Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 102 It’s too early to be happy after all (please give me a monthly ticket!)

The next morning.

Jinghe, who got up early, was preparing breakfast for the Pokémon, especially the newly hatched little blacksmith.

As a little guy who had been hatched for less than a day, although it showed strength that was completely inconsistent with its size and age, Jinghe still prepared a delicate "baby meal" for it.

Including some energy blocks suitable for it, Moo Moo Milk and relatively common ingredients, the amount he prepared was not small, even equivalent to that of the little Vulpix.

Until he saw

"Chi, Chi~~"

the little blacksmith waved his hammer with one hand and patted his bulging belly with the other hand, indicating that he really couldn't eat anymore.

This finally made Jinghe breathe a sigh of relief.

Very good!

Although the little blacksmith had just hatched and had not undergone too much training and physical exertion, this did not represent its true appetite.

But Jinghe estimated that even if the little blacksmith started training in the future, as long as he did not evolve, his appetite should be smaller than that of the little Vulpix.

This was the biggest good news for him!

He was really afraid that the little blacksmith would eat as much as Haunter, which would be almost as much as a Snorlax.

Fortunately, the most worried thing did not happen.

"Kou Jie~~"

Haunter, who had finished his breakfast, obviously stared at the little blacksmith who had not finished eating, and asked with a strange smile.


The little blacksmith said hurriedly.

No problem!

Haunter smiled happily.


At this time, a call came from the window.

On the windowsill, there was a very energetic Pidgeot standing!

But on the back of Pidgeot, there was a courier box tied.

"'Pidgeot Express' is really awesome, it delivered so quickly."

Obviously, what was delivered should be a lot of things he bought online last night.

The courier industry in the Pokémon world is really competitive.

However, before Jinghe went to pick up the courier, the little blacksmith's eyes lit up all of a sudden.


Hey, Big Bird!

Without saying anything, it grabbed Haunter's fork on the table, kneaded it into a ball, and then swung the hammer to hit the iron ball out like playing baseball.


The Pidgeot on the windowsill was startled and flew up with its wings flapping.

Although its main job is not to fight, it has evolved into Pidgeot after all, so it is not a problem to dodge.


You don't want to pay the delivery fee? !

Pidgeot's sharp eyes swept over, and when he saw the grinning Haunter and the Ice Vulpix swinging its tail, his heart trembled suddenly.

Oh no, I met a tough guy!

Run quickly!

It flapped its wings and was about to run.

"Haunter, Vulpix!"

Seeing this, Jinghe shouted hurriedly.

At the same time, he turned around and stopped the little blacksmith who was about to "shoot the bird" again.

"It's not Steelix. If you don't get any 'equipment' after beating it, I'll give it to you."


The little blacksmith tilted his head upon hearing this, revealing a puzzled look.

No "equipment"?

In the Padia region, the little blacksmith's hammer is often snatched away by some Pokémon that like to eat metal, and the most common of them is Steelix.

As a result, when the little blacksmith sees Steelix, he will have an almost instinctive impulse to shoot it down. After all, Steelix's armor is also a rare metal that can be integrated into their hammers.

At the same time.

Haunter flashed through the wall and blocked Pidgeot, who was about to fly away.


Haunter grinned, swung his claws, and a dark ball appeared in his palm.

Vulpix also jumped onto the windowsill, with a glimmer in his eyes, and his superpowers wrapped around Pidgeot.

"Cry! d(д)"

Kill the bird!

Pidgeot was so scared that tears were about to come out.

"Oh~~" Little Vulpix smiled gently.

Don't be nervous.

Then he "put" Pidgeot back on the windowsill, "recovering" to its original appearance.

"Kou Jie?"

Haunter looked at the "Shadow Ball" in his hand, and swallowed it in one gulp under Pidgeot's eyes, and its body swelled slightly.

"Li Li. (;へ:)"

"What are you doing?"

Jinghe, who was holding the little blacksmith, came over and saw the scene in front of him, and a black line appeared on his forehead.

Two minutes later.

"Sorry, sorry, misunderstanding, all misunderstanding."

Jinghe smiled awkwardly, and stuffed a few energy cubes into Pidgeot under his frightened eyes.

Pidgeot flapped its wings and looked back three times.

