Spiritual Qi Recovery: I Have An Infinite Crafting Bar!

【64】Strike The Strongest Limit, Closed Door Training Again! 【1 More】


To be honest, Luo Xiu hadn't even reacted yet.

He thought that he had synthesized a 0.1% rare product of Zhuanggu Pill, because according to the frequency and time, it was indeed almost the same.

But until the moment when the nine rays of light burst out, he knew that some great fetish seemed to be born in the synthesis bar.

So cool.

Beyond the special effects of any previous synthesis.

Even if it is a rare and orphan product, it will be eclipsed under the light of the Nine Luminaries.

"God-level Medicine Pill?"

When the final prompt came out, Luo Xiu's breathing stagnated for a moment.

"I... my day!"

Luo Xiu took a deep breath, and felt that every cell in his body was trembling.

God level!

What is the concept of god level?!

Obviously, it is an existence beyond the rare and orphan, and there is still a probability of... 0.01%.

In other words, only 10,000 times of synthesis can give birth to such an extremely rare opportunity!

"Ten thousand times..."

"Before I knew it, I had synthesized it 10,000 times?"

Luo Xiu murmured, thinking for a while, it seemed....it was almost the same.

Synthesize paper 1000 times three times, and get 3 pieces of rare Chengxintang paper 747; then synthesize three times of Medicine Pill, get three rare Medicine Pill; plus "Yi Jin Jing", "Xing Sui Jing", and other seven The synthesis of seven or eight, and thousands of bone strengthening pills tonight.

No more, no less, just in the middle of 9000-10000.

"Hahaha, god level!"

"There is a 0.01% probability of god-level synthesis in 10,000 times?"

"Doesn't that mean?"

Luo Xiu was not in a hurry to see what kind of shocking Medicine Pill was synthesized in this god-level synthesis.

What he thinks in his heart is - "The True Explanation of Martial Dao", "Ben Lei Zhang" and... Dali Pill.

These can be synthesized 10,000 times!


"This f*ck is going to burst into god level, what kind of Cultivation Technique will be born?"

"There are 10,000 more Dali pills?"

"Is there a god-level Medicine Pill that increases strength?"

Luo Xiu can't forget the power of the Bodhi Pill; he thought that the martial arts test was almost a test with his current strength, and although he was sure to be the first, Luo Xiu knew very well that there was not much more than Nalan Que.

Even, will he have a backhand?

Basic strength Luo Xiu is confident that he can completely abuse him, but what about the strength increase? (cgdg)!

This company's preliminary test has already reached 25 times; Luo Xiu estimates that it is at least about 30 times now.

As he is improving, Nalan Que must also be getting stronger.

Although not as perverted as Luo Xiu.

Luo Xiu reckoned that he was about 40 times, and he was 10.36 times in the preliminary test. Although it was hidden, it was actually up to 11 times!

Then in the rookie camp, a rare Medicine Pill Bodhi Dan, which improved his basic strength; two blood and muscle-changing ones, doubled his increase!

Coupled with breathing method, gravity training camp, S-level super genetic potion and force-generating skills, Luo Xiu is 40 times more confident that he can definitely do it!

"But, it's still not enough!"

"Not crushing enough!"

"If the basic strength is improved a bit, it should be enough to make Nalan Que despair!"

Luo Xiu thought faintly, and in his heart he was already desperately wanting to combine the 10,000 times of Dali Wan before the martial arts test.

"I'll ask Old Wang for leave tomorrow!"

"For the next three days, I have to do Closed Door Training, to hit the limit of my own power and increase!"

"Today, first combine the remaining 2 kinds of rare medicine pill 0.1% orphans!"

Luo Xiu made up his mind, and then... looked at the synthesis frame in midair, still exuding the light of the Nine Luminaries!

In the synthesis frame, a nine-color Medicine Pill is flowing in it, exuding an extremely Sacred breath.

This is the god-level Medicine Pill, the super treasure that makes the Cultivation World crazy about it!

[Ancestral Hongmeng Divine Pill II————— Bone Tempering Reincarnation Pill]: Foundation Establishment Bone Tempering magic medicine, combined with "Ancestral Hongmeng Sutra" Foundation Establishment chapter, can directly Bone Tempering Dacheng! Ingredients: Unknown! Upgrade synthesis column)

Looking at the introduction of the magic pill in front of him, Luo Xiu was not disappointed at all.

Even if he can't swallow it now, but one day, he will be able to use it.

This is a Sacred Pill that is instantly Bone Tempered after swallowing it!

Practitioner Bone Tempering takes time; and Bone Tempering masters are even rarer.

Luo Xiu had watched "Introduction to Comprehension" before, and the Foundation Establishment period required Bone Tempering to achieve "forged bones like crystals", that is, bones are crystal clear and stronger than steel. This is the sign of Bone Tempering's great success.

And many Practitioners right now are suddenly not up to the standard!

"I just don't know... Does the 0.01% God-level Medicine Pill of Dali Pill need the assistance of this "Absolute Harmony Sutra"?"

Luo Xiu had some guesses, but finally made a decision, and synthesized Closed Door Training!

No matter what, he has to give it a try!

If he can swallow it directly, then he will be directly invincible in the Practitioner realm, and even have the power to fight against Shangjindao Practitioners.

Even if it cannot be swallowed, Luo Xiu will not lose

There is basically no accident in his martial arts test, he is already the first, it's just a question of how much thrust and punching power.

Thinking of this, Luo Xiu was no longer confused, and started the journey of 0.1% rare and orphan products of Zhuanggudan and Vajradan.

Tonight, he must combine these two Medicine Pills.

After that, it is possible to synthesize 10,000 Dali Pills in one go.

"It's just that I have no money to buy 20,000 Dali pills...

Fortunately, the unit price of Dali Pills in the fortress is not expensive. If it is Wutang, 20,000 pills will cost 20 million, and there are not so many in stock!

"376 pieces, or 7.52 million!"

Luo Xiu was thinking about it, but suddenly a candidate came to mind.

Dou Luoyan!

Su Cheng is the elder brother of the first family Doujia.

Doujia is not only a family of martial arts, but also in terms of family wealth, he is richer than Su Yi's father, and he is Su Cheng's top ten richest people.

Even if you look at the whole country, it is also ranked first.

Although Lin Qiuli's father is rich, he can only be regarded as upper middle class at best!

"Since this kid wants to help me sell the Medicine Pill, it shouldn't be a problem to ask him to borrow tens of millions, right?"

Luo Xiu chuckled.

At this time, on the third floor of the sky, the body of Dou Luoyan, who was sleeping, couldn't help shaking, and then suddenly woke up from the nightmare.


He sat up straight with sweat profusely, staring at the pitch-black room, but his mind was full of the dream just now, and Luo Xiu's magic voice before he died!

"Luo Xiu Luo Xiu, this guy actually wants to kill me?"

"Damn, can't you?!"

Dou Luoyan panted heavily, and finally found out that it was a dream, so he hurriedly comforted himself.

"No, no!"

"Dreams are reversed..."

Dou Luoyan kept repeating, but his mind became more and more clear.

He planned to have a frank and honest talk with Luo Xiu tomorrow, and treat him to a meal, so as to clear up the past between the two of them.

Now that Luo Xiu's reputation is top-notch in the rookie camp. .

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