Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 356 Hypnosis Trilogy! (4000 words, monthly vote requested!)

"I need some time!" Jing He said solemnly.

Sirona nodded solemnly.

"Leave it to me!"

It didn't require too many words or exchanges, and the two of them took action immediately.

"Kyuubi, trick, take over!"

Bing Jiuwei's eyes glowed with black light, and his figure returned to the elf ball wrapped in red light. The Gengar who replaced him immediately received the blessing of trickery.


Geng Gui's dark and solid body had a faint glimmer of light.

"Gengar, trick!"

At Jing He's signal, Gengar also followed up with tricks and superimposed abilities.

At the same time, the Nine Tails appeared again, with the howling wind and snow flying majestically, and its nine tails also stretched out.

"Aurora Curtain!"

Gorgeous barriers emerged, constantly stacking up in front of Jing He, Sirona and all the Pokémon, hazy, dreamlike, as if they were building an absolute barrier.

at the same time.

The waveguide power in Jing He surged wildly.

His voice was solemn and filled with determination.

"Quick Dragon, Dragon Dance!"


Kuailong flaps its wings and rises, circling in a special rhythm.

The next moment.

Jing He's eyes flashed.

"Reverse Scale, open!!"


A surging and violent dark red aura suddenly emerged from the Kuailong flying in the air. An angry will instantly rushed into its mind, and bloodshot eyes covered the whites of its eyes.

But Kuailong quickly calmed down with Jing He's help and his own efforts.

"Great Blacksmith, Mr. Tan, help!"



The two little guys shouted.

The giant blacksmith raised the extremely heavy hammer and shot out a beam of white light that fell on Kuailong's body, making Kuailong's already high fighting spirit instantly rise again.

Flames erupted all over Tan Xiaoshi. Bathed in the flames, it faintly covered Kuailong with a touch of golden light, giving it more lasting physical strength!

"Apprentice Xiong, guide!"


The bear apprentice tightened his headgear and his eyes were firm, adding a boosting halo to all the Pokémon in the room.

The power accumulated on Kuailong at this moment made Wu Song and others who were fighting fiercely look sideways and hold their breath.

This posture.

Daye was doubting whether his flame monkey could withstand this blow.

Sirona didn't pay attention to this side, she was concentrating on dealing with Rejichikas' onslaught.


At this time, Regichkas is not in full strength, and may not even be half of it, plus the restrictions of "slow start" and a series of poisoning and burning buffs previously given to it.

But Regigicas is Regigicas after all. For Sirona now, it is still very difficult to deal with it alone, and she must concentrate.

However, she believed that Jing He would find an appropriate entry point to intervene in the battle at the right time.


Jing He, who had deployed the power of waveguide, had already observed the surrounding situation to a meticulous level.

at the same time.

He also sensed the sudden arrival of a group of "uninvited guests".

"I said, Kojiro, are you driving in the wrong direction? Why are the earthquakes getting bigger and bigger, and there are strange screams!"

On the jeep, Musashi grabbed Kojiro's collar and shouted.

"It was obviously Musashi who asked me to drive this way!" Kojiro said "strongly".

"Stop making noise, Meow!" Meowth kicked Musashi away, pulled on Kojiro's head with a paw, and shouted: "Drive away quickly, I think something terrible is going to happen, Meowth!"


These guys actually came here.

Jing He was stunned for a moment and then couldn't help but smile.

Okay, okay, an excellent "insurance" is here!

"Lucario, close combat!"


Lucario seized the opportunity created by biting the land shark, and jumped up without hesitation in the face of the huge Regigicas. His strong fists immediately hit Regigicas like raindrops. On the body.


Although Regigigas is a mythical beast, it is also a normal-type Pokémon. Fighting-type moves are undoubtedly the greatest restraints on it.

That's it now!


The confident smile on Jing He's face became stronger and stronger, and he said with stern eyes:

"Speed ​​Dragon's Dive! Kill it for me!!"

Holding back the rage brought by Ni Lin, Kuailong flying in the air glowed with white light, and then put on the dragon's coat, like a meteorite, and crashed straight towards Regichkas.


Pour it for me! !

boom--! !

