Several strong men turned around and quickly looked down. After realizing that they had been tricked, they cursed angrily:

"Fake! How dare you..."

Ye Xiaoshu: "Spiritual Skill: Absolute Command."

As the pupils flashed with light red, the person in front of him was controlled.

[Name: Bradley Nabonir]

[Level: Gold One Star (Strength System)]

[Special physique: resistant to beating (increases damage resistance by 5%)]

Ye Xiaoshu had seen the levels of several people, and except for this person, they were all silver-level scum.

"Let me ask you a few questions." Ye Xiaoshu ordered.

"Yes." Bradley said with dull eyes.

The younger brother accompanying him shouted loudly:

"Brother! What are you doing here? Hurry up and leave!"

"That's right, brother, if you're not in a hurry, I'm still in a hurry. That's an event hosted by 'Shadow'!"

Bradley waved his hand: "You go first! I'll have a few words with this noble man!"

"Oh, okay!" The boys stopped waiting for him and ran all the way towards Perfume Street, and soon disappeared.

Bradley stood there, waiting for Ye Xiaoshu to speak.

The other members of the Dragon Group looked at Ye Xiaoshu's ability and couldn't help but sigh at the power of the apostle's core.

After Ye Xiaoshu coughed lightly, he asked:

"First question, why are you going to Perfume Street?"

Bradley replied: "For the boxing match in the underground neighborhood, as long as you win the top three, you will get a huge bonus."

"If I can win the championship, I will have the opportunity to meet the bodyguards of the 'Five Fingers of Shadow'!"

Ye Xiaoshu asked again: "When will the boxing match start?"

Bradley: "Five more minutes."

"Do you still have any questions? I also want to participate in the competition."

Ye Xiaoshu: "No more."

When the order was lifted, Bradley quickly ran away and ran towards the road to make a fortune.

As long as the five-fingered guards can be seen, the next target will be much easier, and all information can be extracted from the mouths of the guards.

"It's better to come sooner than later. As you heard, we still have five minutes."

The two of them were still vomiting, and even with Nie Qiuling's treatment, it wouldn't be enough.

Their dizziness comes from their weak mental power. They are gold-level warriors. Unlike Ye Xiaoshu and the other two, the platinum-level warriors have stronger mental power.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiaoshu took out a biscuit from his pocket.

The system has clearly said that this thing can strengthen their mental power and should be able to alleviate their dizziness.

Ye Xiaoshu walked to them, handed the biscuits over, and explained;

"Eat this, it's a good thing."

Zhang Kuang and Xue De looked at each other and took the cookies with trembling fingers.

They have seen Ye Xiaoshu's stuff countless times. While the effect is powerful, the side effects are also very exciting.

But now I feel really uncomfortable, as if I have repeated this action of falling from a hundred-story building tens of thousands of times. I feel like vomiting even though there is only sour water left in my stomach.

They took the biscuits from Ye Xiaoshu's hand, tore open the packaging and stuffed them into their mouths.

As soon as you take your mouth, a crispy and sweet feeling blooms between your lips and teeth, and a light fruity aroma fills your mouth.

After chewing it twice casually, I couldn't help but swallow it.

The dizzy feeling just now was immediately cleared away, replaced by an extremely comfortable feeling, as if I had a good sleep after a tiring day and woke up refreshed.

" it normal for them to be like this?" Qi Yasu complained.

"Normal...should be normal." Ye Xiaoshu wiped his sweat.

"Master, is the thing you gave me poisonous?" Nie Qiuling asked.

"It's not poisonous, maybe it's just a side effect." The sweat on Ye Xiaoshu's head became even more.

Zhang Kuang and Xue De didn't know what they were discussing, but they just felt a little hot.

The two looked at each other and suddenly couldn't help laughing:

"Hahahaha, Xue De, why do you stand out in society? Are you a spiritual guy?"

"Um...Brother Zhang, you are shaking too."

Since the trip to the institute, the relationship between the two has become better, and Xue De then called Zhang Kuang Brother Zhang.

The two of them were like spirited young men at this time, dancing to the social dance with different movements.

"Something's wrong, I suddenly want to wave my hands." Zhang Kuang said with his pupils glaring.

"Me... me too." Xue De echoed.

Ye Xiaoshu couldn't help but look at the store's introduction carefully.

[Spiritual Boy Cookies] Purple Quality 6 Wealth Value

Introduction: After taking it, your total mental value and mental defense will be permanently increased by 10%. At the same time, you will be very energetic and unable to sleep for 24 hours.

[This improvement will be used as an additional improvement, which will be strengthened as the strength increases, and can be stacked up to ten times]

Ye Xiaoshu frowned and read the above prompts.

"What a spirited boy biscuit, no bragging at all~"

A feeling like a primitive impulse appeared in Zhang Kuang's heart. He couldn't help it anymore. He raised his hands above his head and touched the backs of his hands together.

Xue De also did the same action, leaning on his hands, and then spun wildly!

It was obviously the first time to wave the flower hand, but it was done very skillfully and very quickly.

Qi Yasu asked worriedly: "How long will their state last?"

Ye Xiaoshu scratched his head and said embarrassedly:

"About...24 hours?"

[Negative emotion value from Crazy +1000]

[Negative emotion value from Xue De +1000]

The rotation speed in their hands is getting faster and faster, gradually creating a flow of air.

Then, suddenly it took off!

Ye Xiaoshu looked at the two people flying and felt a lot. He couldn't help but think of the contents in the textbook.

[About flying]: A diamond-level expert can use spiritual energy to lift his body and combine it with the power of law to send himself into the sky and roam freely in the atmosphere.

Starting today, the content in the textbooks will be changed.

Xue De and Zhang Kuang took off using only the power of their own bodies.

Not only Qi Yasu, but Nie Qiuling was also stunned, looking at the two people flying in disbelief.

This incident severely impacted their worldview and caused a huge blow to their hearts.

Ye Xiaoshu patted the two of them on the shoulders and urged: "Stop looking and leave quickly!"

"Ah, okay captain." Qi Yasu reacted, took their hands and started teleporting.

In this way, two people walked on the sky, three people walked on the ground, and quickly rushed towards the underground boxing ring on Perfume Street.

Ye Xiaoshu kept the side effects of Spiritual Boy biscuits deeply in his heart.

"This thing is of great use..."


"Welcome to the Iron Fist Cup! You only need three hundred eagle coins to participate in this grand boxing match!"

"Champagne? Beauty? Or wealth? You said you want them all!"

"Why don't you come and participate in the boxing match? As long as you win the championship, these will all be yours!"

The host on the octagon stage shouted excitedly.

The entire underground neighborhood was boiling with excitement. Those who could play rushed forward to sign up, while those who couldn't were preparing to open the betting market.

On the high platform, the man in black robe ordered to the people around him:

"This boxing match is an important means of returning funds, and there must be no mistakes!"

Guards: "Yes!"

"Sir...where are you going now?"

The man in black robe said coldly: "I warned you not to ask too much about what Wuzhi wants to do."

"Forget it, it doesn't hurt to tell you."

"The terminal mecha plan against China is about to come to an end. The red evil ghost who killed Lord Death will eventually die in our hands!"

The Guards kneeled on the ground and said promisingly:

"Bless you, Master Bruno (index finger)."

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