The balance of the battle tilted towards Ye Xiaoshu.

The tigers and tigers of the Juque dance are so popular that Biduolu is overwhelmed.

Suddenly, tentacles stretched out from behind the pink piece of flesh and attacked Ye Xiaoshu's chest!

"Master, be careful!" Lilith shouted anxiously.

Without her reminder, Ye Xiaoshu had already reacted. Juque left his hand and flew towards a place where Bi Duolu passed by.

The hilt of this sword is wrapped with forbidden iron chains. As time goes by, these chains have become part of the giant palace.

When Ye Xiaoshu releases Juque, he can use spiritual skills without restrictions.

"Spiritual Skill: Time Rewind!" Ye Xiaoshu shouted at Bi Duolu for using the spiritual words.

In an instant, in the area with Ye Xiaoshu as the center of the circle, the space suddenly trembled, and then it started to rewind as if it were turned upside down.

Because of the influence of spiritual skills, Biduolu gradually replayed the series of actions just now.

The tentacle that originally struck him retracted.

"Humans have the ability to control the law of time? Impossible!" Biduolu shouted in disbelief, his whole body trembling violently.

It realized that the strength of the enemy in front of it cannot be judged solely by the strength of its spiritual power!

The flying giant was blocked by Biduolu with all his strength, and was put aside.

Just when it wanted to restore itself by absorbing the earth's veins, Ye Xiaoshu didn't give it any time to relax and stepped out from the place.

He pulled up the giant tower on the ground, then appeared in front of Biduolu and turned around to strike!


This sword struck Biduolu firmly in the stomach.

Blood splashed out and red blood dripped.

The attack was not fatal, but it still caused considerable damage.

Biduolu said with trembling body:


"You are going against the will of Yggdrasil!"

Ye Xiaoshu: "World Tree? Do this to me and die!"

The blood in his body was solidified, all concentrated on the blade, and the giant sword in his hand did not make any complicated and fancy movements.

There is only that simple sword.

The Chinese sacred weapon made a strong buzzing sound, and the sword groove flashed with a dazzling red light.

The sword fell and the sound was silent.

Biduolu's sharp claws tried to resist, but they were all chopped into pieces.

The sword didn't stop, and continued to strike at its head!

Feeling the threat of death, it no longer hides its clumsiness.

Although Bidolu is now resurrected, he can only survive by parasitizing humans.

Its origins had been severely damaged in that battle.

In order to recharge its energy, it avoids all strong people, just to absorb the earth veins and restore itself to its peak.

But he didn't expect that the human being in front of him who was not as spiritually powerful as himself could push himself to such a point.

"Spiritual realm!"

Biduolu roared, releasing a majestic spiritual power from his body.

This spiritual power is so solid that it can affect reality.

The sword blade that was about to hit hard was blown away by this pink shock wave.

Bidolu took this opportunity to insert his hand into the ground, greedily absorbing energy from the ley lines.

White energy surges through its body, gradually restoring all injuries to their original state.

In the initial stage of domain release, Ye Xiaoshu had difficulty getting close to Biduolu and could only think of countermeasures ten meters away from it.

Fortunately, the blood maniac has the ability to calm down, allowing him to ignore Biduolu's mental control.

At this time, a voice came from the headphones.

"Space-based weapons are ready and orbital bombing can be carried out at any time." Gong Qingying prompted in the headset.

"Don't worry, I'll play with it again." Ye Xiaoshu said with a smile.

"Okay, please call us anytime if you need us."

After saying that, the communication was hung up.

If 'Heavenly Punishment' is used at this time, it will probably cause him to run away with residual health like last time.

Now that we have decided to attack Biduolu, we must first force out all its trump cards.

The domain was released, and the scope became larger and larger, finally covering the entire Tianxuan Mountain Range.

It is precisely because of the existence of this realm that the army cannot approach Bidolu.

Ye Xiaoshu couldn't help but admire Duolu's arrangement of tactics.

It does not appear near the strong, and the weak will be directly controlled by it.

Even if someone is immune to mind control, its power can crush these sane people.

Cautious, yet powerful.

Think like a human being.

Ye Xiaoshu waved his hand to bring up the skill panel and focused his eyes on the skill point.

[Remaining allocable skill points: 3021439]

Most of the more than three million skill points were obtained from the people of Sakura Country after the destruction.

Ye Xiaoshu knew very well that the skills he used most were Blood Madness and Demon Disintegration.

Nowadays, the practicality of blood madness has far exceeded that of the disintegration of the demon. The reason is that the disintegration level of the demon is not enough.

Ye Xiaoshu looked at Biduolu who was wrapped in the domain and said with a smile:

"Do you think you are the only one who will become stronger in battle?"

"What a coincidence, I can do it too."

"The system adds points!"

"Ding ding ding ding ding——" the system prompt sounded.

[1 million skill points have been consumed]

[Disintegration of the Demon (Perfection→Pure Blue) lv1]

"Come again!"

"Ding ding ding ding——"

[Disintegration of the Demon (Pure Green → Tongyuan) lv1]

Skill points required for upgrade: 300000

(The aura consumption speed of this skill is halved) → (Enabling this skill will no longer consume aura)

(After turning it on, your cultivation level will continue to increase) → (When it is not turned on, your cultivation level will also increase automatically)

Absorbs the aura of the person it touches regardless of level.

When used, it will increase to a greater level, and the spiritual energy intensity will increase (four times) → (five times) in a short period of time.

[Remaining allocable skill points: 21439]

Just when Ye Xiaoshu finished adding points to his skills, Biduolu burst out with a majestic energy.

It began to use its full strength.

Pink silk threads flowed on Biduolu's body, which were the inscriptions of runes.

The price of using all your strength is the rapid loss of vitality.

If he hadn't been forced into this situation, Biduolu would definitely not be willing to activate this state.

The energy wave dissipated, and Biduolu's figure changed dramatically.

Many cracks emitting white light were added to the skin, and a pair of flesh and blood wings spread out behind it.

The way it uses spiritual veins is different from Ye Xiaoshu.

Biduolu extracted the energy from the earth's veins to replenish himself, but Ye Xiaoshu was different. He directly dug out the roots of the spiritual veins and drained them entirely.

Ye Xiaoshu took out the spiced melon seeds (50% injury-free) from his pocket, stuffed them into his mouth, and chewed the melon seed shells together.

Bidolu spread his wings and flew high, with countless spikes transformed by his mental power gathered around him.

"You humans know that you will perish, why do you resist?"

"Is it possible that you think you can defeat me?"

Ye Xiaoshu raised the giant tower, pointed his sword at Biduolu and said in a loud voice:

"I'm not standing here because I can defeat you."

"But I must kill you!"

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