Spiritual Qi Recovery: I Have A Universal Synthesis Table

Chapter 28 Broken Cultivation Technique

Among the rich and powerful, Jiang Yan's clothes are very simple.

The T-shirt on his body seemed to be bought for twenty yuan last year, which was cheap as far as the naked eye could see.

However, the staff of Lingwu Hall are of high quality, and they are very polite to any guest. After verifying Jiang Yan's identity, they gave him a number plate.

Through this number plate, everyone can have a separate private room.

Jiang Yan has already seen many local tyrants go in with their female companions.

Apart from showing off, these people definitely have no good intentions.

But to be honest, Jiang Yan is not envious at all.

Although he has no girls around him, he is handsome and not bald!

Based on this alone, he defeated 90% of the people present!


With one hand in his trouser pocket, Jiang Yan walked around the auction house for half a circle, and finally found his own private room according to the number plate.

The private room is small, with only a sofa, a small square table, and a wine cabinet inside.

Free fruit snacks are placed on the small square table, and the wine cabinet is also full of drinks of various prices, which can be purchased directly by swiping the card or scanning the code to meet the needs of various groups of people.

Opposite the sofa is a panoramic floor-to-ceiling window inlaid with one-way perspective glass.

It can give guests the best look and feel, and can also protect the privacy of guests.

Jiang Yan came to the sofa and sat down, broke a banana casually, and ate it while waiting for the auction to start.

As the bell struck seven o'clock, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes stepped onto the booth.

He straightened his bow tie, and immediately said with a smile on his face: "Welcome everyone to come to the Lingwu Hall's auction. Today, as usual, there will be ten items for auction, including three kinds of medicines, two weapons, and a set of armor. Two books of exercises and two types of special items will definitely not disappoint everyone's expectations!"

As the host finished speaking, ten beautiful women in cheongsams walked up to the booth with today's auction items.

The trays in their hands were covered with red cloth, and they could only see the general shape of the auction item from the surface, but could not see the specific content.

However, before each auction starts, Lingwu Hall will release some rumors to attract everyone to come.

For example, today it is said that there is an item handed down from the world of the heavens.

Many big shots in the inner city, and even people from other cities, came to join in the fun.

But everyone knows the methods of the merchants. The things spread in the world of the heavens should be real. After all, Lingwutang does not dare to make false propaganda.

But it probably won't be a good item, otherwise it will definitely be auctioned in a big city first.

Even so, there are still many people who want to try their luck.

For anchors like Xu Qing, Jiang Yan has seen several of them.

After the opening remarks, the auction officially began.

The host came to the first tray, stretched out his hand and lifted the red cloth, and saw a carved wooden box on the tray, which contained a blood-red elixir.

"Today's first auction item is a third-grade Huaxue Pill, which is specially aimed at internal injuries. As long as the heart veins are not damaged, other internal injuries can be healed instantly. And this elixir is from the hands of Master Qin Zhi. Both quality and quality are guaranteed, and friends in need should not miss it!"

After giving everyone a few seconds to react, the host continued: "The starting price for this third-grade Huaxue Pill is 800,000 yuan, and each increase should not be less than 1%. Everyone can bid now!"

As the host's voice fell, many private rooms were lit up one after another.

"Nine hundred thousand!"

"one million!"

"1.2 million!"


"One hundred and eight..."

In the end, this three-grade blood pill was sold at a price of 2.3 million.

Jiang Yan had to lament that there are many rich people in this world, and a third-grade Huaxue pill can be sold for a sky-high price of more than two million, so wouldn't the advanced version of the third-grade Huangyu pill he synthesized be worth five million?

The next two elixirs also fetched high prices of 1.6 million and 1.9 million respectively.

Including the weapons and armor behind, Jiang Yan is not very interested.

There is no doubt that buying one is definitely not as good as synthesizing it yourself.

It's not cheap to be able to go to the auction.

But those two exercises and two special items, he wanted to see if there was anything he needed.

Martial skills and spiritual techniques are a means to release spiritual power.

That exercise is a means to increase spiritual power.

Schools usually only teach the most basic method of breathing.

But if you learn the exercises, the speed of cultivation will be completely different.

"The next auction item is a book of exercises suitable for women's cultivation, called "Qinglian Gong". After practicing, not only can the absorption speed of spiritual power be increased, but also the fragrance of lotus will overflow the body during the operation of spiritual power. This auction item is a rare treasure, the starting price is 8 million, and each bid must not be less than 1%, everyone can bid now!"

Hearing the price quoted by the host, the corners of Jiang Yan's eyes twitched.

Although he was mentally prepared, he never thought that the price of the exercises could be so high.

The starting price is 8 million, and the final transaction price must be more than 10 million?

Fortunately, it is a technique used by women, and it is useless for him to use it.

I hope the next exercise book will be cheaper.

It doesn't matter if things are poor, the key is to be able to buy them!


Probably because the items were too expensive, the number of people bidding this time was obviously not as many as before.

However, most of the quotes are women.

Jiang Yan even heard a familiar voice.

"Eighteen million!"

Xu Qing sat on the sofa, quoted another price unconvinced, and then looked at the phone screen.

"Today, I have to take down this copy of "Qinglian Gong". I met a copy at the auction in the imperial capital before. Everyone knows that I gave up after getting 30 million. I was so angry for two days when I went back. I didn’t eat, so I can’t miss anything today!”

The audience in the live broadcast room persuaded one after another.

"Little Rainbow, you have to calm down. Last month, you only photographed a 50 million weapon. If you photograph this exercise book today, you will go bankrupt!"

"That's right, although "Qinglian Kungfu" is very suitable for women to cultivate, the price is indeed too expensive!"

"It's not easy to make some money, anchor, have you forgotten the days when you ate instant noodles every day last month?"

"Little Rainbow, let's look at other things, in case there are still good things behind!"

Xu Qing glanced at the barrage in the live broadcast room, and said with a firm expression: "Don't try to persuade me today, even if I eat dirt for the next six months, I will film "Qinglian Gong"!"

At this time, the bid for "Qing Lian Gong" had already reached 20 million.

Xu Qing gritted her teeth and directly quoted a price.

"Twenty-five million!"

Now, the entire auction house fell silent.

In a place like Chuncheng, there are still a small number of people who can spend more than 20 million yuan to buy a book of exercises.

The host waited for ten seconds and saw that no bids were made, so he counted down and dropped the hammer.

"Congratulations to the lady in Room 72, who successfully bid for "Qing Lian Gong" at a price of 25 million!!!" The host announced loudly.

The staff at the back sent the items to Xu Qing with a tray, and the host continued to auction the next item.

"The next auction item is a bit special." The host tore away the red cloth on the tray, and saw a few old animal skin papers on it, "This is a dilapidated exercise book. After analysis by our appraiser, this This exercise is likely to reach level six!"

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