The old man was very angry, but he didn't say anything.

Lin Que wanted to say something, but seeing Hongye's expression, he didn't say anything.

Indeed, Hongye was with him, and he had no ability to protect her!

Cang Lao opened the wine gourd and took a sip of the strong liquor: "Okay, it's getting late, Tang Lin will take this kid to the airport!"

Tang Lin nodded, picked up Lin Que, and disappeared from sight as a stream of light.

After Lin Que left, Cang Lao looked at Hong Ye: "You are really brave, girl!"

"You have already damaged your origin by using your newly condensed body to recover a dragon god!"

"Is it worth it?"

Hong Ye looked in the direction where Lin Que left without any ripples on her face: "Worth it!"

Cang Lao shook his head and smiled: "Old man, I don't understand the love of you young people, but I know that if you don't get treatment, your body will no longer exist. When the time comes, your breath will be captured, and you should know the consequences!"

"The Blood Sword Ghost Den has been cleared, and the remaining spiritual energy inside can help you practice!"

"Let's go!"

After saying that, Cang Lao tore open a space with his bare hands and walked in first.

Xiao Ling'er looked at the ghost energy emanating from the space, and her face turned pale with fear, and she sat on the ground.

The head with a pair of furry ears shook like a rattle.

"I won't go!"

"Baby is scared!"

Hongye retracted her gaze, picked up Xiao Ling'er with one hand, and walked into the space tunnel!

At the same time!

Lin Que has boarded the plane to Beijing.

Economy class!

Lin Que was speechless.

I am the champion of the National Youth Championship and the MVP of the school!

It's fine if you expel me, but you also let me sit in economy class!

I can bear it!

But you arranged a 200-pound uncle next to me!

I can't bear it!

The uncle rubbed his hands between his big toes, then raised them, sniffed at the tip of his nose, and looked intoxicated!

It's the smell of 1982!

Lin Que: (′-灬-‘).

So disgusting!

You still smell it, if you have the guts, you can inhale it!

It stinks!

Even if you add croton and happy life water, you can kill it in one second!

Soon, the flight attendant came over with the food cart. When she arrived at Lin Que's location, she seemed to be sealed and could not move.

! (◎_◎;).

It stinks!

That bastard is eating stinky tofu in the cabin!

She looked over and saw an old man sitting by the road, picking his feet with one hand and picking his nose with the other!

The pair of black socks exuded dark green gas, forming a poisonous skull!

Can't vomit!

I'm a professional.


Look at the handsome guy next to me!

Handsome guys can ease the pain in my heart!

The flight attendant forced a smile and said in extremely fluent Mandarin: "Excuse me, sir, is there anything I can help you with?"

The old man looked back and saw the flight attendant, his eyes sparkling!

My peach blossom luck is here.

"Give me a cup of taro paste bubble milk tea!"

"No taro paste!"

"No milk!"

"I want boobs!"

The uncle who picked his feet: ?(??3?


The flight attendant quickly dodged the attack of love!

When she turned around, she saw the uncle who picked his feet pouting, and she couldn't help it and spit it out.


Lin Que shook his head and sighed.

Look at how he tortured the flight attendant.

The uncle who picked his feet was still unaware, and he picked up a piece of bread from the dining car with his hands and swallowed it in one bite.

Feeling that it was not enough, he directly sucked his finger mother with his mouth.

Lin Que: !!!



You are so much more ruthless than the ruthless person!

The old man looked at Lin Que who was vomiting with contempt: "You are so weak, you vomit even when you are on the plane!"

Lin Que is so drunk!

I really want to take off your socks and stuff them into your mouth, so that you know what is the right way in the world!

Just then.

A man in the economy class broke through the cabin door and flew in backwards, holding a golden Desert Eagle in his hand.

The man looked middle-aged, with an ordinary face, and the soul power emanating from his body was at level 50!

Then, a woman wearing a purple fighting outfit, with a big head divided into countless small braids, and a fierce temperament!

Lin Que frowned, frightened in the air?

The middle-aged man got up from the ground and grabbed Lin Que directly, with the golden Desert Eagle against Lin Que's temple.

"Don't come over, or I will kill him!"

Lin Que:? ?

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