Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 158 Evolve, little purple-skinned fat boy! (Monthly vote requested!)

A simple lighthouse with dusty walls.

Tuk Tuk——

Jing He knocked on the door.

Ghost Stone's head popped out of the door.

Jing He was even somewhat used to his indiscriminate entry into the house.

"Kou Jie"

The door is unlocked.


There was a sound from inside the door, and along with a "squeak", the door was slowly pushed open.

A fiery red head poked out.



Ice Vulpix, who was lying on Jing He's head, tilted his head when he saw Vulpix, showing curiosity.


Vulpix, who opened the door, also discovered Hyouvulpix, who also tilted his head, expressing great curiosity.


Ice Vulpix jumped to the ground, and the two Vulpix looked at each other.


The clever blacksmith rubbed his eyes.

Why are there two Vulpix?

Although the color is different.

"This should be Dr. Masaki's Vulpix."

Zhenghui is a very powerful person. Not only is he a Pokémon doctor, he developed the Pokémon storage system and time capsule, he is also a Pokémon critic and a member of the Pokémon Association.

Even in the special episode, he is a very powerful trainer, and has a record of fighting against the Four Heavenly Kings Shiba with Ma Zhishi.

And this Vulpix is ​​Zhenghui's Pokémon, and he spends most of his time looking after his house.

However, compared to Zhenghui's "experience" and talent, Jing He is actually more satisfied with the changes in Little Vulpix.

I remember that it was so timid and shy at the beginning that it would not dare to approach strangers or Pokémon, but now that it saw this Vulpix, it actually took the initiative to say hello.

Although this is also due to the fact that the other party is also a Vulpix, the growth of Ice Vulpix cannot be denied.

Just becoming less timid and shy, but more and more cautious.



The two Vulpix quickly became familiar with each other.

"Vulpix, is someone here?" Masaki's voice came from inside.

"Dr. Zhenghui, I am Jing He."

Jing He said immediately.

"Teacher Jinghe? Come in quickly, I have something at hand."

Hearing this, Jing He carefully walked in.

What came into view was a messy pile of books and various instruments, most of which were stained with a lot of dust. The light in the entire lighthouse seemed a little dim.

After telling the little ones not to move, Jing He walked deeper.

See it soon.

A young man, sweating profusely, was struggling to take off the Magikarp coat he was wearing.

Jing He was stunned for a moment.

Although it is not a "familiar" fossil helmet jacket, it still fits Jing He's inner impression of Zheng Hui.

At least

Not combined with Rattata or Nidorino.

"Kou Jie!"

On the other hand, Ghost Stone seemed a little excited. It floated next to Zhenghui and looked up and down for a moment. Its outline gradually changed and turned into the appearance of a Magikarp.

It's just a pure black Magikarp with his tongue hanging out.

Upon seeing this, Zhenghui looked surprised and said in surprise:

"Do you like COS too?"

"Kou Jie Kou Jie~~"

Ghoststone grinned.

When it comes to transformation, I’m serious!

People with one Pokémon who share the same "hobbies" seem to find each other right at once.


Jing He couldn't help but cough slightly.

"Make Teacher Jinghe laugh."

Only then did Zhenghui react. He smiled and scratched his brown curly hair, and finally took off Magikarp's clothes.

"I'm studying the instruments you and Mr. A'Du sent, and I'm curious about what King Magikarp thinks when facing a special magnetic field, so..."


A hammer!

Zhenghui, this is obviously a "weirdo".

"Speaking of which, thanks to the instruments you sent me, my biggest problem was solved." Zhenghui continued wiping his sweat.


Sirona said before that Zhenghui's "communication device" is not perfect enough, and there is a possibility of communication failure, which may cause some damage to Pokémon.

Now with the help of Team Rocket's research results, it has been completely improved?

When it came to this aspect, Zhenghui suddenly became interested.

"That instrument is very targeted. Part of it is mainly to stimulate the evolution of Pokémon, which makes up for what I had done before."

As he talked, Zhenghui slowly realized that Jing He was not here to hear what he said.

"Sorry, I seem to have said too much."

He walked to the side, where there was a large instrument with trays at both ends, which should be where the elf balls were placed.

"This is the 'communication device'. As long as you input accurate data, it will be completely completed!"

After saying that, he looked at Jing He eagerly.

Jing He also took out a document that A'Du gave to him and brought it to Zhenghui.

"Thank you."

Zhenghui was overjoyed. He turned around with the document and started to prepare the device. At the same time, he said:

"It will be fine soon. Teacher Jinghe, can you tell me about the red Gyarados?"

So Jing He started to tell the story in as much detail as possible.

After all, it was about Ghost Stone's evolution, and he didn't dare to be careless.

"Evolution is irreversible. Teacher Jinghe, are you and your Ghost Stone ready?"

