The call was dialed quickly and Cui Zhenjun's voice came:

"Did you call with any questions?"

Ye Xiaoshu said seriously: "It is very likely that Biduolu will appear at twelve o'clock tomorrow."

"Furthermore, I deduced from the location where Biduo appeared that he would..."

Ye Xiaoshu was interrupted by Cui Zhenjun before he finished speaking:

"What you mentioned has been analyzed by the military department."

"Bidolu will avoid saint-level warriors and carry out operations to absorb earth veins four hundred kilometers away."

"So you want to take advantage of this and force Biduolu into a place to attack, right?"

Ye Xiaoshu: "Yeah."

Cui Zhenjun continued: "We also thought about this plan in advance, but it was rejected."

"If all the saint-level people are distributed throughout China, then support will take a lot of time, which is far longer than the time of acting together."

"The ability to unleash your potential must not be used for a long time. It will place too much load on you!"

There are many talents in the army, and there must be people smarter than Ye Xiaoshu.

If he can figure it out, so can others.

The Commander-in-Chief believes that even though the crusade against the apostles is very important, Ye Xiaoshu's safety must be taken seriously and regarded as a very high priority.

"Why does the army care about me so much? I'm so touched." Ye Xiaoshu said with a smile.

[Negative emotion value from Cui Zhenjun +10]

These disgusting words gave the Commander-in-Chief goosebumps all over his body.

Ye Xiaoshu continued: "Commander, don't worry, my safety is absolutely no problem."

"Just follow this plan."

"I can't fly as fast as you. Instead of letting us find Biduolu, we should let it come to me."

Cui Zhenjun: "Okay, I will discuss this matter with the people in the military department."

"Speaking of which, where are you going to push Biduolu?"

Ye Xiaoshu: "The center of China - Tianxuan Mountain."

Cui Zhenjun: "Okay, I will arrange this matter now. This time, we old bones who have reached the saint level will have to obey your command."

Ye Xiaoshu: "Then I will boldly give the order."

"By the way, Commander, you haven't answered me yet about what the dragon team is doing recently."

"This operation will be smoother with them."

Cui Zhenjun: "..."

"I don't know either... After the battle is over, you can go ask the headquarters of the supernatural team..."

Ye Xiaoshu: "Okay."

After that, the phone was hung up.

Military Department, Office of the Commander-in-Chief——

Cui Zhenjun pinched the bridge of his nose with his hand and fell back. He leaned his head on the chair and looked at the ceiling of the command room.

"How long can you hide this from him? Why don't you tell him directly!" the chief of staff yelled angrily.

Cui Zhenjun said helplessly:

"This is a life-or-death moment for China. We cannot let him be distracted."

"Qi Yasu is in Beijing. She will tell Ye Xiaoshu everything when the dust settles."

The chief of staff yelled angrily: "I'll see how you end up with it then!"

After that, he walked out of the office angrily and closed the door forcefully.


Cui Zhenjun rubbed his bloodshot eyes, stood up from the chair, sighed, and then walked towards the door.


Ye Xiaoshu's side——

After hanging up the phone, he had an ominous premonition.

The commander-in-chief's secretive attitude is a bit strange, maybe something happened to the dragon group.

But not to mention the dragon group, it is definitely the strongest in terms of escape ability.

The system props given by Ye Xiaoshu have three times the explosive power. At the same time, there is also a space-type Qi Yasu in the team.

Even if something happened, he would only be slightly injured at most.

‘Forget it, it’s useless to think so much, just ask after the matter is over. ’ Ye Xiaoshu thought in his heart.

Just as he was about to put the phone away, he heard a strange call.

"Didi dididi——"

Ye Xiaoshu: "Hey."

The other party: "Hello, my name is Gong Qingying, from Yuanxu Technology Company. I wonder if you still remember me."

Yuanxu Technology is also a military technology, and the AI ​​defense matrix it produced shined in this large-scale spiritual disaster.

Ye Xiaoshu: "Of course I remember (this is a lie)."

Gong Qingying: "The purpose of calling you this time is to support you in your crusade against Biduolu."

"We have studied the satellites and related information you brought from Eagle Country before. Among them are Eagle Country's unfinished space-based weapons design drawings."

Ye Xiaoshu asked in surprise: "Are you sure? Space-based weapons!"

Gong Qingying: "Yes."

"Yuanxu Company has set up virtual warehouses in large quantities before, with the purpose of collecting data on the use of spiritual energy."

"We focused on completing the data analysis when you use self-destruction, and finally completed the space-based weapon."

Ye Xiaoshu was speechless.

In this world, every country regards the research and development of spiritual energy as the first option, and is not so enthusiastic about the research of ordnance.

At the time, he regarded the data as nothing more than instructions. Unexpectedly, the country used all the stolen data!

Unlike China, which values ​​military power, Eagle Country is better at scientific and technological research.

Ye Xiaoshu deeply understands the power of mechanics.

Nowadays, China combines the use of martial arts and spiritual energy with technology to produce super weapons of this level, which is really shocking.

Ye Xiaoshu: "I understand what you said. In other words... the space-based weapons that Yingguo itself didn't even understand, have been perfected by you?"

Gong Qingying: "Yes."

Ye Xiaoshu: "But I am uneducated, and I can take over the world with just one word of wisdom."

Gong Qingying: "Hahaha, you are joking. You have contributed a lot to the development of China's basic weapons."

"So our Yuanxu Technology decided to hand over the authority of space-based weapons to you after applying."

Just as Ye Xiaoshu handed over satellites to the army, Yuanxu Technology also donated space-based weapons to Ye Xiaoshu.

"Then I will accept it without mercy!"

Ye Xiaoshu secretly rejoiced, luckily there was no greed at the time, and the benefits will come soon!

Gong Qingying: "First of all, space-based weapons have not been tested yet. Please leave the attack range as soon as possible when you initiate the signal."

Ye Xiaoshu: "Okay, I understand. Does this weapon have a name?"

Gong Qingying pondered for a while, then looked at the documents and said those two words:


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