The bus was in a mess, but the truth was revealed.

"You, aren't you dead?" A teenager who knew about the incident of falling into the river pointed at Tang Xiansheng and shouted.

"Tang Xiansheng died in the bus falling into the river a year ago. You are a ghost."

"You are talking nonsense. You were not there when I got on the bus!"

"Driver! Driver! Tell them I am not dead. I am still alive, right?" Tang Xiansheng was in disbelief when facing the people's identification.

"No, you died a year ago."

The driver was not panicked as before. He slowly put down his hands that were covering his face, showing a weird smile, and slowly pointed his finger at some boys and girls in the car.

"You, you, and the rest of you died a year ago."

The memories of the boys and girls who were called by the driver seemed to be awakened, and they held their heads and wailed.

"No, don't."

"Why are we dead, but they are alive and well."

"Why can't we enter the school, but they can?"

"Kill... Kill them!"

Lin Que looked at the boys and girls who turned into ghosts. Except for the people who got on the car with him before, the rest were ghosts.

Thinking that he had been in the car with ghosts for so long, he slept peacefully, and his back was cold.

Su Tang looked calm, as if all this was within her expectations.

"I won't go to Canglan Academy, I want to go home."

"Let me out quickly."

"Someone come and save me."

Faced with the ghosts around them, these special recruits didn't even have the courage to summon their martial spirits.

Was it me or you who used connections? ? ?

"How dare you." Lin Que whispered. If he guessed correctly, this bus was a test arranged by Canglan Academy.

With only martial spirits, there were no other means, but now that things had come to this, he had to show off. He could only rely on his martial spirits.

Since it was a test, it shouldn't be fatal, right?

The cold mechanical sound of the system came from his mind.


Option 1: Give up resistance, the test is over, and you lose the qualification to enter Canglan Academy. Mission reward: one Da Huan Dan (can increase your cultivation by thirty years).

Option 2: Break the defense of the ghost car, jump out of the car and escape. Mission reward: reward a random top-level hundred-year soul jade.

Option 3: Destroy the ghost car and save your companions from the dire situation. Mission reward: Baji Zhenyi (directly enter the master of Huajin, and generate martial arts true qi).

The reward of option 1, thirty years of cultivation, is indeed very tempting, but he is unwilling to lose the opportunity to enter Canglan Academy in such a cowardly way.

Option 2: Hundred-year soul jade is good, but it has to suit you. What if a top-level auxiliary soul jade comes with it? Wouldn't it be a waste to give Chi You's right hand a position as a strong attacking martial soul?

"I want to see how powerful you lonely ghosts are." Lin Que smiled evilly, clenched his fists, and a stream of martial arts true energy circulated in his body.

"Spirit Master, damn it!"

Tang Xiansheng, who turned into a ghost, bit and pounced on Lin Que.

"It's you who deserves to die."

"Eight extreme fist!"

"Iron Mountain Lean!!!"

Facing Tang Xiansheng's pounce, Lin Que did not retreat but advanced, shoulder and elbow combined, and slammed into Tang Xiansheng's arms!

Lin Que released all his true energy, and his internal energy penetrated Tang Xiansheng's body like a dragon and exploded in his body, making a whistling sonic boom.


The powerful force directly destroyed Tang Xiansheng and turned him into a light spot and disappeared.

"The punch is powerful, like a master!" A hint of surprise flashed across Su Tang's eyes. The Lin Que she saw was completely different from the one described by the adults.

Could it be that this guy has been hiding his abilities?

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