Spiritual Recovery: Be Invincible Starting From Delivering Food

Chapter 421 It’S Great To Be Young, Fall Asleep

"I recognize him! The red devil of China!" A person shouted loudly.

Everyone suddenly became nervous and faced Ye Xiaoshu with all their energy.

When Ye Xiaoshu heard this name, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Can't you give me a nice nickname? Ye Dashan can do it too."

At this time, one of the people from the Snow Sha Organization sprinkled ice mist, shrouding everyone in it.

By blocking Ye Xiaoshu's sight, there would be enough time to discuss countermeasures.

The blond man reminded: "Be careful, this person's strength is extraordinary. He was once able to leapfrog and kill platinum-level experts at the gold level. Now that he has reached the platinum level, his strength cannot be underestimated."

"Did you see the gun in his hand? One shot can kill the gold class! This battle is very dangerous, but we still have a chance of winning with more people!"

The other members nodded and quickly dispersed.

Yolanda is very familiar with Xuesha's tricks, using ice crystals to turn into mist to interfere with the enemy's sight, and then using spiritual skills to launch attacks in every corner.

People with snow gauze carry special contact lenses that can ignore the interference of fog.

Yolanda glanced at Ye Xiaoshu with some worry. Just when she was about to take action, she found that Ye Xiaoshu had held a giant sword in his hand.

"It's a good tactic, but it doesn't work for me."

After Ye Xiaoshu finished speaking, he clenched the giant sword with both hands and then swung it with all his strength.

"Martial skill: Giant Qianjun Sword!"

The broad sword blade slashed down with an aura as heavy as a mountain.

The next moment, the entire warehouse was swept by a strong wind, blowing away the ice crystals.

Xuesha's people looked at Ye Xiaoshu in horror.

Just the sword wind can blow everything away... How much power does this require?

There was red blood on his body, just like the rumors among organizations in other countries, like a red evil ghost.

Ye Xiaoshu stood the giant tower in front of him, holding the chain in his hand and saying with a smile:

"I'll count to three, you tie yourselves and get over here."

"If you don't obey me, I have ten ways to make you beg me to die."


Everyone used their powers to gather weapons and prepared to take the lead in attacking Ye Xiaoshu.


Suddenly, several melee superpowers rushed towards Ye Xiaoshu.


Then there was a sound, and three agents surrounded Ye Xiaoshu. Each of them held an ice dagger and stabbed towards his vitals.

Ye Xiaoshu smiled disdainfully, holding a gun in his left hand and a sword in his right hand.

While Silver Nightmare fired, he pulled up the chain and swung it outward.

Two loud bangs killed three people.

The gold level was as fragile as an ant in front of Ye Xiaoshu now.

There were only two platinum-level ones standing in the distance, looking at Ye Xiaoshu desperately.

They are well aware of the strength gap between themselves and the evil spirits, but after all, they are fighting at the same level. Two against one can always gain a slight advantage!

A powerful person with a strong body raised his ice shield and rushed towards Ye Xiaoshu. Before leaving, he said to his companions:

"I will try my best to hold him back, and you must strive to win with one blow!"

"Spiritual Skill: Shield Charge!"

He charged towards Ye Xiaoshu, all his strength gathered on his arms and rushed away.

Ye Xiaoshu shook his head helplessly, took out a shiny golden object from his pocket, and threw it with all his strength at the person rushing towards him.

"Dang!" There was a crisp loud noise.

The shield charge was stuck halfway, and the man fell straight down.

"Oh, it's good to be young. Just fall asleep~" Ye Xiaoshu took the bricks back and threw them away casually.

The man in the distance had gathered spiritual skills in his hands and released them towards Ye Xiaoshu instantly.

"Spiritual Skill: Freeze Beam!"

This was the sneak attack time that his companions had worked so hard for, and it was impossible for him to dodge it this time.

The man was already imagining that he could kill Ye Xiaoshu with one blow, but unfortunately, the enemy he faced had something wrong with him.

The next moment, Ye Xiaoshu released the forbidden spirit iron chain and disappeared into thin air.

Psychic skill: Dimension travel.

His figure disappeared, and the two looked around, but could not find Ye Xiaoshu anywhere.

Suddenly, a voice appeared from behind the man:

"Wouldn't it be better to surrender earlier? You won't die, and I can finish the work early."

The man turned his head sharply, but the owner of the voice disappeared on the spot.

Ye Xiaoshu is like a ghost, wandering around the entire warehouse.

Of course it would be best if we could surrender, because then we can deprive other countries of a lot of resources.

The two of them are platinum-level, and absolute instructions cannot have much effect. They can only be defeated psychologically.

"How can I surrender with the country on my back?" After he finished speaking, he hit in one direction based on his intuition.

His intuition was correct, Ye Xiaoshu happened to appear at that location.

The ice shot flew out, but was caught by Ye Xiaoshu with one hand.

His physical body is much stronger than that of normal superpowers, and his muscles and bones that have been tempered countless times are almost impossible to be harmed by ordinary spiritual skills.

With a slight exertion of his fingers, the ice was crushed to pieces.

[Negative emotion value from Edward +1000]

Just as the rumors say, the person in front of me... is an evil ghost!

Ye Xiaoshu instantly took out his pistol and shot Edward in the right leg.


The bullets, accompanied by the poison of the unclean god, invaded his body.

In an instant, severe pain appeared in his right leg, causing Edward to kneel down on the spot.


This pain will not be affected by the neuroprotective mechanism, but the complete pain will be truly felt.

"Let me die...let me die!!" Edward begged on his knees.

Ye Xiaoshu put the revolver against his forehead and said with a smile:

"Okay, I'll satisfy you."

With a "bang" gunshot, the skull exploded.

At that moment, it was true relief for Edward.

But how could Ye Xiaoshu let him go like this?

As he said at the beginning, there will be ten ways for the enemy to beg to kill him.

"Spiritual Skill: Time Rewind."

It was like time was turned back in half, and his shattered head was repaired again.

Edward's eyes turned painful and frightened. He looked at his thigh that had recovered as before, and shouted with red eyes:

"Devil! You are a complete demon!"

Ye Xiaoshu patted his shoulder and said:

"Where did that come from? I just kept my word."

After that, another shot.



The mission was successfully completed. Ten of Xuesha's fifteen people died. Counting Yolanda, a total of five were captured.

The Shadow Guards are good at assassinations, so it's really hard for them to survive.

But... they were very professional in handling the corpse.

After bringing the person back to the company, Zhang Kuang stood beside Ye Xiaoshu and asked:

"Brother, I think there is something fishy about this matter."

Ye Xiaoshu asked: "Say."

Zhang Kuang looked at the prisoners being transported and said:

"Now that the Chinese Forbidden Spirit Formation has been established, the review of personnel is very strict. How did they bypass the satellite and come in?"

"I think there are people behind these organizations who are causing trouble."

Ye Xiaoshu said with a smile:

"Let me ask you, how would you feel if your childhood sweetheart who you had been with since childhood was abducted, not to mention living a better life, and getting more and more beautiful."

Zhang Kuang clenched his fists and said, "First give that man a hard punch! Then take her back!"

Ye Xiaoshu patted his shoulder and said:

"Yingguo thinks so too." After saying that, he left.

Zhang Kuang was stunned on the spot, not understanding what he meant. After a while, he suddenly realized.

"Hahahahaha, brother, this metaphor is perfect!"

China took away Eagle Country's satellite and developed new weapons based on the original design. How could it not make people jealous?

You can tell who is behind the scenes at a glance.

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