Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 361 Giratina's

"What is this?"

After finishing the "winter trip", on the way back, Jing He looked at a small claw that Geng Gui Qian Mimi took out, but he didn't show too much surprise.

After all, he knows the character of his own ghost best.

The fangs, claws, and stingers of some poisonous Pokémon are its after-meal snacks.

This small claw that doesn't look sharp at all is most likely the claw of a poison-type Pokémon that actively attacks Gengar.

But at this moment, Jing He's illustrated book, which had not seen any movement for a long time, reacted.

[Uxie's Claw: The claw shed by Uxie, the Legend of the Lake Pokémon, is said to contain the light of wisdom, allowing young Pokémon to gain more "wisdom." (Only those with great wisdom can obtain it.)]

Jing He: "???"

Claws of Uxie?

Jing He couldn't help but have question marks on his head.

Among the Three Holy Mushrooms, is the Yellow Holy Mushroom Yukoshi?


Jing He opened his mouth.

"Did you take off Uxie's claws?"

It actually wants to ask you what you did to Uxie, but considering that Gengar's strength is too great, he can't do anything to the legendary Uxie.

Moreover, Uxie is also a super-powered Pokémon and has restraint against Gengar.

Based on Geng Gui's understanding of Jing He, and seeing his stunned look, he knew that this claw was definitely not simple.

He immediately raised a finger, a smug smile on his face, and shook it gently.


That was its thank you gift to me.

"Thank you?"

Gengar then told the story of how he met Uxie, how he gave Uxie the energy cube, and finally how Uxie gave it a claw.


Faced with Jing He's suspicious expression, Geng Gui immediately said that Marshado could testify.

Seeing how confident it was, Jing He guessed that what it said might have been exaggerated, but it was probably pretty much the same.

This made Jing He think deeply.

When did my own Gui Gui master the ability to fool other Pokémon?

Still say.

When did Yukki become blind?

Do you think Gengar has great wisdom?


Geng Gui waved his palm in front of Jing He.

What happened?


Jing He came back to his senses and looked at the paw in his hand.

Generally speaking, Uxie's Claw actually does not have much practical effect. It may be that it can make some Pokémon awaken earlier and gain higher wisdom earlier.

But Uxie's Claw is actually one of the very important main materials for making a prop.

That prop is the red chain!

That is what Akari, the leader of Team Galaxy, wants to do, to implement a "bundle play" on Dialga and Palkia, the twin dragons of time and space.

Hey, a prop that can control the two dragons of time and space!

Just give it to Gengar?

If Giratina finds out about this thing

It is estimated that the majestic Pluto Dragon will jump up with excitement.

In addition to beating up Arceus, maybe bullying the two dragons of time and space can arouse Giratina's interest.

Negotiate with Giratina later.

This may be a good "condition".

By the way, it seems like I haven’t communicated with Giratina for a long time. Gengar may have been keeping in touch with it.

Jing He looked at Geng Gui with a "Come on, praise me" expression.

Patted it on the head.

In fact, "Uxie's Claw" is not completely useless at the moment.

According to the description, it allows young Pokémon to gain more "wisdom", which your own Elf Egg can just use.

When the time comes to give birth to a very smart hatchling, it will be quite suitable for my identity as a "Pokémon Psychologist".

"Tan-chan, this claw is for the elf egg."


Tan Xiaoshi didn't know why.

But I think Jinghe’s arrangement is not wrong.

He nodded solemnly, strung it up with a rope, and tied it to the elf egg.


The little guy inside the elf egg seemed to be aware of it and shook slightly.

With Tan Xiaoshi’s “flame body” characteristics, this little guy might be born soon.

Waited for a day.

There were no more accidents in Xuefeng City.


After learning what happened in the Xuefeng Temple, the Elder God Generation of the Battle Pyramid in the Fengyuan Battle Development Area drove over directly in the Battle Pyramid.

With the Gods in charge, even if something happens to the Xuefeng Temple, they can probably hold on until the top leaders of the alliance arrive.

Ever since.

Jing He and others left.

Before leaving, he went to find Shintori and the trio. While giving gifts to them, he also asked Shintori to bring a gift to Boss Sakaki.

Under the tearful wave of the trio, Jing He left Xuefeng City by plane.

Arrive at Shenhe Town.

At the same time, it was time for everyone to separate.

Aliu is going to go to EMI Forest to try to catch a Pokémon with both insect and water types.

Sirona needs to stay and complete the final summary and report of their historical relic investigation with Dr. Jie Zilan. Only after these reports are completed can the task issued by the alliance be officially completed.

At that time, a large amount of funds will be allocated.

Some of them belong to Jinghe.

So Jing He originally wanted to stay in Shenhe Town to help improve the thesis together.

It's definitely not because Sirona's training ground has been repaired.

But later, after learning that Daye was going back to Binhai City, Jinghe temporarily changed his plan.

Den-ci, the gym leader of Binhai City!

Jinghe had not forgotten that Den-ci's Pikachu had asked him for help, hoping that he could help cure Den-ci's "war-weariness".

