Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 127: Carry on with the ‘pulling’ to the end (monthly vote requested!)

"The 'Move Learning Machine' is here!"

After the game, Jing He high-fived Ghost Stone and Bing Liuwei.

Their initial goal was to "make it" to the top eight and get the reward of a "move learning machine".

Now that the goal is achieved, there will be no psychological pressure later.

Moreover, the move library of Kanaz Pokémon Academy is relatively complete, but I don’t know if the “move learning machine” rewarded will limit the range of moves.

For example, "move learning machines" for moves such as "Sword Dance" and "Destruction of Light" are difficult to obtain and can hardly be purchased outside.

If you can get these moves, it will be a huge profit.

Return to the auditorium.


Dawu's boss Dora almost burst into tears when he saw Jing He coming back.

After carefully putting the little blacksmith down.

It turned into red light and got back into the elf ball on Daigo's waist.

Question marks appeared on Jing He's head.

Then he looked at the little blacksmith.


The little blacksmith tilted his head and blinked with an innocent and cute look.

In the end, Jing He could only look at Da Wu.

But Daigo had a gentle smile on his face and said:

"It was the little blacksmith who helped Boscodora discover his shortcomings."


Dujuan and Yasha on the side gave him hints.

His eyes fell on the little blacksmith's hand.

I saw it grabbing a piece of dark gray metal.

Jing He: "??"

He looked at the little blacksmith with disbelief.

Did you pry off Boss Cordora's metal armor? !

Seeing this, the young blacksmith hurriedly hid the metal piece behind his back, pouted his mouth, and raised his head to the sky at a forty-five degree angle.

A silent whistle was blown.


Let me just say that piece of metal is not very strong.

It came off in one pull.

Black lines appeared on Jing He's forehead.

At this time, Dawu said:

"Don't blame it, teacher. Boscodora and I should be the ones thanking it."


"If Boscodora eats too much metal, it will shed some of its old carapace that is not strong enough and hard enough. The new metal armor that grows out will be improved in both strength and hardness."

"The place that the little blacksmith discovered before was something Boscodora and I neglected."

As he spoke, he smiled at the little blacksmith.

A small blacksmith can discover the shortcomings of some things, especially metal ones, and make repairs.

Jing He has always been thinking that his little blacksmith doesn't seem to have the ability in this area.

When did it not turn into a pile of rags after "hum hum hum"?

Your emotional repair ability is for other Pokémon!

"I'm still thinking about whether I should ask it to help the armored bird take a look," Dawu said again.

Hearing this, the little blacksmith's eyes sparkled with stars.

Metal, armor, birds, the elements are complete!

Jing He quickly picked up the little guy.

Dawu, you really dare to think.

If this little guy is so excited, won't the armored bird be turned into a featherless bird in minutes?

The little blacksmith put his hands on his hips and raised his eyebrows at Jing He.


Am I awesome?

Jing He's eyes twitched.

But it was ruined by the cow!

Karnaz Pokémon Academy Academic Affairs Office.

Min Jiang, the teaching director, looked a little surprised when he looked at the list of those who had passed the assessment and advanced to the top eight.

"Pokémon psychology instructor Jing He?"

In previous years, many tutors from other departments signed up to participate in every battle department tutor assessment.

Because for the instructors of the combat department, this is an assessment.

But for tutors from other departments, this is a "plus point".

Not to mention the rewards that can be obtained after each round of assessment, just in the future professional title evaluation, no matter how low the ranking obtained in the assessment is, as long as you can pass one round, you will get some "extra points".

This is also the reason why so many non-battle department instructors signed up.


In previous years, it was really rare for non-combat-type tutors to advance to the quarterfinals.

It shows that this person is actually strong enough to serve as a combat instructor.

Might not be able to serve as a counselor, but should be more than adequate as a subject teacher.

However, Min Jiang, as the dean of students, still has some understanding and concern about Jing He.

After all, Jing He is somewhat famous in school, and there are videos and papers about him online.

Minjiang smiled.

“It would be better to relax the ‘welfare’ a little bit.”

For teachers who can develop in an all-round way, the college is naturally happy to support them.

Especially those who are somewhat famous online.

Can help colleges better recruit students.

"If we can enter the semi-finals"

Minjiang shook his head.

The semi-finals are quite difficult.

In his opinion, Jing He is already good enough, and he might be eligible to be selected for the title of "Outstanding Teacher" this year.

Back home.

"Come out, Nidoqueen."


Nidoqueen, who was sitting on the ground, rubbed his eyes and then took a long stretch.

This time, I slept comfortably.

It had forgotten how long it had been since it had slept so well.

In that dream, it seemed to have forgotten all its troubles and sorrows, swimming in a peaceful world that belonged entirely to it.

That feeling was so comfortable and comfortable.

It was so comfortable that even when I woke up, I felt a little bit reluctant to leave.

But now, it also feels that its condition is very good, better than ever, except...

There are hundreds of millions of hungry people.


A scent penetrated its nose.


Looked up in confusion.

