Spiritual Qi Recovery: I Have An Infinite Crafting Bar!

[24] 1000 Synthesis Chances! 【1 More】

"Thank you, Officer Chen!"

Luo Xiu waved at a policeman from the Su Chengxiang City Sub-bureau, and then walked out of the police station.

Just now, he finished the record at the police station.

As for the man with glasses named Cheng Qingyang, he will face up to five years in prison, and the others will also be imprisoned for 1-2 years.

The nature of the hijacking of the Medicine Pill this time was very bad. In addition, Luo Xiu called the principal Jiang Gengyao, and Jiang Gengyao came forward, which can be regarded as a thorough determination of the matter.

This was a premeditated kidnapping of students from Su Cheng No. 2 Middle School.

"Now, no one will dare to think about my Medicine Pill anymore!"

"However, this Medicine Pill... will definitely not be able to be traded in the future!"

Luo Xiu's original plan was actually to trade a few.

After all, this thing is too eye-catching.

He also just wants to accumulate the first pot of gold in synthetic materials. Now that his mission has been successfully completed, he will not need to rely on Medicine Pill to make profits in the future.

He has many ways to make money now.

"It's the safest thing to sell limited and collector's edition ordinary items!"

Thinking this way, Luo Xiu prepared to go to the mall to buy printers, scanners, paper, etc., and then go home to synthesize Closed Door Training.


10 at night.

Luo Xiu dragged the supplies from Wutang and several tons of paper from the mall into his house.

"It's all done!"

Looking at the stacks of white papers in front of him, as well as the Medicine Pill, upgraded fruits and vegetables, special meat quality and precious tonics sent by Wutang, Luo Xiu showed a slightly excited look on his face.

After all, this time he was going to play big.

Moreover, there will be plenty of time for synthesis next, so he plans to study the synthesis column carefully.

For those 10% grade jumps, there is still 1% rarity, maybe there is also a 0.1% reward.

"Synthesize what first?"

Luo Xiu rested his chin, looked at the supplies in front of him, and thought.

This time, in order to print the cheats, it can be said that he bought out all the A4 paper in the copy shop, and several tons of white paper were piled there.

As for the five medicine pills required by prospective practitioners and practitioners—Shengli Pill, Qixue Pill, Bone Strengthening Pill, Strong Tendon Pill, and Vajra Pill, he bought 64 medicine pills except for Shengli Pill!

Shengli Pill is an advanced level of Dali Pill. Luo Xiu has swallowed the better Guli Pei Yuan Pill and Xuanyang Wuji Pill, so the low-level Medicine Pill that increases strength has almost no effect on him.

He no longer needs to buy.

Moreover, the Practitioner also has a basic strength bottleneck.

2 tons!

This is a limiting figure for thrust.

That is to say, no matter how many Medicine Pills you have, no matter how powerful the genetic medicine is, your arm strength can only reach the limit of 2 tons at most.

It is theoretically impossible to exceed 2 tons.

At least, after the opening of Martial Dao Epoch Times, it has not been said which quasi-Practitioner and Practitioner can breakthrough the value of arm strength.

No matter how much medicine you take and how much genetic potion you take, you still won’t be able to break through 2 tons in the end.

Therefore, at the stage of Practitioner, the Practitioner will start to develop the strength towards strength. How to transform the strength into stronger and make the strength increase more violently, this is the direction that the Practitioner should cultivate.

Fortunately, ancient martial arts gave them the answer.

From bright energy, dark energy, and then to transformation energy.

The strength of the Practitioner begins to be divided from this.

At this time, the Medicine Pill they chose is not a pill to increase strength, but also a Qi and blood pill to increase Qi and blood, a bone strengthening pill to strengthen bones, a strong tendon pill to make fascia tougher, and finally to increase defense and make the body And the skin becomes bullet-resistant - Vajra Dan.

Luo Xiu's own strength had already reached 1.5 tons, so taking strength potions was meaningless, so he had to change directions.

Only by letting the strength of his whole body condense into a rope can he make the thrust of his arms stronger.

Although 2 tons is a theoretical figure, when many prospective Practitioners are promoted to Practitioners, their arm thrusts are actually only 1.7 or 1.8 tons, and more often the strength increase reaches the 10 tons stipulated by the Practitioner.

"First... synthesize common items!"

"Wait until a certain number of times, and then synthesize Medicine Pill!"

Thinking this way, Luo Xiu picked up wholesale clothes and put them together there.

On the printer not far away, copies of "Introduction to Practitioner Cultivation", "Introduction to Martial Dao", "True Explanation of Martial Dao", "Lilian Shock Technique", and "Ben Lei Zhang" were quickly printed there.

However, Luo Xiu did not print many copies for the first time. He was afraid that he would not be able to synthesize them, so he only printed two copies.


Limited Edition Short Sleeves!


Limited edition figure!


A limited number of items were synthesized, and when they were synthesized 6 or 7 times, Luo Xiu began to become a Medicine Pill again.

In this way, the chance of activating 10% level jump will obviously be greatly increased.


[Congratulations, advanced synthesis! 】

[Qi Xue Pill has been skipped - Shi Quan Bai Shu San! 】

【Shiquan Baizhu Powder】: Advanced Medicine Pill, nourishing qi and promoting blood circulation, cutting hair and washing marrow, enhancing physical fitness in a subtle way, safe to take...Ingredients: Mushen flower, Millennium Poria cocos, Angelica sinensis!

"Haha, I skipped a level the first time!"

"Replace it with ordinary items first, this method really works!"

This is of course a matter of probability.

If the Medicine Pill is synthesized 10 times, the level will be skipped at most once; but among the ten times, if the clothes are synthesized in the first few times, if the level skip is not activated, then the Medicine Pill will be synthesized again, and the probability of level skipping will obviously be greatly increased.

In this way, Luo Xiu synthesized common items while synthesizing Medicine Pills when leveling up, and the synthesis rate of advanced Medicine Pills suddenly increased greatly.

Dragon and Tiger Bone Strengthening Pill, Advanced Bone Strengthening Medicine Pill!

Tough Tendon Pill, Advanced Strong Tendon Medicine Pill!

Vajra Promise Pill, Advanced Physical Medicine Pill!



【Congratulations, a rare item! 】

[Extreme Medicine Pill - Hunyuan Yiqi Pill! 】

[Hunyuan Yiqi Pill]: The top-quality medicine pill, condensed blood, like the collapse of tribute pulp, Hunyuan Yiqi, the unity of qi and blood, the best match for the Foundation Establishment Cultivation Technique Medicine Pill!


Looking at the top Medicine Pill that synthesized rare qi and blood, Luo Xiu's eyes were full of joy.

6 pieces!

Luo Xiu only used 6 qi and blood pills to combine 1 mid-level, 1 high-level and 1 top-level qi and blood pills, activating a level jump and a rare one.

Before changing, to synthesize these three Medicine Pills, without activating level jump and rarity, you need to synthesize 14 Qi and Blood Pills!

Saved more than half.

"This rubbish substitute synthesis method saves Medicine Pill too much!"

Luo Xiu grinned, but there was some anticipation in his mind... Will there be a 0.1% chance of it appearing? !

"1000 times only!"

"Try it!"

Luo Xiu counted the number of times, and when it reached more than 900 times, the two ordinary white papers synthesized in the synthesis column suddenly burst into a colorful light.

Compared with the rare burst of multicolored light, it is even more dazzling.

"Damn it, 0.1% probability?"

Luo Xiu was stunned. His clothes, pants, etc. had all been synthesized.

So he used plain white paper instead.

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