"Well done, Vulpix."

Jing He picked up Bing Liuwei and praised him.

Facts have proved that Vulpix, who is less courageous, is also more cautious, and will not be arrogant like Ghost Stone when he wins easily.

that is

Looking at the unconscious Dou Li Mushroom, Jing He cast a sympathetic look.

A little too cautious.

He took out an energy cube and stuffed it into the little guy's mouth.


The little Vulpix's mouth immediately bulged after he stuffed a whole energy cube into his mouth, and he narrowed his eyes happily.

I don't know if it was because of Jing He's praise or because he ate the energy cube.

"Kou Jie~~"

Ghost Stone opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, with an eager face, and waved his hands towards his mouth, looking like a "Ghost Stone".

Jing He laughed and threw one at Ghost Stone.

After thinking about it, he divided a circle between the metal monster, Cordora and the Pokémon present.

Let’s see how the response is. If it’s good, we might consider selling energy cubes in the future.

Facts have proved that even Daigo's metal monsters and Kodora are very fond of it, not to mention those wild Pokémon, and communication is much easier.

"Teacher Jinghe, are these the energy cubes you made yourself?"

Seeing that both Metal Monster and Cordora liked it so much, Dawu, who was paying attention to Jing He's daily sharing, asked in surprise.

"I tried a little bit, and it looks pretty good." Jing He said with a smile.

"I have a friend who is very good at making energy cubes. If you have a chance, I can introduce him to you, the teacher."


Under the influence of the therapeutic spray, the mushroom slowly wakes up.

"Hey! Σ(дlll)"

Seeing the "harmless" Vulpix.

The Dou Li Mushroom was so frightened that he backed away.


At Jing He's signal, Little Liuwei used "coquettishness" again, and the Dou Li Mushroom climbed up again.

"Kou Jie~~"

Ghost Stone on the side patted the metal monster.

Did you see it? Believe it or not, if you sell it, you still have to pay the six tails?

The metal monster nodded thoughtfully.

With Xiao Liuwei as a bridge, communication is much easier.

Jing He used "hypnosis" to briefly show the place where the Dou Li Mushrooms and the others could live in the future, and then outlined some of the bright future promised by Dawu, and the Dou Li Mushrooms finally became a little moved.

Expressed willingness to go and have a look.

Jing He still believed in Dawu's promise.

I believe that if wild Pokémon like Dolomites really live in the ecological zone of Devon Company, their lives will be much easier than here.

Is this one of the ways Pokémon and humans can coexist?

Jing He didn't know.

He just thought of a "patient" he hadn't been online for a long time - the mathematical magician.

"Teacher Jinghe, thank you."

Dawu said sincerely.

Jing He waved his hand.

Whether it was because of the "consultant" salary from Devin Company or for these wild Pokémon, he had nothing to refuse.

"What about you? Are you here so early, supervisor?" Jing He teased with a smile.

Dawu laughed sarcastically.

Jing He understood when he smiled like that.

"Digging rocks?"

"Every time my family mined or excavated in the past, I would go see if I could find some special stones."

Daigo explained.

He is really passionate about stones.

But Jing He's focus is obviously different from his.

Well, mine.

every time.

very good.

He is worthy of being the handsome, powerful, rich, and rich Zifuqi Daigo.

The only thing Jing He can compare with is probably his appearance.

"By the way, I almost forgot, teacher, this is for you."

Daigo seemed to suddenly think of something and took out an envelope.

"This is."

Jing He took it doubtfully and opened it to take a look.

Okay, here’s the invitation again.

And it was the same invitation letter that A'Du gave him.

Well, the game hasn't even started yet, and Jing He already has two tickets.

And they all have private rooms.

But he felt somewhat relieved.

Dawu, let’s start playing games again.

Even if it's just an exhibition match.

"I heard that the alliance is planning to hold a 'Pokémon World Championship'. This exhibition match is a warm-up for the 'Pokémon World Championship Youth Cup'."

Daigo revealed some information he knew.

World Championship?

Did you start planning so early?

It actually overturned the two assumptions he made before.


Dawu invited Jinghe to dig rocks together, but he was really not interested in this aspect, so he declined politely.

Originally, he wanted to wait here a little longer, because there might be other wild Pokémon gathering.

But Daigo smiled and said it didn't matter.

That helicopter will be on standby for Jing He at any time for a period of time, and will be available at any time, wherever he goes.

Feeling Dawu's power again, Jing He felt that he needed to conquer a flying Pokémon as soon as possible.

Well, A'Du should have more say in this regard.

You can ask him if you get a chance.

Back home.

Because the holiday after the school festival was still going on and they didn't have to go to work, Ghost Stone and Little Vulpix were also learning "tricks", and it wasn't lunch time yet, so Jing He had no choice but to use his mobile phone.

Recently, the "Youth Exhibition Competition" in Liuli City has gradually become more popular, and many people are calling for the trainers they support.

After briefly browsing it.

I just watched Xiao Juer’s fashion show.

I watched Karunai’s new film press conference again.

Just when I thought about making energy cubes, the message came.

‘Alas, someone is always affecting the speed at which I draw my sword. ’

When I clicked on it, I saw the message "Ibrahimovic eats cabbage".

To be honest, he had already roughly guessed the identity of "Ibrahimovic eating cabbage".

Eighth achievement is Sirona.

[Ibrahimovic eats cabbage]: Chou Chou Fish seems to be in a bit of a bad state today.

A video follows.

It can be seen that the ugly fish, which once had dull eyes and dull skin, has now become very lively and confident. Under the sunlight, even the scales on its body glow slightly.

It swims alone in the small pond, and jumps out of the water from time to time, splashing crystal water and making sparkling ripples.

Is this going to evolve?

Jing He was startled.

[Grass in the Scenery]: Try putting it back into the previous pool and have a look.

Sirona didn't know why, but she did it anyway.

The Sinnoh region is located to the north of Hoenn, Kanto and other regions, so the temperature is relatively low.

In the garden that was only slightly yellowed.

Sirona returned the ugly fish to the previous pool.

The water Pokémon in the pool looked at the Ugly Fish that came back, and all of them looked very surprised.

At first glance, the Chou Chou fish doesn't seem to have changed much, but you can clearly feel that it is different.

The Ugly Fish was still a little reserved at first, but soon became active again after feeling the changes in the gazes of the Pokémon around it.

Look at the ugly fish that has really become more confident.

Sirona gently pulled up a loose strand of golden hair and showed a gentle smile.

A cool breeze came.

Long flowing hair.


The ugly fish in the pool also happened to see this scene.

There was a look of longing in his eyes.



A dazzling white light appeared on the ugly fish's body.

Sirona was startled when she saw this, quickly turned on her phone and took a photo.

[Ibrahimovic eats cabbage]: Is this the ugly fish evolving?

Jing He breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the photo.


It’s not in vain that he “instilled” so many stories and spirits into Ugly Fish, such as “Baby Ugly Duck”, “Gardevoir in Gray”, and “The Gothic Kid Selling Matches”.


If Chou Chou Fish evolves, won't he lose his "funder father"?

Oh, no.

There is also the more difficult flower rock monster.

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