"Let's go, Sea Monster Festival has been going on for so many years, and this is the first time I've seen someone catch a monster." Tang Ya said with a face full of surprise.

"Xiaoyan, I really don't know whether to say you are lucky or not." Jiang Yingxue also looked at Jiang Yan sympathetically.

The relics of the Sea Monster Festival are the rare pure welfare relics.

Although it depends on luck to get good things, but fortunately there is no danger here.

There has never been such a precedent for a monster being caught in the ruins.

Jiang Yan looked at the fishing rod in his hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

There is absolutely something wrong with this fishing rod!

"I'll try again." Jiang Yan felt a little unconvinced, and put the hook down again.

This time I even forgot to put on the bait.

About five minutes later, Jiang Yan once again sensed a premonition.

He jerked the fishing rod upwards.

A black thing flew out and landed on the platform with a bang.

Discovering the movement here, Yang Jiechao and the others looked over curiously.

"What is this?"

"Hey, it seems to be moving, so disgusting!"

The black lump of flesh squirmed a few times on the platform, and suddenly turned into a little monster with arms and legs.

It is about half a meter tall, with a flat head and a big mouth.

Two beards grow on both sides of the mouth, shaking with its movements.

"Monster beast, Master Jiang has caught a monster again!" Yang Jiechao was full of excitement, but the master's physique was different, and he caught a monster twice in a row.

A situation that has not been encountered in the Sea Monster Festival for decades, Jiang Yan appeared twice in a row.

Isn't that awesome?

The little monster got up from the ground, touched its body with its little paws, and finally put it on its chubby buttocks, "Ouch, my old waist!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Jiechao and others immediately petrified.

"Say, I've spoken..." Tang Ya stammered.

"Has the catfish become a spirit?" Jiang Yingxue's eyes were also full of panic.

"Little girl, you don't know how to be polite!" Catfish Spirit gave Jiang Yingxue a dissatisfied look, "I'm an elf, do elves understand?"

"..." Jiang Yan wanted to throw the fishing rod out.

It turns out that the special mentioned in the attribute is such a special method?

What did you catch him all this time?

Can you do something useful?

"How could an elf look like you? You are clearly a fish!" Tang Ya said bluntly.

And it's a fish with arms and legs.

looks weird...

"I don't know how to be polite!!!" Catfish Jing twitched his beard in anger, "I am the guardian of the ruins, if you make me unhappy, be careful and send you all out!"

"Guardian of the Ruins?" Tang Ya stuck out her tongue, "Pretend I didn't say anything!"

No matter what the catfish essence said is true or false.

It is obviously not a wise choice to talk back at this time.

"That's about the same!" The catfish spirit snorted softly, and then limped up to Jiang Yan, "Boy, what's the matter with you? I slept well on the bottom of the sea, and somehow I was caught by you! "

"The bottom of the sea?" Jiang Yan looked at the fishing line he had lowered, then turned around and said, "Is the bottom of the sea here only a few meters deep?"

He didn't doubt much about Catfish Spirit's words.

Usually there are guardians, guardian beasts and the like in ancient ruins.

Those who obviously have little combat power like catfish essence should also exist like mascots.

"How could it be only a few meters away? I sleep in an underwater temple two thousand meters away from here. If any of you get possessed by a fairy, they will be sent to the underwater temple!" Catfish Spirit stroked his mustache and said.

Hearing this, Jiang Yan was sure that there was something wrong with the fishing rod.

Now think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with what is said in the attribute introduction.

Special items are bound to be caught, but good things are not guaranteed to be caught.

It seems that he made a mistake!

Fortunately, two low-grade spirit stones are not expensive, so if you catch a guardian of the ruins, you can at least find out more about the ruins.

"You say you are the guardian of the relics, you have to find a way to prove yourself. Just now I even caught a monster. What if you are a monster pretending to be!" Jiang Yan said with one hand on his knee.

"Prove yourself?" Catfish Spirit suddenly laughed, "My duty is to choose the successor of the immortal at the last moment, but since you dare to suspect that I am a monster, don't even think about inheriting the immortal."

Jiang Yan was not angry either, and said in a leisurely manner: "Then you can stay here with peace of mind, anyway, wait for the successor, it must appear on our platform."

"Are you so sure?" Catfish Essence's small eyes were full of puzzlement, and then suddenly realized, "You guys, you don't mean to kidnap me, do you?"

Jiang Yan: "..."

What brain circuit is this thing?

Catfish King jumped back with his elastic calf, looked at Jiang Yan vigilantly and said, "Be honest, are you trying to do something wrong to me!"

Jiang Yan: "Not interested!"

"Master Guard, you misunderstood. In fact, apart from our platform, other platforms will collapse. That's why the master said that the last inheritor will only appear on this platform." Yang Jiechao quickly explained to Jiang Yan.

Li Xiaowei and others also recalled it.


If only their platform wouldn't collapse.

Then the last inheritor must appear on this platform!

Such a good thing like a pie in the sky, can they meet it?

"Are you kidding me!" Catfish Spirit snorted coldly: "These platforms are all blessed by formations, and they will not be damaged for thousands of years. You have been deceived by this kid!"

Yang Jiechao and the others were stunned.

Jiang Yan said the platform would collapse.

Catfish spirit also said that the platform will not be damaged for thousands of years.

Now, who should they listen to?


On a platform not far away, Su Mengran sat cross-legged on the edge.

She seemed to be arranging fishing tools, but she was actually communicating with her contracted beast, "Xiao Hei, find the formation as soon as possible, we are running out of time."

At the same time, a black snake with a length of seventy or eighty meters was swimming on the bottom of the sea.

Hearing Su Mengran's sound transmission, it immediately speeded up.

Seeing that it was getting closer and closer to the Undersea Temple, suddenly an unknown force locked on it.

There was a trace of panic in the black snake's eyes.

But no matter how hard it struggled, it couldn't break free from the shackles of this force.

I can only watch helplessly as the underwater temple gets farther and farther away.

Finally disappeared from sight.

On the other side, Jiang Yan just glanced at the time on his phone.

Half an hour away, only three minutes left.

It should start soon!

Wait, what will happen, in fact, he doesn't know.

But preparations still need to be done.

Jiang Yan released the vampire vine in advance and hid it under the platform.

In case of any accident, etc., make sure you don't fall into the sea.

At this moment, he suddenly felt the fishing rod in his hand sink.

"Did you catch something again?"

Hearing the movement, all creatures on the platform looked over.

First time hunting monsters.

Fishing for the guardian beast of the ruins for the second time.

What will catch the third time?

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