Su Mengran was curious, but she didn't ask directly.

Everyone has their own secrets.

It is the most basic courtesy not to disturb others.

"Let's find a place to rest, everyone is tired." Su Mengran turned her gaze to the other three.

"I agree." Wang Xiaoming shook his arm, "After cutting blood-sucking vines for a long time, my hands are sore!"

"When I was looking for rock crystals just now, I found a small water pool in front of me. It has a wide view, and there should be no blood-sucking vines around it." Gao Yang said.

"Okay." Su Mengran nodded slightly, "Then let's go there."


Jiang Yan and the others walked forward for a certain distance, and soon found the water pool that Gao Yang mentioned.

There are shoals around here, and there are not many plants around, but some traces of animal activities can be seen.

"Everyone eat something, let's continue on our way!" Su Mengran also noticed this, and immediately understood that she couldn't stay here for long.

Although they need to hunt wild beasts or monsters to gain points, that is under the premise of ensuring safety.

She observed it just now, and there are at least seven or eight kinds of animal footprints near this pool. If there are powerful monsters inside, they will be in danger.

The three of Xu Li didn't notice this at all, and they all found places to rest.

Jiang Yan also found a rock and sat down, then took out dry food and drinking water from his backpack.

Perhaps because he had taken Huang Yudan, he didn't feel very hungry, so he ate a little casually.

Taking advantage of no one around, Jiang Yan opened the inventory and took a look.

In addition to the three black iron fruit knives, there are eighteen purple-red vines inside.

When he rescued Xu Li just now, he put it in the inventory.

Vampire vines have strong vitality, even if they are separated from the main body, they can still take root in other places and survive.

He had a hunch that if this thing was processed with a synthesis table, it would definitely have unexpected effects.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yan directly opened the synthesis table.

There is no entity in the inventory or the universal crafting table, only he can see it.

So he can craft items at any time.

However, when taking things out of the inventory, you still need to cover up.

[Do you want to synthesize a first-order blood-sucking vine? 】


[The first-order blood-sucking vine has been synthesized, congratulations on getting the second-order blood-sucking vine! 】

"Huh?" Jiang Yan's heart skipped a beat.

Domesticated version, can this thing still recognize its owner?

Jiang Yan took a look at the introduction.

[Second-level blood-sucking vine: It can drip blood to recognize its owner. After being domesticated, the blood-sucking vine can control its actions with thoughts; attack method: strangle, blood-sucking. 】

"It can even be used as a weapon!" Jiang Yan suddenly became interested.

Vampire vines don't have their own consciousness, so it is reasonable to need thoughts to control actions after they are separated from the main body.

Moreover, the blood-sucking vine still belongs to the plant category, so there is no problem in storing it in the inventory.

When you meet an enemy, you can take it out from the item bar, not only can you catch the opponent by surprise, but others will never think that the vampire vine is controlled by humans.

This is simply the best weapon for doing things!

However, for the remaining vampire vines, Jiang Yan plans to synthesize them after returning home.

He has used up one-third of his spiritual power now, and he is going to bottom out if he continues to synthesize spiritual power. How can he participate in the field test.

Besides, the first-order blood-sucking vines are so vigorous, the second-order blood-sucking vines should be enough.

Jiang Yan cut his finger and recognized the second-order vampire vine as the master.

With a thought, the vampire vine jumped out of the inventory and burrowed into the ground.

The blood-sucking vines traveled underground, reaching their limit at about fifty meters.

Jiang Yan knew very well that this was not the limit of the vampire vine's attack range, but the limit of his spiritual power.

As long as his mental strength increases, the attack range of the vampire vine will expand.

At this time, Jiang Yan sensed a poisonous snake slowly crawling on the ground through the vampire vine, and he immediately controlled the vampire vine to attack the poisonous snake on the ground.

Before the poisonous snake could react, it was tightly wound by the blood-sucking vine, and the spikes pierced through its skin, and began to suck the snake's body fluids.

In just a few seconds, the poisonous snake became a stiff snake and dried up.

Jiang Yan remembered that when he first put the vampire vine away, there were no spikes.

The attack method is simply entanglement. After the prey is hanged alive, the main body will enjoy the food.

However, the advanced blood-sucking vine has the ability to suck blood, and its power is beyond ordinary.

It seems that if there is a chance, he will get more blood-sucking vines to synthesize.

Such an easy-to-use weapon, he is looking forward to its power after reaching the full level.


Jiang Yan and others rested for about ten minutes before continuing to set off.

Wang Xiaoming complained endlessly.

Who will understand how a fat man feels? His ass is still hot!

"Hey, there seems to be someone in front." Xu Li said suddenly.

"It's Liu Qiang and Zhao Siyu!" As soon as Gao Yang finished speaking, everyone in the team couldn't help but look at Jiang Yan.

After all, the gossip about Jiang Yan and Zhao Siyu spread throughout the school some time ago.

At that time, many people thought Jiang Yan was obscene and perverted, and directly isolated Jiang Yan.

But after getting along for a long time, they found that the rumors didn't seem so reliable.

Although Jiang Yanqiong is really poor, and he only brought a few fruit knives out for such an important field test, but it is really not enough to say that he is wretched and perverted.

You must know that there is such a beautiful woman as Su Mengran in their team.

From the beginning to the end, Jiang Yan didn't look at Su Mengran too much.

Even Wang Xiaoming is more attentive than Jiang Yan.

Then Zhao Siyu's rhetoric is not valid at all.

"It depends on what I do." Jiang Yan looked puzzled.

He has not retracted the vampire vine, and he has already noticed that there is someone in front of him.

It looked like they were besieging a wild boar.

Wild boars are just ordinary beasts, but since the recovery of the spiritual energy, even ordinary beasts have extraordinary strength.

Liu Qiang and others, who had never had actual combat experience, besieged a wild boar with five people, and they were all in an extremely embarrassing situation.

Zhao Siyu, who always liked to dress herself up as a little fairy, was also disheartened at the moment.

Because of her slow reaction, she was also knocked away several times by wild boars. Her snow-white skirt was already covered with leaves and mud, as if she came out of a refugee camp.

"Hurry up, someone is coming, don't let us work hard for a long time, let others catch the leak!" Liu Qiang urged Jiang Yan and others not far away.

Upon hearing this, the others dared not paddle any more.

Finally, with their concerted efforts, the wild boar fell down with injuries all over his body.

Liu Qiang walked over and cut off the wild boar's tail, preparing to take it back as a trophy for business.

At this time, Zhao Siyu discovered that it was Jiang Yan's team who came.

She looked at herself in a panic, and then at Su Mengran standing beside Jiang Yan, feeling a sense of inferiority.

How can there be such a beautiful girl in the world, the key is standing so close to Jiang Yan.

Doesn't she feel that Jiang Yan is full of poverty?

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