Spiritual Master of the Elf World

Chapter 75 Is there something wrong with my Pokémon?

Night falls.

Jing He sat cross-legged in front of the "fruit mixer", holding a notebook in his hand.

There are many energy cubes around, but they don't taste very good.

"To be honest, there shouldn't be any big problems, except that the stirring speed is a bit difficult to control. There is a slight error, but shouldn't it be?"

After all, it is not as difficult to control as the "Fruit Mixer" in the game. The "Fruit Mixer" in the real world is still very automated, and the higher the price, the more automated it becomes.

The main thing is the formula.

But he strictly followed the formula provided by Teacher Caizi from the cultivation department.

"try again!"

Jing He, who did not believe in evil, once again followed the recipe and added the Apple Wild Fruit and some auxiliary ingredients.

Seeing this scene, Ghost Stone quietly hid in the ceiling, while Vulpix got under the coffee table.

They have tried it many times, and although the taste is better every time, it still...

Soon, with a slight "buzzing" sound, another energy cube was completed.

"Ghost Stone, Vulpix." Jing He shouted, holding a plate with several energy cubes.

His eyes swept across the small home.

"Okay, stop hiding, we've all seen you."

"Kou, Kou Jie"


Up and down.

The two little guys had no choice but to run out from under the ceiling and coffee table.

"Try it, I think I have found the trick. You can see that these ones are obviously of higher quality." Jing He looked serious.

It really is!

Ghoststone and Vulpix took a look.

I found that it did look a lot more crystal clear than before.

Jing He couldn't help but stuff one into each of them.

"Kou Jie"

Ghost Stone looked at the energy cube in his hand, swallowed, and muttered.

Why don't you eat it?

".I am a human being, how can I steal your food?"

But you clearly ate it just now!

"You should just eat and watch!"

Ghoststone and Vulpix looked at each other.

The two little guys closed their eyes.

The look of death making Jing He's eyes twitch.

In the end, I ate it in one bite.


"Kou Jie! (=′`=)"


"What's your reaction?" Jing He asked suspiciously.

The next second.

Ghost Stone pounced directly on him.

Little Liuwei also jumped on Jing He's body.

"Wait! Let me try it!"

Realizing the situation, Jing He quickly picked up one and threw it into his mouth.

The moment you bite it, the energy cube explodes in your mouth like jelly. It is fresh and sweet with just the right amount of sourness and a little bit of sweetness. It seems like a picture flashes before your eyes, it's that summer.

The end.

Jing He, Ghost Stone, and Xiao Liuwei were sitting at the coffee table, with the last energy cube on the middle plate.

"Kou Jie~~"

Ghost Stone glanced at Jing He.

Didn’t you say before that you wouldn’t rob? An energy cube, why are you so embarrassed as a trainer?

Jing He's expression did not change.

"As a trainer, isn't it normal to taste an energy cube? How many 'Sakura Fruits' have I eaten?"

"Owu." Xiao Liuwei called out in a low voice.

What did you see?

"Kou Jie!"

Foam chinchilla!

"Shen Jiayi"

Noticing the glances from Ghost Stone and Little Liuwei, Jing He coughed lightly and said, "Forget it, you don't even know me after I told you."

They looked at Vulpix again.

I saw it slowly lowering its head.


It's mom.

Hear the words.

Jing He and Ghost Stone were both silent.

Together they pushed the plate in front of Vulpix.


Ice Vulpix: \u003e\u003c

Eat it in one bite without hesitation.

He showed a sly smile.

But I have you now. Little Vulpix thought to himself.

The little fox, under the "influence" of Jing He and Gui Stone, finally gradually showed its "cunning" side.

"Now that it's successful."

Jing He stood up.

"Then just make another one."

If one succeeds, it means the formula is fine.

It may just be that the timing of his production was a little off, and the slight deviation brought about a completely different texture and taste.

very nice.

Although it cost a lot of money at once, as long as the energy cube skills can be mastered, the cost of feeding Ghost Stone and Ice Vulpix in the future will be relatively small.

Not to mention he still has an unhatched elf egg.

If a big eater like Kokodora or Yukila hatches, all of his belongings might not be enough to feed him.

'It would be nice to hatch a green caterpillar.'

‘Actually, the strong-jawed hen-worm is also pretty good. It can evolve into a power bank and you won’t have to pay the electricity bill anymore.’

‘It would be better if it was a big milk tank, so you don’t have to worry about them being malnourished’

"Kou Jie~~"

on the sofa.

Ghost Stone held the "Trick" move learning machine with a serious look on his face, and there was a notebook next to it.

It was compiled and transcribed by Jing He from Juzi Tianwang's "Fear Experience". The content can be seen by Ghost Stone, and it also includes some key points on learning and mastering "trick" moves.


Little Vulpix was lying on the edge of the sofa behind Ghost Stone, his little face looking equally serious and serious.

The two little guys exchanged a few words from time to time.

If you don't listen carefully, you would really think they were exchanging their experience of learning moves.

"Kou Jie?" (What do you think will be breakfast tomorrow?)

"Ou~Wu~~" (It won't be fried eggs anyway, I've eaten it today.)

"Kou Jie~~" (Will it be curly ear meat patties and Eevee mashed potatoes? It feels like I haven't eaten them for a long time)

"Ou Wu!" (I like Eevee mashed potatoes!)


At this moment, Jing He, who was keen on making energy blocks, was actually thinking about another thing in his heart.

It has been a while since he subdued Ice Vulpix. The little guy's strength is actually much stronger than he imagined, but because of his experience, he is very timid, lacks confidence, and is very shy.

But he has a toughness that never admits defeat, and has never fallen behind in training.

Since he wants to go on the road of fighting, Jing He is willing to train him in that direction.

But in this way, how can he fight the first battle without really fighting before? It is a problem.

In the first battle, you need to build up the confidence of Ice Vulpix, but you can't be too relaxed, otherwise he will be suspected of letting you win.


The phone suddenly made a sound.

Jinghe took it and saw that he had taken the wrong one.

It was Haunter's phone.

Because they were both reimbursed by "reimbursement application form", there was basically no difference between the two phones.

The only way to distinguish them was to see which one didn't have Haunter's saliva.

And Haunter's phone was full of the dramas it watched, especially the recently popular "The Adventures of Bubble Chinchilla", which even Vulpix was addicted to.



"Hatching and Egg Group of Bubble Chinchilla"

"Egg Group of Haunter"

You kid.

Jinghe looked at Haunter.

Haunter, who didn't understand, showed him a hideous smile.

"Kou Jie!"

No, you have already started to think about things so far away? !

Jinghe held his forehead.

"Is there something wrong with my Pokémon?"

After thinking it over and over again, it was Haunter's privacy after all.

‘Just pretend you didn’t notice. At least the direction is right.’

Jing He, feeling tired, picked up his phone.

It turned out to be “Eevee Eating Cabbage” who hadn’t contacted him for a long time.

[Eevee Eating Cabbage]: Finally finished the exam. (Slowpoke is tired.jpg)

Good luck in the college entrance exam!

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