Spiritual Qi Recovery: Sign In To The Ultimate Cultivation Talent

Chapter 29 The Broadcast of the Laoshengyuan, Ye Feng's Request

"Uh, it's not necessary."

"Yes, yes, it is absolutely necessary."

Zhou Feng quickly took Xu Ming to the broadcasting room.

"Old Xu, please."

Zhou Feng, the dean of the Laoshengyuan Hospital, made a gesture of invitation.

Xu Ming shook his head secretly. He knew that Zhou Feng was still unwilling to let Ye Feng come to the Laoshengyuan in advance because he had never seen Ye Feng's horror.

The reason for letting myself broadcast is also obvious, which is to make the students in the Laoshengyuan more angry, so that Ye Feng can target Ye Feng after coming to the Laoshengyuan.

But none of these matters, and Ye Feng's horror is not what they can imagine.

"I am Xu Ming, the dean of the New Life Home, and my disciple Ye Feng will come to your Old Life Home."

A plain sentence.

After speaking, Xu Ming walked away.

The teachers and students in the Laoshengyuan heard the sound of the broadcast, and they were stunned.

The voice of the dean of the Xinshengyuan appeared in the Laoshengyuan. Doesn't he say that his disciples will come to the Laoshengyuan? Why does this sound like walking through the back door?

"Attention, everyone! Attention, everyone! The so-called disciple of the dean of the Xinshengyuan has just arrived at the Xinshengyuan for a few days, but people feel that the Xinshengyuan is not challenging, and they want to challenge our Laoshengyuan."

Zhou Feng, the dean of the Laoshengyuan, began to make up the knife.

As soon as Zhou Feng said this, the students in the Old College of Students were all passionate and angry.

On the side of the Laoshengyuan, a student squeezed his fist, "Ye Feng, are you really in the Laoshengyuan, do you dare to be so arrogant!"

The students are not others, but Lu Qiang's Big Brother, Lu Ming.

After Xu Ming and Zhou Feng broadcast before and after, although Ye Fengren has not yet arrived at the Laoshengyuan, his name has already been remembered by everyone in the Laoshengyuan.

There is no doubt that if Ye Feng arrives at the Laoshengyuan, many people will challenge him.

Xu Ming also returned to the Xinshengyuan.

After returning to the Xinshengyuan, Xu Ming found Ye Feng who was in the martial arts training ground, and after taking Ye Feng aside, he looked at Ye Feng, "The old school has agreed, when are you going to the Laoshengyuan?"

Ye Feng listened to the teacher's words, and he secretly let out a sigh of relief. If he can go to the Laoshengyuan, then he has nothing to worry about.

"Teacher, can you have a request before going to the Laoshengyuan?"

"What request?"

Xu Ming looked at Ye Feng suspiciously, not understanding what Ye Feng had requested.

"No one has ever entered the tenth floor of the Yuan Pagoda in the Xinshengyuan. Let me go in for two days and feel it?"

Ye Feng thought that the vitality of the second floor of the Yuan Pagoda was already so strong, let alone the tenth floor.


Xu Ming shook his head, "You can't enter the tenth floor. Although it is full of vitality, it has a strong sense of oppression. If you enter now, your body will explode because you can't bear the terrible oppression, unless..."

Ye Feng first listened to what the teacher Xu Ming said. He thought he had no intention of entering the tenth floor of the Yuan Pagoda.

"Unless what?"

Ye Feng looked at Xu Ming curiously.

"Unless there is a medicine to eliminate the feeling of oppression."

"I do not have."

"I have."

Ye Feng was startled. He thought to himself that since the teacher had the medicine to eliminate the oppression, why did he say so much.

"Ye Feng, I can give you medicine, but it can only last for half an hour."

"Thank you, teacher."

Ye Feng just wanted to go to the tenth floor of Yuan Pagoda to experience it.

When he arrived at the dean's office, after the dean gave the medicine to Ye Feng, Ye Feng headed towards Yuan Pagoda.

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