Spiritual Qi Recovery: I Have An Infinite Crafting Bar!

【41】Am I A Peerless Genius In Cultivation? 【3 More】

Luo Xiu thought for a while, but did not delve into this topic.

It doesn't make sense.

Is this kind of thing a little Practitioner like him should think about?

At the very least, people like Great Master!

What he has to do now is to practice, improve his strength, and by the way...get some synthetic materials.

"This Medicine Pill, the introduction to comprehension, etc., it seems that there is no way!"

"You have to use the Foundation Establishment period or the Cultivation Technique!"

Luo Xiu once again helplessly put "Introduction to Cultivation" and "Foundation Establishment Tips" aside.

What he wants to synthesize right now, in addition to "Strengthening Shock Technique" and "Bending Thunder Palm", is "Martial Dao True Explanation" 1000 times, to see if he can activate 0.1% of the rare orphans, and burst out a " "Yi Jin Jing" came out.

"Let's combine the "Strength Refining Shock Technique"!"

Luo Xiu took out "Strength Training Shock Technique" again. This Cultivation Technique Luo Xiu has actually been cultivating all the time, and it is indeed a very good support for the Practitioner's strength increase.

"I hope I can synthesize something good this time!"

"It can't be like the two times just now, things are closed and can't be used!"

"This is a bit sad..."

Luo Xiu murmured, put "Lilian Concussion Technique" in the synthesis column, and clicked to synthesize.


["True Strength and Hundred Practices"]: Practitioner's strength training method can condense the practitioner's strength faster and comprehend the real strength.


"Another Cultivation Technique that is not helpful at this stage!"

"One or two is no more than three. Today is considered bad luck. This upgraded synthesis bar is completely useless to me at this stage!"

Luo Xiu is really a bit scolding.

Foundation Establishment Pill, "Introduction to Foundation Establishment", "Foundation Establishment Tips", "True Strength and Hundred Practices", none of the four things synthesized can be used immediately.

Either you need Cultivation Technique or you need Practitioner strength.

"It seems that the upgraded intermediate synthesis column should serve my next step of cultivation!"

"At this stage, I can only use the items in the primary synthesis column!"

Luo Xiu sort of understood.

Looking at "Ben Lei Zhang" and "Martial Dao True Explanation" that still needed to be synthesized, he couldn't help sighing.

"Running Thunder Palm" is hopeless for him.

This f*ck feels more high-end than strength at first glance.

The only one that can report hope is the 1,000-time "Martial Dao True Explanation", and I hope it can be combined with the "Yi Jin Jing".

"Forget it, everything is ready!"

"Let's get together!"

Luo Xiu took the hopeless "Ben Lei Zhang" into his hands. He had already scanned and printed this cheat book, but for safety reasons, he only printed a dozen copies.


The two cheat books of "Running Thunder Palm" were put into the synthesis box, and then a golden light flashed.

["Running Thunder Hand"]: The advanced Cultivation Technique of "Running Thunder Palm", absorbs the ionization in the air through force, and then paralyzes and seriously injures the opponent.


"Huh? It seems to be useful?"

Luo Xiu read it again unwillingly.

"Power absorbs ionization?"

"Not Jin Dao?"

Luo Xiu's eyes lit up, and he took down "Running Thunder Hand". After reading a few pages, his face suddenly became a little weird.

Because he didn't know what material was used to make this cheat book, he only glanced at it, as if... he understood it.


Luo Xiu suddenly opened his hand, and then flipped through "Running Thunder Hand", which contained detailed cultivation techniques.

Reach out first, send out a vibration of a certain frequency, absorb the ions, and punch out.


According to the introduction in "Running Thunder Hand", Luo Xiu punched the air with his fist.


There was a sound of electric shock in the air, and the smell of scorching also came out.


Luo Xiu looked at Own's right hand in amazement, just now he just experimented casually, and found...it seemed to have played "Running Thunder Hand"!

"Haha, it's that simple?"

"Did you lie down?"

"Are you kidding me?"

Luo Xiu tried to follow the cultivation method mentioned in the secret book of "Running Thunder Hand" again, and punched twice in the air.


The ionization immediately scorched the air, making a crackling sound.

These two punches seemed to be more powerful than the one punch just now.


To be honest, Luo Xiu was really surprised.

He didn't expect that he only read the cheat book of "Running Thunder Hand" once, and he really learned this "Running Thunder Hand"!

"Am I a peerless genius in cultivation?"

"What Cultivation Technique can be read once?"

It was the same when he practiced the "Strengthening Vibration Method" before, and his muscles began to vibrate after watching it once.

"It's kind of awesome!"

Luo Xiu tried to punch Ben Leishou a few more times, and found that each time he punched more in style, in the end, there seemed to be blue arcs around his fists, and the air also made a sizzle sound.

Obviously Ben Leishou was close to Dacheng.

This is the Ben Lei run hand described in "Ben Lei Shou", punching out thunder.

"Wuhu, I now...have a Martial Skill?"

It is obviously not uncommon for an intermediate practitioner to cultivate a Martial Skill in the whole country.

"Try synthesizing again!"

"Ben Lei Shou has learned, I don't know if there is a higher-end one!"

Luo Xiu was already a little excited in his heart, sweeping away the haze of combining four unusable items before.

He put the four cheat books of "Ben Lei Fist" in the synthesis column.


Luo Xiu nodded.


["Little Wind and Thunder Sound Fist"]: The fist makes the sound of wind and thunder, lightning and flint, it is an advanced fist for Ben Leishou, and its power is inexplicable.

"Okay, scam!"

Luo Xiu didn't wait for "Little Wind and Thunder Sound Fist" to be taken out, so he directly put 8 copies of "Ben Thunder Fist" into the synthesis box at the back!

"This time, it should be the Gale and Thunder Sound Fist, right?"

As expected, he was not surprised, the 8 copies of Ben Leiquan were synthesized into——

【"Great Wind and Thunder Sound Fist"】: Fist out a hurricane and lightning, as fast as light, can collapse mountains and crack rocks, with unparalleled power!

"Fuck, this is fierce, this is too fierce!"

Luo Xiu was a little excited.

He never expected that the Ben Lei Fist that Comrade Lao Jiang gave him would eventually produce so many good things.

"I don't know, can we get together?"

Luo Xiu hurriedly asked the printer to print two more copies of "Great Wind and Thunder Sound Fist", and then put them in the synthesis column.


The golden light flashed away, and it didn't reach the limit of synthesis as imagined, and it couldn't be synthesized.

A simple ancient book with lightning and lightning arcs appeared in the golden synthetic frame.

Luo Xiu only took one look, and almost fainted from happiness.

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