Spiritual Qi Recovery: I Have An Infinite Crafting Bar!

【57】Squad 1 Is Scared To Pee! 【410】

Luo Xiu's load is 2010KG!

Shi Zhuo is even more awesome, 1988KG!

One kilogram more is not much, and one kilogram less is not much, which is exactly the same as his own thrust; at any rate, Luo Xiu's thrust is 1 kilogram more than his 2009kg thrust in the martial arts test.

This guy doesn't have much, he is simply a salted fish among salted fish.

However, his thrust is the highest in this martial arts test, except for Luo Xiu.


Infinitely close to the strength limit of 2000KG.

"Teacher, it's what you said, you only need to carry a weight equal to your own strength!"

Shi Zhuo was arguing there, and Wang Zhenting was also a little helpless: "Okay, then you two will run 10 more laps in a while!"

"Isn't it? Sir~~~"

Shi Zhuo wailed a little [Luo Xiu next to him has already added another 500KG strap.

"Luo Xiu doesn't need to run away, what about you?"

Wang Zhenting obviously saw Luo Xiu's little tricks in his eyes, but Shi Zhuo was stubborn and gritted his teeth: "Run 10 more laps, 10 laps, let me put on pounds, that's impossible!"

"Okay, kind!" 26

"I hope you will still say such hard words after a while!"


With his hands on the wall, Wang Zhenting suddenly pressed a black button on the wall with force.

Immediately, numbers jumped out of it one by one.


"Get used to it first, 10 times gravity!"

After Wang Zhenting finished speaking, Luo Xiu suddenly felt a huge force rushing towards his whole body.

Arms, brain, back....It seemed that a huge weight was pressed down in an instant.


A huge pressure instantly flooded the entire Tianyi class.

Luo Xiu staggered, and with a bang, his knee almost came into close contact with the ground.

If he hadn't used his hands to take advantage of it, he would have fallen down.

But even so, he was already half squatting on the ground, trying to resist the sudden 10 times the weight.

And Luo Xiu seems to be not the worst one.

Changsun Chen didn't even hum, and lay down directly.

He was carrying 3,500 kilograms, plus gravity, which obviously exceeded the limit that his body could bear.

#3500kg "Your kid is hard enough!"

"Didn't the teacher tell you about the training program of the rookie camp before you came?"

Wang Zhenting turned away from his eldest grandson, but found that the boy was still supporting himself hard, trying to make his own body stand up.

The same goes for Luo Xiu next to him.

"Damn, ten times the gravity...it's really scary!"

"However, it seems to be bearable!"

Luo Xiu tried to stand up, his bones creaking, but his body began to straighten slowly.

The surrounding gravity was still hitting his whole body continuously, making creaking and squeezing sounds. He only felt that every time he stood up, his internal organs were about to be shattered.

In the end, his almost uncomfortable eyes and eyebrows were squeezed together, and the cold sweat drenched his entire back.

However, Luo Xiu stood up tenaciously.

And, the back is getting straighter and straighter.

"Oh? Luo Xiu...... Have you experienced a gravity room before?"

Wang Zhenting looked at Luo Xiu with some surprise. He knew how many Nalan lacked. None of these guys started training from 1 times the gravity, so they were obviously very adaptable to the gravity room.

That's why Sun Chen was such a fool, he overestimated own's strength, resulting in a direct 10 times gravity, crushing him in an instant!


Luo Xiu gritted his teeth and roared, all the strength in his body seemed to wake up at this moment.

The creaking sound was like a grinding disc, and at this moment, the heavy burden seemed to be slightly relieved.


Wang Zhenting's relaxed expression suddenly restrained himself.

He stared at Luo Xiu in a daze, it seemed that it only took 3-4 seconds for Luo Xiu to bend his legs to straighten now?

"Yes, the first time!"

Luo Xiu let out a sharp breath, and then suddenly smiled.

Because his body seems to have begun to adapt to the squeeze of gravity, and the muscles all over his body are constantly vibrating there.

Some medicine pills hidden in the body remained, but they also rushed to the limbs.

The whole body is indescribably joyful!

"No wonder many Great Masters say that practicing under gravity is very effective in condensing and consolidating strength!"

"It seems that gravity can act as a precipitation force!"

Luo Xiu couldn't help stretching, raised his head for the first time, and saw a group of people in front of him, all of them looked at him in disbelief, including Wang Zhenting beside him.

"Squad leader, is this really your first time?"

Shi Zhuo, with the most relaxed expression, leaned against the wall and looked at Luo Xiu in disbelief.

The expressions of the others seemed to be the same as his.

"Why, isn't it the first time for you?"

Luo Xiu asked back, his body felt more and more relaxed. Although the squeeze of gravity still existed, his strength was enough to resist.

"It's the first time I've seen someone who can adapt to the gravity room so quickly!"

"And... still 10 times the gravity!"

Wang Zhenting said quietly at the side, and glanced at Nalan Que who was indifferent: "Nalan, how long did it take you to stand up when you entered the 10 times gravity room for the first time?"

Nalan Que didn't speak, but stared at Luo Xiu, with a rather dangerous meaning in it.

"If you don't tell me, I can guess it!"

"For ordinary people, it takes 5 minutes to get used to it under 1 times the force of gravity without carrying a load; for geniuses, there is also a process of adaptation!"

"With 2 times the gravity, it's not that simple!"

"With 5 times the gravity, even if you don't bear 873 weights, most people will definitely have to get down!"

"Luo Xiu stood up in 10 seconds with 10 times the force of gravity under the condition of carrying 2.5 tons. I have never seen it in my life anyway.

Wang Zhenting didn't speak any more, the shock in his eyes could be seen by anyone.


At this time, Changsun Chen, who had been lying there all this time, even supported half of his body.

Although he was sweating profusely, gritting his teeth and wearing a weight-bearing helmet, he still slowly stood up.

"Your class has surprised me more and more!"

"Now, run with a heavy load and don't stop!"

Wang Zhenting glanced at Changsun Chen who was sitting up and panting, but said to Luo Xiu: "You are the squad leader, you lead the race!"


I have a sentence mmp I don't know if it should be said properly.

Luo Xiu almost uttered a foul word directly.

But in the end, after thinking about the other party's status as a Great Master, he still forcibly endured it.

"Let's go, follow closely!!"

Luo Xiu had no choice but to bite the bullet and stand in the front, shouted, took a step, and ran out quickly.

This step didn't matter, but Nalan Que, who was following behind him, suddenly raised his head.

Even Wang Zhenting looked at Luo Xiu with a strange look on his face.

This kid, with 10 times the gravity and a load of 2500 kg, can run so fast?!

Just rushed out in one step?

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