Devouring started again, turning Bruno's corpse into a huge amount of blood and spiritual energy.

Ye Xiaoshu's strength further improved, reaching three-star platinum levels.

The breakthrough came naturally, and after devouring two diamond-level experts, he forcibly pushed up his cultivation level.

Killing, devouring and upgrading, just like the evil cultivator in the Internet novel.

Ye Xiaoshu smiled self-deprecatingly and put away the Silver Nightmare.

Arrogantly, he said helplessly: "Look what I'm talking about. My eldest brother can knock down anyone on his own, so we have to go up together."

He didn't know that Ye Xiaoshu's invincibility had a cooling time, and he felt that his eldest brother was immortal.

"It's safer to act together. If I fight alone, it will definitely be a tough battle."

"Let's not talk about it for now. Take a look at what valuables there are in this company. We will take them back and keep them as trophies... No, no, no, keep them as evidence."

Ye Xiaoshu was speechless for a moment, then quickly closed his mouth and smiled awkwardly.

Everyone was not surprised by his greed for money.

Relying on Anjie's knowledge of Nettle Leaf Company, the Dragon Group began to plunder aggressively.

This behavior is just like their alternate team name, they look like a bunch of bandits.


tower of Eternity--

"It's so ironic, the God of Death is dead." [Devil] said with a smile: "Don't look at me like that, I helped him.

"Without me, who could break China's great formation?"

The [Emperor] asked in a deep voice:

"Where is the card of the God of Death? His power has fallen into the hands of China?"

The devil shook his head and explained:

"He was very careful and left the tarot cards in Eagle Country. The cards should be in the hands of the new shadow leader."

The emperor asked again: "Can you find out who killed the God of Death?"

The devil replied: "It's a team called the Dragon Team. The average strength per person is at the platinum level. They killed the God of Death alone."

Everyone couldn't believe it. The Saint-level God of Death, with the power of death in his hand, died so easily?

Die under a few platinum-level weaklings?

"Don't believe it, I have evidence." As he said that, the devil took out a photo from his arms.

Above, the members of the Dragon Group fought with the God of Death, and Jia Shun fired the shot that severely wounded the God of Death.

It's a pity that it's just a photo, so nothing can be analyzed from the battle scene.

"I believe it." A woman's voice came out.

Several people looked at the speaker and found that it was the [Priest] of the Holy See of Light.

The priest continued: "Spiritual power is only a part of strength. You cannot make any judgment based on this alone."

Just like playing a game, even if there are a few pieces of equipment missing from the opponent, you can still counterattack through operation and awareness.

"There was a person who disabled the power of domination before. I found that person, and he can kill him easily."

The priest also took out a photo and placed it on the round table.

In the photo is a young man with white hair, a strong figure and a very handsome appearance.

Before anyone could see the photo clearly, a barefoot old man suddenly appeared on the round table.

The old man's clothes were ragged, his nose was red from the cold, and there were a few thick black hairs growing on it.

"It's very similar." The old man sighed.

His dirty feet just stepped on the clean round table, but no one dared to object.

The faint coercion emanating from the old man's body made the tarot card holders present dare not say anything.

"Original...[The Fool]." The priest murmured softly.

In Aion, everyone calls each other 'the bearer'.

They are the ones chosen by the tarot cards.

When the holder dies, the next person chosen will become a member of the Tower of Eternity.

The meaning of "original" is that it has survived since the appearance of Tarot cards until now.

As for how long the old man lived, the 'young people' present did not know.

The Fool smiled and said:

"How many centuries have passed, I have forgotten too much..."

"I can't even remember the scenery when I came here, my parents' faces, or the wheat in my hometown, but this face..."

"The memory is still fresh."

He put the photo down and jumped off the stone table to leave.

"Slow down!" the emperor stopped him.

"Who are you talking about? This photo is obviously a modern person, why do you say it is connected to the past?"

The Fool laughed, took out the rusty iron wine bottle from his arms, and took a sip into his mouth.

"They just look alike, but they look too immature. I must have made a mistake when I was drunk."

The emperor felt that things were not that simple and asked:

"Please tell me clearly!"

The Fool put down the wine bottle, his smiling eyes became serious, and he said in a deep voice:

"He looked exactly like the tower master when he was a child."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence.

They inherited the power of Tarot cards, changed their beliefs and purposes, and moved forward with the dream of the tower owner.

"Is he the tower owner? Or does he just look the same? How can there be such a coincidence in the world!" the priest said in shock.

She had never seen any heroic qualities in that boy, but he looked very much like a villain.

The Fool smiled, turned and left without saying anything.

The emperor looked at the photo and said with trembling body:

"There are traces of all this. The power of Tarot cards comes from the abyss. The passage of the abyss is opened by the tower master. Only he can be immune to the power of power."

"It makes sense! He is the one who changed the nature of my power!"

As a fun-loving person, the devil must join in the fun. He pointed at the ceiling and said:

"According to what you said, he is the reincarnation of the tower master."

"The [Wheel of Fortune] is at the top of the tower. She should know the whole story. If you are not interested, I will go and ask myself~"

Several people: "Stop!"

The news that the Death God was killed obviously did not shock the tower owner. If it can be confirmed that Ye Xiaoshu is the tower owner, then Ye Xiaoshu will be the monarch they will serve.


At this time, Nettle Leaf Pharmaceuticals——

Ye Xiaoshu felt numb all over, as if he was being targeted by something bad.

He suddenly looked at the cameras around him.

But it was a false alarm and all the cameras were destroyed by Bruno.

"We've stayed too long, it's time to leave." Ye Xiaoshu reminded.

Zhang Kuang forced the last machine on the assembly line into the space ring and shouted loudly:

"Brother, it's done!"

Ye Xiaoshu nodded, picked up the six runes on Bruno's body, threw them into the incubator, and left with the dragon group.

Half an hour later...

A young man from Shadow was ordered to come and check on the situation.

Because the boss said that Nettle Leaf Pharmaceuticals had issued a brief alarm and asked him to come over and take a look.

He looked at the heavily guarded security system outside, not knowing who could break in.

But when he opened the door, he was stunned on the spot...

Except for the empty clean room, all the machines were gone, as if they had never been there.

He picked up the communication device and said:

"Um...Captain, I don't think support is coming."

The other party: "The threat was solved by Master Bruno?"

Younger brother: "There's no point in coming. They've all been robbed. They're all gone!"

"The search was cleaner than my face, and there was no dust left on the ground!"

There was a roar from the other party:

"Tell me, who did it!!!"

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