There was a huge roaring sound, like a bell being struck hard. Under the huge force, Rejichikas began to stagger, and his body retreated uncontrollably.

"Apprentice Xiong, Little Attendant Tan, Great Blacksmith!"

The prepared Great Blacksmith's whole body tensed up, holding up its Bear Disciple and Tan Xiaoshi like two fully drawn bowstrings. After hearing Jing He's order, the Great Blacksmith suddenly Throw it as a prop.


The cannonball-like Great Blacksmith shortened the distance between him and Regichkas in a very short time.



The Ice Nine Tails raised its upper body, its eyes shimmering with superpowers, and the ice energy condensed with its call.


Layers of frost cover the hammer, which is the permanent ice wall of Ice Nine Tails!


Boom! !

With the giant blacksmith's roar, the hammer hit Regichkas's foot hard.

For a while.

The ancient god could no longer stabilize his figure, and his terrifying huge body fell backwards.

Cui Wei's body was like a mountain, and the shadow when he fell shrouded everything.

boom! !

The ground let out painful wails, and countless piles of snow were shaken up and scattered into white crystals.

"Hold it!"

Seeing this, Sirona didn't need Jing He to say anything, and already commanded her Pokémon to rush forward.

"Gengar!" Jing He looked at the fat purple-skinned man next to him who was eager to try.

"叏Ga! ヾ(▼▼;)"

Jing He grinned.


Hearing this, Gengar also grinned, placed his hands in front of his mouth like trumpets, and shouted towards Regichkas.


In the subconscious gaze cast by Rejichikas, he turned around and pointed his butt at Regichicas.

While twisting, he also patted twice.

Bang bang——

"Strange--Kahiss!! (▼DRAN▼)"

Is this a slap on Gengar's ass?

This is clearly a slap in the face to Regichicas!

Jing He's mouth twitched.

Your provocation is a bit too much.

But it has to be said that this completely attracted Regicikas' attention.

The strong wind howled, blowing Jing He's hair and clothes.

Jing He took a deep breath and gently adjusted his monocle.



Geng Gui looked at Jing He suddenly, as if he had been prepared for it, and rubbed his little hands excitedly.

"Mega evolution!"

Colorful rays of light suddenly rose, and countless super-evolved powers were liberated from the key stone. On Gengar's tongue, the super-evolved stones complemented each other, bursting out with gorgeous splendor.

The bond turned into a bridge, and the colorful light enveloped Gengar like a silk cocoon. Its momentum climbed crazily, and the light soared into the sky!

"W-what is this?!"

Daye, who was attracted by the light, opened his mouth and stumbled.

"Mega evolution?"

Wu Song also looked shocked. Gengar could actually evolve again?

Is this Teacher Jing He’s real trump card?

The dull hair on the back of A Liu's head stood straight, looking at Geng Gui wrapped in the light of evolution in trance.

Even Sirona looked shocked when she saw Gengar's condition.

But soon she smiled.

This is sure.

"Hey! Ga——!!"

The bright light faded, and Super Gengar appeared in everyone's sight!

It grinned evilly, its eyes glowed with a deep blue light, and it waved its hands towards Regichkas.

To me——




Reggie Kas's gaze was completely captured by Super Gengar. As Super Gengar kept waving his hands, Regic Kas's resistance seemed to be gradually slowing down.

Feeling the changes in Regichicas, the other three divine pillars became restless.

Just like when they tried to hypnotize Regichkas before, the Three Divine Pillars felt something strange about Regichcas and wanted to fulfill their duty of protection.

Only this time, Wu Song and the other three, who had regained their senses, gritted their teeth and tried their best to stop him.

Jing He took a deep breath again.

This is not the first time he has Mega Evolved with Gengar. Although he has become more proficient, the pressure is still real.

With sweat on his forehead, he forced himself to calm down, slowly closed his eyes, and stretched out his hands.

Waveguide, open!

Trying to hypnotize Regichicas was definitely not something that could be accomplished overnight. They had already experienced a failure.

Therefore, Jing He divided this "sleep plan" into three steps.

The first step is to get Regichicas back to sleep.


The signal light on Regichicas, who was lying on the ground, flashed much slower, but it could still make movements.

