Spiritual Qi Recovery: I Have An Infinite Crafting Bar!

[14] We Agreed To Hit The Street Together, But You Soared Into The Sky! 【4 More】

At this time, Su Cheng No. 2 Middle School, Class 7 of Senior Three!

"Damn it, big news, big news!"

A student with a crew cut and a trendy dress suddenly rushed into the classroom, and said to the students in Class 7: "I just heard that last night...Last night, Luo Xiu beat Tang Feng at the Jingwu Gymnasium." !"

"Tang Feng?"

"Which Tang Feng?"

The students in class 9 couldn't help being stunned. It's the time for morning reading, but many students who like to practice martial arts don't need morning reading.

They need to exercise early.

Morning running, push-ups, pull-ups, etc., since the Martial Dao class and Practitioner, morning reading has long been divided into two subjects: civil and military.

"Tang Feng of the Tang Corporation!"

"No. 1 middle school Martial Dao class!"

"It is said that the strength of one arm has broken 500 kilograms, but is it still not Luo Xiu's opponent?"

"500 kilograms?"

The students in Class 7 were all taken aback, and then subconsciously looked at Luo Xiu's seat.

Luo Xiu hasn't come yet, but his deskmate Fang Ping was stunned: "Chen Fan, what you said is true? You can't hear me wrong, right? Luo Xiu's single-arm strength, Martial Dao's class a few days ago is not Have you tested it? It's only over 200 kilograms!"

"Yeah, either this Mr. Tang releases the water, or...you heard the wrong person!"

"Maybe there is also a person named Luo Xiu in No. 1 Middle School?"

A group of students from Class 7 were talking there, but Chen Dao was in a hurry: "How could you hear me wrong?! Damn my cousin was in the Jingwu Gym yesterday, he saw it with his own eyes!"

As he spoke, he took out his cell phone and opened the chat software.

It contained a video his cousin sent him last night, which happened to be the part where Luo Xiu and Tang Feng were fighting.

Luo Xiu punched Tang Feng dumbfounded, and knelt down in front of him.


The crowd watched the video, and they all cried out in disbelief.

Who the hell is Luo Xiu? !

But to be honest, it was the first time they had seen such a domineering Luo Xiu. After all, Luo Xiu had always been the little transparent in the class.

"Okay...it seems to be Luo Xiu!"

"So strong?!"


"This kid usually doesn't show his mountains and dews. Could it be that Martial Dao's physical test is all a lie?"

All the students in class 9 couldn't believe it, and the one who was most stimulated was Luo Xiu's deskmate Fang Ping, who hadn't reacted until now.

We agreed to become scumbags together, but you came out quietly?

"Luo Xiu, daddy is irreconcilable with you!"

"You actually became a top student?"

Fang Ping clenched his fists and gritted his teeth angrily. Yesterday, he f*ck comforted him after school, but now... he just slapped him.

"No, daddy must ask clearly!"

"Damn, why are you so strong?"

Fang Ping couldn't calm down for a long time, but it was Chen Fan who suddenly said meanly: "Also, there is a super explosive news!"


The crowd raised their heads again.

"What news?"

Fang Ping curled his lips: "Could it be that you want to say that Luo Xiu is actually a Practitioner?"

"Hehe, Practitioner?"

Chen Fan said with some disdain: "It's more exaggerated than a Practitioner, you have to listen carefully, don't be scared to pee!"

"Old Luo... huh, Luo Xiu, was spotted by the Great Master!"

"His strength has grown so fast during this time, all because of that Great Master!"


Chen Fan's shocking words almost stunned everyone.

Great Master? !

This is the most powerful type of people in the whole of China, and there are not many of them.

Actually... fell in love with Luo Xiu? !

"Chen Fan, where did you get the news?"

"Yeah, you think Great Master is Chinese cabbage?"

"Take Luo Xiu as an apprentice? If you don't accept so many good seedlings from the No. 1 Middle School, take a student from our No. 2 Middle School?"

"that is!"

A group of people couldn't believe it. How could it be possible that the Great Master, who is a mythical figure, would look up to an ordinary student?

"What do you know?"

"This is called chance? Do you understand? It's like buying a lottery ticket, Luo Xiu won!"

Chen Fan looked at the group of envious and jealous guys in front of him, and smiled coldly: "Who can say good luck?"

"Last night, my cousin heard from Luo Xiu himself that he was spotted by the Great Master, and he was rewarded with a bottle of Medicine Pill. You don't know how powerful that Medicine Pill is... Boss Yu of the Jingwu Gym, since Luo Xiu bought one in his hand, and after swallowing it on the spot, his strength increased by more than 200 kilograms!"

"After I heard it, I was a little scared to pee on the spot!"

"How many?!"

Everyone thought they had heard wrong.

More than 200 kilograms? !

Oh my god, what the hell is this Medicine Pill?

What a mess!

At first I thought Chen Fan was bragging, Luo Xiu said he was spotted by the Great Master, do you believe it?

How the hell am I still being spotted by the Great Master?

However, following Chen Fan's narration, they were a little confused, this Medicine Pill can't be faked!

Lift more than 200 kilograms on the spot?

What is this Medicine Pill? These students have never heard of this magical medicine.

"More than 200 kilograms. It is said that it is only temporary. Do you think that with Luo Xiu's family background, he can get this kind of magic medicine? Obviously, it is a reward from the Great Master!"

"Luo Xiu obviously swallowed this Medicine Pill!"

"Great Master Dan!"

A look of extreme envy appeared on Chen Fan's face, and a group of students were also jealous.

What the hell, people compare to people, it makes people mad.

"How many angels did Luo Xiu save in his previous life to have such fucking luck?"

"Why can't I meet a Great Master, it would be nice to meet a Half step Great Master?"

"Stop talking nonsense, I met a Mingjin Practitioner, and I thank God, the ancestral grave is smoking..."

A group of students were chatting there, but at this moment, Luo Xiu walked in from the outside.

A sharp-eyed student suddenly shouted: "Luo Xiu is here!"

Hula la!

All the people gathered around Luo Xiu, and Luo Xiu was startled by the battle.

"What...what are you doing? You?"

Luo Xiu looked at Chen Fan and Fang Ping, but none of them said a word, they all looked at him with admiration.

"Luo... Luo Xiu, Zong... Is the Great Master powerful?"

It was not until a long time later that Chen Fan said, "Is there any Medicine Pill left? Sell me one!"

"Luo Xiu, are we brothers? What the hell did you agree to hit the streets together, but now you're going straight to the top and soaring into the sky?"

Fang Ping also looked at Luo Xiu depressedly, and now Luo Xiu understood.

Did these guys know what happened last night?

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