“Since everyone doesn’t know, it’s impossible to deduct 20,000 mid-grade spiritual stones.

I think you should put this item away and use it as another kind of treasure for deduction. "

Seeing this scene, Lu Qingchen's eyes flashed with an imperceptible light, and then he spoke to the warriors of Thunder Temple in a very calm tone.


After hearing this, the warriors from the Thunder Temple were slightly startled.

He didn't expect that the warrior wearing a grimace mask would directly ask him to take the item back and ask him to come up with another treasure to offset it.

After carefully examining the storage ring, the warrior from the Thunder Temple hesitated.

Because he found that except for these ten bottles of pitch black liquid, the other treasures in the storage ring were of great use to him and could not be used to offset the spiritual stones at all.

For a moment, the whole room fell into silence.

"Senior, I really don't have any extra treasure to take out. Otherwise, this bottle of liquid can be deducted from the price of two thousand mid-grade spiritual stones. Senior, do you think it's feasible?"

After an unknown amount of time, the warrior from the Thunder Temple spoke with some uneasiness.

Because this pitch black liquid has so far found no other uses besides being highly corrosive.

The other thing is that he really doesn't need this kind of liquid.

At this moment, he quoted 2,000 yuan of medium-grade spiritual stones to Lu Qingchen, just trying it with a little luck.

Because he always felt in his heart that this mysterious man wearing a ghost mask should be interested in this mysterious thing.

"You mean, you want me to spend two thousand yuan of medium-grade spiritual stones to buy a bottle of liquid that is only corrosive?"

"Think about it for yourself, if it were you, would you spend two thousand yuan of mid-grade spiritual stones to buy this garbage?"

Unfortunately, the result was not what the Thunder Temple warrior thought. After hearing this, Lu Qingchen did not agree, but instead asked him the same question.


After two seconds of silence, Lu Qingchen suddenly changed his tone and raised his voice slightly.

"But what?"

The Thunder Temple warrior who was just about to admit that he was unlucky heard this and hurriedly stood up and asked.

"However, although this liquid is only corrosive, it still has some effect. And to tell you the truth, I prefer to collect some weird items."

"I can offer you a price of two hundred yuan for a medium-grade spirit stone for this corrosive liquid. If you are willing, then trade directly. If you are not willing, of course you can refuse."

Seeing the anxious look of the Thunder Temple warrior, Lu Qingchen gave a random reason and then gave a price he could accept.

"Two hundred middle-grade spiritual stones..."

After hearing Lu Qingchen's offer, the warrior from the Thunder Temple suddenly fell into deep thought.

Although the price is very reasonable, he only has ten bottles in total, which means he can only deduct a total of two thousand mid-grade spiritual stones.

What to do with the remaining 18,000 middle-grade spiritual stones?

For a moment, the warrior from the Thunder Temple couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

"To be honest with you, senior, I only have ten bottles of this liquid in my possession, which is not enough to offset the remaining twenty thousand mid-grade spiritual stones."


"I know of a place where there's still a lot of this liquid.

If possible, I can inform the seniors of its location and use it as a deduction from the remaining 18,000 pieces of mid-grade spiritual stones. "

After weighing in his mind for almost a quarter of an hour, the warrior from the Thunder Temple finally said these words.

At this moment, he was staring at Lu Qingchen with burning eyes, not knowing what he was thinking in his heart.

"You said you knew of a place where there was still a lot of this liquid?"

"That's right, senior, don't worry, with Tianji Temple as a witness, I don't dare to deceive senior."

Seeing Lu Qingchen's interest, the warrior hurriedly patted his chest and promised.

"If that's the case, I can consider it, but there are two questions that you need to answer clearly."

Seeing that what this person said did not sound like lies, Lu Qingchen thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"Senior, feel free to ask any questions. As long as I know anything, I will tell you."

"First of all, is the amount of liquid left in the place you mentioned worth 18,000 medium-grade spiritual stones? Also, is there anyone else who knows about this location?"

"If the quantity is not enough, or if there are others who know about this place, then I will have no choice but to reject the transaction."

Lu Qingchen glanced at the person sitting next to him with a hint of meaning, and asked the two most important questions directly.

"Senior, don't worry. There is still a lot of this black liquid in the place I know. It is definitely worth more than 18,000 mid-grade spiritual stones."

“And I am the only one who knows about this place, and no one else knows about it.

And if it weren't for some reasons, I would have taken away all the black liquid there. "

Upon hearing these two questions, the warriors from the Thunder Temple's eyes suddenly lit up and they hurriedly explained.

But no one noticed that when he said these words, a trace of viciousness flashed in this man's eyes.

However, after Lu Qingchen listened to this person's answer, a light flashed in his eyes, and then the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

With his experience, he could certainly find flaws in the words of this Thunder Temple warrior.

"If this is the case, then I agree. Of course, I will also ask Miss Yu Fei to be a witness. If the news is untrue, haha..."