In fact, Jinghe also tried to ask Sirona for help afterwards.

Although it had some effect, it did not seem to be completely improved.

So since he came to Sinnoh this time, and it happened that Daye was going back to Binhai City, he decided to go together.

As for Wusong.

Originally, Wusong wanted to go back to Shuimai City to rest.

During this period, even with his photographic memory, he had absorbed too much knowledge at once and was a little tired.

In addition, he faced various emergencies one after another, and he felt more or less tired.


In the end, he followed Daye and Jinghe to Binhai City.

Because under Jinghe's suggestion, Daye said that he did not have a flying Pokémon for the time being and had no money to rent a private plane, so he might only have one way to go back to Shuimai City with Wusong.

Thinking that Daye might stay in Shuimai City for who knows how many days

Wusong immediately decided to send Daye and Jinghe to Binhai City first, and then he would take a detour back to Shuimai City.

After a series of operations.

Jinghe and Daye got a free plane.

Shenhe Town.

Shirona stood in the square, one hand in her pocket, her black thick windbreaker straight.

She smiled and nodded slightly at Jinghe.

Jinghe sighed slightly and nodded.

Then he got on the plane.

"Rotom, start!"

"Got it, Loto!"

Buzz buzz buzz——

The plane engine started instantly.

It has to be said that Wusong's family is still rich, and the plane that came was actually equipped with a Rotom engine.

Jinghe has begun to look forward to the scene of Rotom Gundam.

If it can really be realized.

He will decisively invest more funds in the trio.

At that time.

What "anti-Regichikas armor", "anti-Grawo armor", and "anti-Arzeus armor" will no longer be an unattainable dream.

Maybe the technology tree of the entire Pokémon world will be turned because of this.


Da Ye, with a bruised face, was browsing his phone and screamed, "The website yesterday is gone!"

Jing He chuckled and continued to play Ice Ninetails calmly.

If Shirona knew about this kind of website, would she still want to stay?

Fortunately, he had browsed it last night.

It's nothing more than some eye-catching composite pictures.

"You haven't been beaten enough."

Wusong put down the book in his hand and looked at Daye with a little "resentment" in his eyes.

Da Ye seemed not to notice, but asked: "How long will it take us to Binhai City?"

"Five or six hours." Wu Song said lightly.

"Oh." Daye nodded, pulled a blanket and covered his head.

Then a muffled voice came.

"Then I'll take a nap first, and then go and beat up that guy Denci."

Wusong looked at Jing He calmly.

"Teacher Jing He, how do you commit a perfect crime?"

? ?

Jing He was considering whether to let Ice Ninetails shoot Wu Song, and said:

"Calm down, Wu Song."

Dealing with Daye will not save the Pokémon world.

Wu Song's mouth twitched.

"I won't trade with this reckless man!"

After taking a deep breath, he continued:

"What I want to ask is the group of people who stopped Kikuno Tenno."

Finally, someone paid attention to Team Galaxy.

No wonder Wu Song will become the busiest person among the Four Heavenly Kings of Sinnoh in the future.

"I always feel that there is a group of people hiding in some invisible corners of our Sinnoh." He pushed his glasses and said.

If Chi Ri is not crazy, he actually has some ability.

Now he is a well-known wealthy businessman in Sinnoh and has invested a lot of housing construction.

Using this as a springboard, he secretly recruited, bewitched, or fraudulently gathered many wealthy businessmen in the Sinnoh region.

Getting the financial support of this group of people, and then using these people to cover up the existence of Team Galaxy, if you don't investigate in depth, it is really difficult to find many clues.

Jing He's expression also became more serious.

He tapped his fingers lightly on the small table, and after thinking for a moment, he said:

"If you want to investigate, I'm afraid you can only start with the hunter organization that escaped from the alliance's net."

Wusong nodded.

Teacher Jing He's idea is consistent with his.

With the approval of Teacher Jing He, he thinks it should be fine.


Jing He said again:

"It is not something that ordinary people can do to trigger the Xuefeng Mountain volcano. It must involve some scientific knowledge."

At that time, Xuefeng Mountain was not very stable, and the alliance also supervised Xuefeng Mountain.

It is somewhat unrealistic to want to get close to the volcano of Xuefeng Mountain to make it active, and then leave quietly under the eyes of many people.

It must be through some external, long-distance means.

And the people who can use these means are most likely some scientists.

"So I think you can also start with some crazy scientists."

Wusong's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he added:

"Especially those crazy scientists who were abandoned or even banned by the alliance?"

Jinghe shrugged, not making any comment.

I can only say.

Pluto is indeed a good entry point for the Galaxy team.

After all, although Pluto is also a cadre of the Galaxy Team, he is not as devoted to Chiri as Zhenxing, Suixing, and Huoxing.

Pluto still has some of his own little thoughts.

"This is indeed a very insightful approach."

Wusong couldn't help but sigh.

"As expected of Teacher Jinghe."

He is good at and insightful about some "conspiracies and tricks".

Jinghe has another feeling.

Wusong seems to have transferred his "resentment" towards Daye and A Liu to the Galaxy Team?

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