After confirming that Haunter and the others really wouldn't chase after it, it flew away at the fastest speed.


From a distance, you can even hear its faint cry.

If you accept this order again, it will be born by a caterpillar!

Haunter, Vulpix and the little blacksmith all lowered their heads and stood aside as if they had made a mistake.

Facing Jinghe's glance, they didn't dare to raise their heads.

Jinghe rubbed his temples.

Bird hunting is the instinct of the little blacksmith, and he will have to find a way to help him overcome it in the future.

With this thought, his attention returned to the express delivery.

After opening it.

It was a talisman that exuded a cold aura and was painted with the spirit of the weird group - the curse talisman!

"Kou Jie!!"

Seeing this "curse talisman", Haunter's saliva immediately flowed down.

It can feel that the rich ghostly aura lingering on this "cursed talisman" will be of great help to it.

"Here, it's for you."

Jing He endured the pain and handed the box containing the "curse talisman" to Ghost Stone.

The props in the Pokémon world are also divided into strengths and weaknesses. For example, the "Dragon Fang" removed from the Dragon and the "Dragon's Fang" removed from the Mini Dragon definitely bring different benefits. .

Of course, it also targets Pokémon with different levels of strength.

And this "Cursed Talisman" cost Jing He a full 1.4 million alliance coins!

It was through comparison and reference that he chose the "curse talisman" that was more suitable for Ghost Stone.

"Jie Jie~~"

Ghost Stone giggled twice, then grabbed the "curse talisman" and stuffed it into his mouth.

For a time, its appearance seemed to have become much more solid.

"And your 'move learning machine', which are the 'Light Wall' and the 'Reflection Wall'."


Jing He took out two more "move learning machines".

"Light walls" and "reflective walls" are also not cheap.

Jing He's wallet shrank significantly last night.

But he couldn't help it. Since he bought props for Ghost Stone, he always felt a little uncomfortable if he didn't buy something for Little Vulpix and Little Blacksmith.

Although these two "move learning machines" are not as valuable as the "Cursed Talisman", they at least show his desire for a bowl of water to be balanced.

However, both Little Vulpix and Little Blacksmith can learn "Light Wall" and "Reflection Wall", which is another advantage of "eating out of one fish".

"Vulpix, remember to take the little blacksmith to watch with you," Jing He warned.


Little Vulpix happily took over the two learning machines.

It's a little blacksmith.

Its eyes flickered as it stared at the special box that originally contained the "Cursed Talisman" and the box that contained the "Move Learning Machine".

In particular, the box that originally contained the "curse talisman" was made of special metal in order to isolate the rich ghost energy on it.


The little blacksmith trotted forward, grabbed the two boxes, and immediately picked up the hammer and started banging on them.

"Kou Jie?"


Ghost Stone and Vulpix both looked puzzled.

Doesn't it already have a hammer?

Then they saw that the little blacksmith relied on his "skill" little by little to turn the two boxes and its original hammer into a brand new hammer!

Just looking at the appearance, it seems that there are some changes in color.

But if you pick it up and bump it, you will find that the weight of this new hammer is much heavier than the previous one.

And the hardness is much stronger than before.

Jing He, who also witnessed this scene, felt suddenly.

Then I suddenly realized.

In terms of food intake alone, the little blacksmith really reassured him.

But he forgot.

As a Steel-type Pokémon, Little Blacksmith’s Hammer is very important to it, and may even be related to the improvement of its strength and the power of its moves!

That is to say

To train a small blacksmith, it may need to continuously purchase large amounts of precious metals!

This is much more expensive than simply eating!

Just think about the metal that Daigo’s Pokémon eat every day.

Jing He swayed slightly and leaned against the wall.

Too sloppy.

After all, it’s too early to be happy

After breakfast.

Jing He was going to take a few little guys to a training ground to warm up.

If everything goes well, he is going to visit the Karnaz Gym today.

On their way out.

[Ibrahimovic eats cabbage]: Do you have any plans for today?

"I almost forgot about this 'Master'."

[Here in the Scenery]: Challenge the Karnaz Gym! (Sunglasses.jpg)

[Eevee eats cabbage]: Challenge the gym?

PS: The update time of these two days will most likely not be stable. Give me a few days to adjust it, and try to update at a fixed time.

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