After Lu Qingchen deliberately thought for a moment, he nodded in agreement.

Not only that, in order to confuse this person, he even deliberately asked Tianji Temple to be a witness.

“Of course, since the seniors have said so, let’s ask Miss Yu Fei to be a witness!

If what I said is untrue, then I am willing to accept the punishment from Tianji Temple..."

Seeing that Lu Qingchen had taken the bait, the warrior from the Thunder Temple agreed to his request without thinking.

"Okay, now that you've said that, just tell me the location."

After the warrior from the Thunder Temple finished speaking, Lu Qingchen directly asked this person about the location of the Taiyin Divine Water.

"Haha, what the senior said is, here, the location of the liquid just now is recorded on this map."

After completing the transaction, the warrior from the Thunder Temple chuckled and handed Lu Qingchen an animal skin map.

Chapter 219 The trade fair is over, heading to the Arctic ice field

Lu Qingchen reached out and took the map, then opened it immediately.

It didn't matter that he opened it. When he saw the red location marked on the map, Lu Qingchen was shocked.

He didn't expect that the location of Taiyin Divine Water was actually in the Arctic ice sheet!

"Haha, I hope this map can be helpful to seniors."

Seeing Lu Qingchen looking at the map without moving, the warrior from the Thunder Temple sneered, his tone full of ridicule.

As a place unsuitable for humans and monsters to live, the Arctic ice plain is inaccessible and has extremely low climate temperatures.

The location recorded on the map is located in the deepest part of the Arctic ice sheet. The temperature there would freeze even an average King-level expert into an ice sculpture.

If you are a strong person in the emperor realm, you can barely move in the deepest part of the Arctic ice sheet, but the time you can move will definitely not be too long.

What's more, the place recorded on the map is much more terrifying than the ones mentioned above.

If he hadn't accidentally bumped into that place and had the saint's brand to protect his body, he would have died there long ago.

But even with the saint's brand to protect his body, he could only barely collect ten bottles of this dark and corrosive liquid from that place.

So if you tell the warrior wearing the ghost mask the location of the dark liquid, he won't be able to get it.

Thinking of this, the mocking look in the eyes of the Thunder Temple warrior deepened.

Using a useless location in exchange for 18,000 mid-grade spiritual stones, no matter which aspect you look at, you will definitely make a profit.

"Haha, that will help."

Of course Lu Qingchen could hear the mockery in the tone of this Thunder Temple warrior at this moment.

But he didn't care. Instead, he put the map away and smiled at the warriors of Thunder Temple.

"Now that the bet between the two adults has been completed, this private trade fair is almost over. Sir, please keep this scroll of the Blue Sky Wandering Dragon Formation."

Concubine Yu on the side saw that the bet between the two parties had been completed, so she hurriedly handed the scroll of the Blue Sky Wandering Dragon Formation to Lu Qingchen, and then put away the middle-grade spiritual stones that covered the entire stone table.

"Miss Jade Concubine, wait, I have one more thing to do."

Just when Concubine Yu was about to announce the end of the trade fair, Lu Qingchen suddenly stopped her.

"Brothers, wait a moment, I don't know if anyone still has the king-level high-grade thunder talismans just now. I want to collect some."

"The price is still the same as before, seven thousand five hundred medium-grade spiritual stones in exchange for a king-grade high-grade talisman. If you have any idea, you can trade it directly on the spot."

After scanning the crowd, Lu Qingchen calmly stated the items he needed and the price he could give.

"Are you sure you can give me a price of 7,500 yuan for mid-grade spiritual stones?"

As expected, after hearing the price offered by Lu Qingchen, a warrior immediately asked.

But what's funny is that the warrior who asked was the other temple warrior who had just lost 250,000 mid-grade spiritual stones in a bet with Lu Qingchen.

"That's right, as long as you can bring out the king-level high-grade talisman like just now, you can trade it directly."

"Of course, if there are higher-grade talismans, the price can be negotiated. As for those with lower-grade than king-level talismans, there is no need to take them out."

Lu Qingchen glanced at the man with a strange expression, and then explained patiently.

He is worthy of being a warrior from the Eight Great Temples. His strength has just reached the Martial Realm and yet he possesses such a valuable treasure. It is really infuriating to see him compare with others.

"Haha, of course it will not be lower than the top-grade king level. The talisman in my hand is called the flame talisman. Like the thunder talisman just now, it is also the top-grade king level.

After activation, it can also release the full blow of a king-level high-grade warrior. I currently have six such talismans in my hand, but are you sure you want to trade them? "

After listening to Lu Qingchen's explanation, the temple warrior took out a fiery red talisman and asked suspiciously.

Because Lu Qingchen had spent too many spiritual stones on trading treasures before, he was worried whether this person could still produce so many spiritual stones.

"Of course I'm sure, six, right? That's 45,000 middle-grade spiritual stones, for you."

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