The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next battle.

Half an hour later.

Yuan Lang and the others cleaned off most of the golden armor on their bodies, but there was still a lot of it left on their hair and clothes.

That smell, it would probably take a truckload of laundry detergent to wash it off.

Yuan Lang gritted his teeth and looked at the direction where Lin Que left: "Charlotte, don't fall into my hands!"

"Brothers, chase them!"

This ambush not only failed to eliminate the rookie team, but also lost a sniper.

Shame on you!

At the same time.

Lin Que led the rookie team into the iron forest and found a hidden cave to rest.

After fighting with the veterans, they had a clear understanding of the gap in strength.

Just now, it was just a test between each other, but it made them very tired!

If it weren't for Lin Que, they might have been injured by more than half.

If they really started fighting, they didn't have much chance of winning!

Lin Que looked at the frowning people: "Hey, I say, are you scared?"

"You all say you are elites!"

"In my opinion, they are all cowards!"

Listening to Lin Que's words, the recruits lowered their heads and dared not speak.

Charlotte gritted her teeth and said in a deep voice: "We are not cowards!"

"Each of them has a soul power of more than 70 levels, we are not opponents at all!"

"We want to fight, but we will be killed if we go up!"

After more than half a year of selection, all those who can stay are elites.

But no matter how strong the elites are, facing the spirit masters who are stronger than themselves, they are just a little bigger than ants.

Lin Que rubbed his brows: "If each of you holds this mentality, I advise you to give up!"

"Don't waste time!"

"This is just training, not a life-and-death mission, you are afraid!"

"Then when you enter Yanhuang and face the strong men of level 70 or 80, or even the Venerable Realm, will you not fight and kneel down with your head in your arms?"

"Don't be so embarrassing!"

Lin Que said, his tone suddenly became heavier, and every word was like a sword, piercing the hearts of the recruits fiercely!

"They are level 70, but their talent limit only stops at level 70!"

"Even if you fail this time, come back next year!"

"Failure is not terrible, what is terrible is fear!"

"Everyone has two shoulders and one head, and no one has more bones than anyone else!"

"Don't care about life and death, just fight if you don't agree!"

"I just ask you one question, do you want to enter Yanhuang!"

The wildness in the recruits was awakened by Lin Que, their eyes were red, and they were full of fighting spirit.


Lin Que: "The old bird wants to eliminate you, what are you going to do!"

The recruits clenched their fists one by one: "Use our fists to beat them!"

Lin Que nodded with satisfaction.

The talents of these recruits are not bad, but they are afraid of the old birds in the selection for more than half a year!

The flame of confidence in the heart was extinguished!

What Lin Que said just now was like a raging fire, rekindling the flame in the hearts of the recruits!

Charlotte's eyes were jumping with blazing fire, and his muscles were bulging.

"I want to find the old bird to do it!"

As he said, he was about to run out.

A group of recruits also stood up one after another.

Lin Que hurriedly stopped them: "Don't do it yet, don't do it!"

"This matter needs to be considered for a long time, don't rush!"

He was sweating in his heart!

Damn, no one dared to do it just now!

Now everyone wants to do it.

Do you really think you are a flat-headed brother!

Ma Xiaomei patted her muscular chest: "Instructor Lin, you tell us how to do it, we will listen to you!"

Lin Que: (′???`).

It's over, this group of people have been completely led astray by themselves.

Lao Li!

Don't blame me!

This is their own instinct, it has nothing to do with me!


Lin Que coughed twice and said: "I have an immature idea!"

"All of you come here!"

"I plan to do this... then that... and finally this..."

Listening to Lin Que's plan, everyone showed a Shiba Inu's iconic smile on their faces.

Chen Yuanyuan: "Instructor Lin is so bad!"

"I like it so much!"

Ma Xiaomei: "A man like this, every girl likes it!"

"But, Instructor Lin, you are really good at playing~."

Lin Que: <(ˉ^ˉ)>.

It must be!

Charlotte stood aside, her face full of excitement.

Finally, I can do it!

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