Zhenghui, who was still debugging the device, suddenly asked.

Are you ready?

Jing He looked at Ghost Stone.

And Ghost Stone also happened to look at him.


Haunter suddenly grinned.

"Kou Jie!"

What to prepare? Just do it!

Jinghe was speechless.

It was quite in line with Haunter's personality.

In fact.

Haunter had also considered some things.

In its opinion, Jinghe had a hard time making money and had to work hard to train the four of them, so it wanted to help.

Haunter's considerations were very simple.

People like Adu, Daigo, and Sirona made a lot of money by playing games.

If it could be as powerful as their Pokémon, would Jinghe be able to make some money without doing anything?


Haunter remembered it deeply.

On that ordinary morning, it and Jinghe were washing clothes on the balcony. At the moment when the bubbles were flying, at the moment when Jinghe said that it was a family member, it had already had the answer in its heart.

"That's great"

Zhenghui didn't know when he had completed the debugging of the instrument.

"I saw Haunter's absolute trust in you, Mr. Jinghe, and the deep bond between you."

"I think, even if you become a ghost, Mr. Jinghe, it will stay with you."

Jinghe's expression darkened.

Can it speak?

And Haunter, what are you nodding?

"Since you are ready, come on."

As he said, Zhenghui took out a Poké Ball, which was obviously one of the necessary conditions for "communication exchange".

"That's it? No need to do experiments or anything?"

Jinghe asked carefully.

"Don't worry, there's no problem, it's just a simple data debugging and confirmation."

Zhenghui waved his hand, looking very confident.

"What's more, I have personally experienced it, absolutely no problem!"

Personally experience it?

A drop of cold sweat appeared on Jinghe's forehead.

Is it really okay?

However, considering that in this world, the person in front of him is already the authority of "communication exchange", he has no other choice.

"Hehe, hehe!"

Haunter swayed back and forth, looking a little impatient.

Jing He took a deep breath, took out Haunter's Poké Ball, and put it away.

"Come on."

Zheng Hui and Jing He stood on both sides of the instrument, and put the Poké Ball on the device at the same time.

Ice Vulpix, Blacksmith, and Dratini also gathered around at this time.

The moment of Haunter's evolution cannot be missed.

As Zheng Hui pressed the button of the device, the device immediately made a "buzzing" sound, sucked in two Poké Balls at the same time, and then gradually shook.

Looking at the "humming" instrument, Jing He was really worried about Haunter.

Don't let a Haunter come out at that time.


Looking at the values ​​on the instrument, Zheng Hui looked surprised.

"Teacher Jing He, your Haunter is so strong. It seems to have accumulated a lot of energy, and even some of it has not been fully excavated."

Of course.

After all, it is a thousand-year-old ghost.

What they usually eat and use are all top-notch, and they have "small snacks" to supplement from time to time.

"Is it okay?"

This is the umpteenth time Jinghe has raised concerns today.

"Absolutely okay!"

Zhenghui stepped forward and pressed down the instrument that was shaking violently.

Brother, why are what you say and what you do so inconsistent?

At this moment, Jinghe, who was concentrating on the instrument, did not notice that the screen of his mobile phone in his pocket suddenly lit up.

[Young man]:?

A scarlet eye with some doubts appeared on the flashing mobile phone screen.

[Young man]: I need help with my "small account"?


A white steam came out of the instrument, and the shaking movement and sound stopped abruptly.

Two Poké Balls appeared on the two trays on the left and right again.

Zhenghui let out a long sigh and wiped the sweat off his face.


Jinghe immediately stepped forward and grabbed the slightly warm Poké Ball.

He looked at Zhenghui.

"Open the Poké Ball." Zhenghui said.

Jing He took another breath, and without hesitation, he immediately pressed the button of the Poké Ball.

For a moment.

As the red light flashed, a thick black fog as dark as ink instantly spread out from the opened Poké Ball.

The black fog was so thick that it even enveloped the entire lighthouse room.

The temperature around dropped sharply.

At the same time.

A faint black thread slowly floated out from the screen of Jing He's mobile phone, silently blending into the thick black fog.


It seemed that a huge black dragon with a hideous appearance flashed in the black fog.

"That is."

Zheng Hui wiped his eyes, and when he looked again, it had disappeared.

"I'm dazzled."

In fact, it wasn't just him, Jing He also saw it.


Just looking at the outline, it seems a bit like Giratina.

Has Haunter transformed more often?


Just as they were surprised, the spreading black mist condensed and turned into deep purple at an extremely fast speed, and at the same time burst out a dazzling white light!

Purple and white intertwined.

An outline gradually took shape.

"Geng Ga~~"

Different voice, familiar accent.


The purple-skinned little fat guy made a brilliant appearance!

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