Spiritual Qi Recovery: I Have An Infinite Crafting Bar!

[61] Thunder Breathing Method! 【810】

Luo Xiu looked at the group of people lying on the ground with pity, as well as the two guys who stood stubbornly but their faces were completely squeezed together.

"Why does it hurt?"

"Obviously I don't feel anything at all!"

Luo Xiu shrugged, Wang Zhenting next to him was also wondering?

"Then do you feel your strength has increased?"



Luo Xiu clenched his fist, and he could clearly feel the force of the muscles bursting out.

Wang Zhenting on the side was stunned again.

"Did you...have no muscle tone before?"

"Yes, normal people have voices?"

Wang Zhenting almost fell down.

What a normal person, you are a Practitioner!

Practitioner is not just tempering the body, making the muscles of the whole body tense, and then exerting force.

Did you really just fight with brute force before co-authoring this guy?

Now, Wang Zhenting is really looking forward to Luo Xiu's martial arts test results more and more.

Such a piece of rough jade has mastered the technique of exerting force, and after being tempered by gravity and genetic medicine, what kind of exaggerated punching force should it burst out by then?

Wang Zhenting looked at Luo Xiu, and he had an intuition that Luo Xiu might set a new record in the history of martial arts examinations.

At this time, Nalan Que and Lou Jialuo, the effect of the genetic medicine has almost passed.

The two of them have gradually begun to return to normal, and there is also Changsun Chen who was the first to inject the medicine!

The three of them leaned there, feeling some changes after the modification of the genetic medicine.

"Generally speaking, a Practitioner injected with an S-grade genetic drug will increase its strength by about 50-300KG!"

"But the higher the base strength, the less the increase!"

"After all, the limit of human strength is about 2000KG!"

"After I got the injection, my strength increased by 2KG, but it was this 2KG that allowed me to break through the limit of 2000KG, reaching the current 2001KG!

"You guys... feel it yourself!"

Wang Zhenting looked at the students from Class 1 who stood up one by one, but suddenly pressed another button on the wall.


The alloy wall on the far right of the classroom collapsed suddenly, and then a thrust machine that was exactly the same as the martial arts test, and a boxing machine slowly moved out of the wall.

Eventually, the two machines came to the very center of the classroom.

"Next, what I want to teach you is the technique of thrust!"

"There are also some skills that I use exclusively!"

"I named it—"Thunder Breathing Method"!"


Wang Zhenting suddenly sat on the thrust machine, his body was straight, and his hands were naturally placed on the front of the thrust rod.

"Listen to the rhythm of my breathing!"


Wang Zhenting's chest seemed to be thundering. As he exhaled and inhaled, his body seemed to shake, but his arms remained motionless, as if a kind of power was constantly brewing and deriving.

"See it all!"

"My exclusive set of 'Thunder Breathing Method', through this breathing rhythm, can strengthen the heart and lung function, allowing the blood to obtain the emperor's oxygen in a short time!"

"And the more oxygen the human body has, the better the cardiopulmonary function, and the stronger the qi and blood!"

"All the organs of your body can be mobilized to serve your strength!"


The next second after Wang Zhenting finished speaking, his left hand holding the putter suddenly pushed forward!

He didn't push it to the end in one breath like Luo Xiu did.

Instead, it is pushed out and released, just like lightning, and the hand is retracted the moment it is pushed out.

"The short-lived power is the strongest!"

"It's like Cunjin is the strongest kind of dark energy!"

"There is also a thrusting posture, the tiger's mouth must not be grasped to death..."


While Wang Zhenting was talking, he was demonstrating there.

Luo Xiu listened carefully.

To be honest, before this, no one has ever talked to him in such detail.

He also didn't think there was any skill in thrusting.

But now he found that he was very wrong.

According to Wang Zhenting's technique and method of exerting force, Luo Xiu is confident that his thrust can be increased by 10%!

That is to say, during the preliminary test, he can already launch a force of 2200KG.

Now, only stronger.

This is the difference between mastering the force and not mastering it.

Wang Zhenting talked patiently there, including sitting posture, arm swing, etc., all of which were very detailed.

But except for Luo Xiu, the others seem to be only interested in the "Thunder Breathing Method", and they have already mastered the others.

"Okay, let's all learn the Thunder Breathing Method first!"

Wang Zhenting asked everyone to sit on the ground in Lotus Position, and then monitored their breathing rate.

"Today, your lesson is to master this set of breathing techniques!"

"I will teach you how to breathe vigorously in the afternoon. Static and dynamic are different!"

"These seven days, it's good if you can master it..."

Wang Zhenting said lightly, and the group immediately started practicing the Thunder Breathing Method...

The five-day rookie camp time passed by in a flash.

During these five days, Luo Xiu could be said to have felt the drastic changes in his experience and body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although he hadn't really tested his own boxing strength, Luo Xiu thought that he was on par with Nalan, or even surpassed.

Five days ago, Luo Xiu couldn't imagine it.

During the daily training in the gravity room, Luo Xiu has increased from 20 times the gravity to a terrifying 50 times.

The load has reached 5000KG!

Of course, in the 50 times gravity room, only Luo Xiu dares to try it now, which is what Wang Zhenting asked him to do; Nalan Que can only stay in the 40 times gravity room with a load of 3500KG, and the key is that he is exhausted every day like a dog.

40 times is already his limit.

Of course he also tried to stay with Luo Xiu, but almost couldn't get out.

This led to his deep resentment towards Luo Xiu.

As for Lou Gala, 35 times!

The rest are in the 30 times gravity chamber.

Right now, Luo Xiu's name as squad leader can be said to be completely confirmed, and no one dares to raise any objections.

It was Nalan Que and Lou Jialuo who always wanted to wrestle with Luo Xiu, but Luo Xiu never gave them this chance.

Just kidding, the force test must be 0.2 to see the result.

It's too early to make an appearance.

This led to Nalan Que and Lou Jialuo's extremely hard training, which is of course a good thing Wang Zhenting is happy to see.

Luo Xiu has also fully mastered the Thunder Breathing Technique.

This refreshed the cognition of everyone in Tianyi Class, including Wang Zhenting himself.

It only took Luo Xiu one day to learn both the movement and stillness breathing method, and he used it proficiently.

At the same time, he also synthesized two rare 0.1% Medicine Pills——Longhuang Powder and Zhenganghuntian Pill!

The former is to replenish qi and blood, and the latter is to strengthen tendons!

Originally, Luo Xiu was planning to synthesize tonight, but...the money ran out.

So he synthesized Chengxintang paper the day before yesterday and yesterday, and planned to exchange it for some money.

"Sister Qiu, are you there?"

Luo Xiu went to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing and sent a message to Lin Qiuli. The best person he could think of to sell paper was her!.

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