The battle was over, and the battle was over.


The Northern Theater of the Night Patrol!

What happened in the Lost Land has attracted great attention from the Daxia government.

Li Tianhong, the veteran who has lived in seclusion for many years, came out in person.

Mr. Li stood in the command room, and five middle-aged warriors stood below him!

The soul power fluctuations were all above level 80!

Among them, the commander-in-chief of the Northern Theater, Hun Dufeng, had a soul power of level 91.

Mr. Li: "What's the situation?"

Du Feng had a hideous scar on his face, and his eyes were sharp: "Yanhuang has been dispatched, and he should have arrived at the base city by now!"


A sword for protecting the country made by the Night Patrol will be stained with blood when it is unsheathed!

"According to intelligence, some foreign organizations have heard the news and are entrenched abroad with unclear intentions!"

Mr. Li's turbid eyes flashed with murderous intent: "Just a bunch of rats!"

"Send an order!"

"The northern garrison will move out and wipe out all the ghosts!"

"Order the Four Holy Guards of Yanhuang to rush to the border and dare to cross the line!"

"Kill without mercy!"

"Operation code name, Blood Slaughter!"


The next second!

In the huge war zone, hundreds of fighter planes took off and rushed to the battlefield with the momentum of breaking through the air.

Armored vehicles, tanks... countless!

The fully armed army marched into the flying spiritual weapon, one by one, with murderous expressions and bullets loaded!

Sharpening knives to kill pigs and sheep!

For a moment, the situation changed!

Lost land.

Lei Yangui looked anxious.

He has received news that the strong men from Daxia have arrived. In less than half an hour, the entire ruins will become a hell of ghosts and gods!

Must hurry up.

If he fails to complete the task assigned by the Blood Night Ghost King, he will die anyway!

Lei Yangui quickened his pace and ran towards the direction where Lin Que was.

On the other side.

Lin Que and Li Xingyun desperately fled towards the exit.

Because of the explosion of the Wolf Warrior, Lin Que was blown into black coal and bald.

He looks exactly like the spirit boy in Africa.

He used ten bottles of shower gel but couldn't wash it clean!

He was so depressed.

Li Xingyun: "Lin Que, why don't you use your space soul skill?"

Lin Que glared at Li Xingyun angrily: "It's free to open a hole?"

He also wants to open it!

The explosion just now exhausted all the soul power in his body.

Wear a power bank?

It doesn't exist.

Even if he jumped off the cliff and was captured by Mingyuan, he couldn't wear it.

Forget about it!


At this moment, a flash of lightning appeared, blocking their way.

Lei Yangui, with sparks and lightning all the way, finally arrived late!

"Boy, you can't run away!"

Lei Yangui pointed at Li Xingyun and said triumphantly.

Lin Que: (?`?′)/.

"Do you have eyes!"

"Is he as handsome as Lin Que?"

Li Xingyun frowned: "Please don't compare me with this black kid, thank you!"

Lei Yangui was confused.

"What kind of ghost are you, so black!"

Li Xingyun burst into laughter, and salt soda spilled all over the floor.

Lin Que silently took out a cherry grenade: "Do you want to change your color too?"

Li Xingyun covered his mouth and shook his head.

It wasn't that he wanted to laugh, it was that he couldn't hold it back.

This scene, even if a professional came, would laugh until he fainted.

Lei Yangui: "You are a ghost, but you are in the same boat with humans. You are not worthy of being a ghost!"

The blood vessels on Lin Que's forehead bulged, and he opened his mouth and cursed: "I am your father, you ☆☆#~ (fuck)**..."

Lin Que used all the words he learned from books and heard from the aunt next door.

In the end, he was still a little unsatisfied, so he took out a big speaker and opened his mouth to speak a paragraph of Zhuge Liang's debate with scholars.

There was not a single dirty word in the whole process, but it was extremely insulting!

Lei Yangui couldn't understand many words, and Lin Que's dark skin color blended into nature, if it weren't for the two rows of big teeth moving.

He even doubted whether Lin Que was praising him.


Lin Que had a huge lung capacity, and he didn't breathe at all. He felt much more relaxed when he said the last word.

"Now that we're done cursing, let's go."

After saying that, he ran away.

Li Xingyun was stunned for three seconds, glanced at Lei Yan Gui who was in a daze, and ran after him.

Lei Yan Gui: (⊙_⊙)? .

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