He saw Jinghe standing in front of him with a pot of freshly baked energy cubes that were still slightly hot.

"Want to eat?"


It's delicious.

Vulpix stuffed an energy cube into his mouth and muttered with his mouth puffed.


Haunter hung upside down on the ceiling, chewing big mouthfuls in his mouth and waving at Nidoqueen.

The little blacksmith didn't pay too much attention to Nidoqueen, but paid more attention to the piece of metal that he had just pulled off Boskodora.

He was thinking about how to beat this piece of metal, which was more powerful than the rare metals that Jinghe bought last time.

After scanning the circle, Nidoqueen finally fell on Jinghe.

For some reason, it didn't seem to be so repulsive to Jinghe.

But it didn't accept male food so easily!


Nidoqueen turned her head away.

Seeing this, Jinghe smiled and did not force it. He put the energy cube in front of it and said:

"Okay, I'll make some energy cubes with other flavors."

After a while.

Jinghe faintly heard the sound of "crunching, crunching" like chewing.

After waiting for a while, he "inadvertently" walked past Nidoqueen again.


Nidoqueen raised her head suddenly, her whole mouth bulged, her face full of surprise and helplessness, especially when there were a lot of energy cubes in the corners of her mouth.

As if she wanted to explain something, Nidoqueen opened her mouth, almost spit out the energy cube she had not swallowed, and quickly closed her mouth.


Under Jinghe's half-smiley gaze, she swallowed it with her neck stiff.

"Niduo Niduo!(o # ゜qu゜)o"

Look again! Dig your eyes out!

But now it has no deterrent power to Jing He.

He smiled and said, "So you're a tsundere."


Haunter rolled on the ceiling holding his belly.

Nidoqueen's face flushed.

"Angry and embarrassed", it stood up and roared at Haunter.



It swung its fist and hit Haunter.

Who knew that Haunter went straight into the ceiling.

After avoiding it, it poked its head out from another place.

"Koujie Koujie!"

Can't hit it, lelele!


Nidoqueen's face darkened.

A thin layer of frost covered his fist, and he hit Haunter again.

Frozen Fist!

Haunter's face changed slightly when he saw this.

He immediately swung his claws, surrounded by wisps of black mist.

Shadow Fist!

Two fists, one white and one black, collided in the room.


In a head-on collision, Haunter was no match.

Its fist flew back, covered with a layer of frost.

"Kou Jie"

But Haunter didn't feel much pain, nor did it feel frustrated. Instead, it showed a bit of thinking.

Frozen Fist.

Nidoqueen raised her head proudly, and exhaled two streams of white air from her nose.


Are you convinced?

Although it acted fierce, judging from the result of Haunter, it actually restrained itself a lot and didn't use its full strength.

Haunter shook its claws.

The frost on it gradually faded.

It opened its mouth towards Nidoqueen, licked it with its long scarlet tongue, and laughed.

"Kou Jie!"

Come again!


A serious look flashed in Nidoqueen's eyes.

But before it could make a move, Jinghe said:


Nidoqueen looked unconvinced, but she really stopped obediently.

Haunter stuck out his tongue again with a smile.

"If you want to fight, go out and fight in a place where no one is around, so as not to affect others."

Several little guys, including Nidoqueen.

All looked at him unexpectedly.

Jinghe didn't say much, but just calmly gave Haunter a look.

Haunter, who knew him, understood instantly.

Took out a pair of sunglasses and put them on, and waved to Nidoqueen.


Come on.

Then, Haunter took Nidoqueen out.

"Ou, ouwu?"

After they left, Ice Vulpix couldn't help but speak.

No, are you okay?


Even if Haunter couldn't beat Nidoqueen, it was still easy to dodge.

Besides, after yesterday's "sweet dream" treatment, Nidoqueen's mood and friendliness were much better than before.

It just behaved more arrogantly.

Jinghe even suspected that it was probably because of its tsundere that it broke up.

After all, most Pokémon's way of thinking is more direct.

"Distracting its attention will also help it recover."

After saying that.

He patted the heads of Ice Vulpix and Little Blacksmith again.

In their puzzled eyes, he said:

"What are you waiting for? Follow him. Such a powerful sparring partner is not so easy to find."

It is probably the only one in the entire Pokémon world to let Sakaki's Pokémon serve as a sparring partner.

Ice Vulpix and Little Blacksmith reacted immediately.

They hurriedly ran out.

Originally, Jinghe wanted to say, follow and learn more.

With Nidoqueen’s “sea of ​​moves”, there is always one that suits you.

But then I thought about it.

With Ghoststone's character, do they still need to be reminded of this?

Those three little guys combined, with their hands and feet completely free,

Even in the desert you can dig something out.

Even a bird that flies by leaves behind a pile of feathers.

Instead of worrying about whether they can learn anything, it's better to worry about what Nidoqueen will be like.

Before, I 'gathered' Boss Cordora, and now I'm 'gathering' Nidoqueen.

Jing He sighed softly.

"This is the end of the 'picking' process."

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