Doron Baruto cry when he sees it!"

"I really didn't feel anything when I watched it before, but now if I'm put in Teacher Carl's shoes, I feel a little nauseous!"

"It turns out that every step is a calculation! It's full of calculations. I would like to call Teacher Jing He the 'calculator'!"

"Wait! Don't forget, the Edelweiss Moth is not only full of special defense, but also special attack!"

Finally, a blind star discovered Hua Dian.

The Edelweiss Moth's special attack racial value is as high as 125 points!

Plus six special attack enhancements.

Some people may not understand the concept of six reinforcements. To put it simply, it means that the ability is increased by 400%!

"Now even if Mr. Carl is given six more, no, twelve Pokémon in turn, the result will be the same!"

Push the team!

Flat push without a doubt!

The most attractive part of the "baton-taking" tactic is the push after the "baton-taking" is completed.

What's even worse is that the props Edelweiss Moth brought were "leftovers."

Fill up the fault tolerance directly!

In the end, Karl actually wanted to struggle.

Trying to use the "Purge Smoke" of the third Pokémon Coal Turtle to eliminate all the ability bonuses of Edelweiss Moth.

Not to mention that the edelweiss moth is faster than the coal turtle.

Moreover, the "clearing smoke" is not as easy to hit as in the game, and it takes time to float over.

Just being a "substitute" makes "Purge Smoke" completely ineffective.


Jing He relied on extremely "quality" tactics to win!

And this battle was filmed and broadcast live from beginning to end——

PS: I accidentally wrote too much, this chapter is 4.2k! 1.1k words today! The more I wrote yesterday and the more I wrote today are worth adding one more chapter. Otherwise, can we just add one more update? Finally, please vote for me!

PPS: I used this tactic myself on the Edelweiss Moth and the Fighting Titanium Regal Regal, and even the Coal Turtle. Don’t learn it from me, and if you do, don’t say it was taught by me. I haven't played in more than a year, so it may be out of date.

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