Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Report the results and the amount of additional content

Let me briefly report the results and additional chapters.

First, the first order. The data on the website shows that the first order is 6,000, but in fact it is not that much.

But considering that everyone can see the data on the website, let's calculate it according to that.

First order plus +8 chapters.

Reward one cute master for additional chapters +5, and then 16 times for 10,000 rewards, which is +8

The monthly votes have exceeded 500 monthly votes, and +1

So there are 22 chapters in total.

It's okay, not a big problem.

I slept for ten hours in the past two days, so I overslept today and updated a little late, sorry

Then I'll go to write, and continue to ask for monthly votes!

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