He stretched out a heavy palm, and a white light glowed in the palm, aiming at Jing He and Super Gengar who were undergoing hypnotherapy.

Sirona looked serious, took one step forward, and stood in front of Jing He.

"If you want to touch him, you have to get through me first!"


The sudden white light condenses, and the destructive light seems to explode at any time.

Jing He's thoughts moved slightly with his eyes closed.

"Rotom, now!"

"M-I understand, Lotto!"

The Rotom Pokédex is enveloped in the light of superpowers.

Exchange venues!

"Say, sew~nhiss?! (;Д`)"

"Sure enough, Weng, my safety will be left to you!"

Jing He's voice sounded in the heart of Guo Ranweng who suddenly appeared.

Guo Ranweng, who was still a little panicked at first, couldn't help but think of scenes between Jing He and it after hearing Jing He's voice.

The original acting president, Jing He, bought the hat and patted its head gently with encouraging and trusting eyes.

It is no exaggeration to say that in this world, Jing He is the person who trusts it the most and believes in its abilities!


White light comes.

"Sure enough, weng, counter punch!"


Sure enough, a colorful light appeared on Weng's body. It opened its mouth. Although it was afraid, it did not show any sign of giving in as long as it thought of the person behind it.


The Aurora Curtain superimposed by the Ice Nine-Tail played a huge role.

It greatly reduced the power of Regichikas' attack. At the same time, the Goran Weng lived up to expectations and resisted Regichikas' attack and bounced it back!

Sirona looked at the Goran Weng in surprise.

This Goran Weng.

Boom! !

Regichikas, who was hit by her punch, was a little confused.

"Geng Ga!!"

The second step of hypnosis!

Seize the moment when Regichikas lost consciousness!


The Ice Nine-Tail also intervened at this moment.

Regichikas' consciousness became chaotic.

The giant forgers who were prepared just in case were slightly relieved and gave the Goran Weng a thumbs up.

"Soo~ Soo Nanshi! (//▽//)"

Although he was scared to death, the Goran Weng still withstood it and kept scratching his head embarrassedly.

"Goran Weng——"

The trio drove over.

After learning from the Rotom Pokédex that it was Teacher Jinghe who called Ranran, the trio breathed a sigh of relief.

It was such a great feeling to be able to help Teacher Jinghe!

But things were not completely over.

The Giant Forge and the Pokémon of Sirona once again used all their strength to pin down Regigigas, whose movements and reactions were much slower.


Jinghe's waveguide contacted Machado hiding in a shadow.

"Ma, Masha!"

The little Machado had a tense face.

What, what? !

As the "Shadow Guide", it is not allowed to intervene in the "Chosen One" incident before the final trial.

What's more.

You don't want me to deal with this big guy, do you?

"You don't want anything to happen to the 'Rainbow Feather', do you?"

"Masha?! (_)"

"Ahem, sorry, I said it in a hurry, three meals! Three big meals, you can choose whatever you want to eat!"

Mashado's face tightened even more after hearing this.

Don't challenge the willpower of the great "Shadow Guide".

Three meals?

You use this to test the cadres?

Mashado swallowed his saliva.

"Five meals!"

"Otherwise you will just watch Gengar and the others eat in the future!"


There is such a "vicious" person!

My great "Shadow Guide" is threatened after all!


"Fight me in close combat, swing its head!"

The speed of the mind communication through the wave power is very fast.

And Mashado is worthy of the ability to "get things done for money", and he appeared next to the huge head of Regichikas in a flash.


He threw a combination of punches with all his strength.

It was as if all the "dissatisfaction" with Jing He was vented to Regichikas!


Regichikas was a little confused by this.

The third step of hypnosis!


A black light appeared on the body of Super Gengar, and a ball of dark energy was thrown at Regichikas.


The super power of Ice Nine-Tail emerged crazily.

Jing He also gritted his teeth and fully output the last waveguide.

"Go to sleep, big baby!"

Hypnosis trilogy, this is the new three steps!

Regichikas' figure suddenly stagnated.

After the signal light on his body flashed twice, it completely returned to calm.


Guigui was in tears.

Our "old Jing family's hypnosis" has become famous!

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