"Although that Thousand-Life Singing Cicada is precious, it is of little use to you. It would be more appropriate to give it to your dean.

But since you already have the Creation Qinglian Martial Spirit, there is no need to consider treasures related to longevity. Mr. Lu, I suggest you choose some rare heaven and earth spiritual objects. "

Lu Qingchen thought for a moment and then nodded.

What Lao Huang said is indeed very reasonable.

In terms of longevity, he has the Green Lotus Seeds, and in terms of weapons, he has the Divine Artifact of Heaven, so choosing other treasures is obviously more useful to him.

"Old Huang, didn't you say that the Immortal Sacred Artifact can quickly help you regain your strength? I don't lack treasures now, otherwise I'd better choose an Immortal Sacred Artifact."

It seemed that Lu Qingchen thought that the immortal substance could restore Lao Huang's strength, and Lu Qingchen suddenly changed his mind.

"No, an immortal sacred weapon is not of much use to me. Besides, I have already made plans for the future. You don't have to waste such a precious opportunity just for my sake."

After hearing this, Lao Huang immediately refused, but for some reason, he still felt a little happy in his heart at this moment.

"Have you planned it before? Didn't you lie to me?"

Lu Qingchen asked with some disbelief, because Lao Huang had never mentioned this matter before.

"Of course, why I lied to you, you will know when you leave the Tianzu Domain, and judging from the current situation, it will be very helpful to you."

Lu Qingchen nodded. He did not continue to ask, but continued to observe what was inside these white light groups.

"Boy Lu, go southeast and don't stop."

A few seconds later, Lao Huang's voice sounded again, as if he had seen through this strange space.

Lu Qingchen followed Lao Huang's words and walked quickly to the southeast. Along the way, he looked left and right and found that the number of light groups was gradually decreasing.

Especially after walking for a minute, the surroundings were almost pitch black. If it weren't for the occasional very faint light group that appeared and disappeared, Lu Qingchen would have suspected that he had gone to the wrong place.

"Although these treasures may look okay, the truly precious things are often not displayed on the surface."

Lao Huang explained,

"Especially in this space, it should be the power left by the Great Emperor, which makes it impossible for you to use your soul power. You can only see a radius of less than two meters."

"No wonder, I said why the soul power can't be used, it turns out it's the fault of the Emperor of Heavenly Formation."

Lu Qingchen curled his lips when he heard this. It could be seen that he was not interested in this approach of Emperor Tianzhen.

It is clear that the inheritors have reached this point, but they still hide precious things. This approach seems completely meaningless to Lu Qingchen.

"Boy Lu, you are still young. It is normal for you not to understand the behavior of Emperor Tianzhen."

Seemingly seeing through Lu Qingchen's thoughts, Lao Huang couldn't help but said with a smile,

"From the beginning to the end, the Heavenly Formation Emperor has been selecting successors. No matter from the Tianlei Sect branch at the beginning or the current inheritance tower, the ultimate goal is to select a suitable successor.

As an ancient Tianzhen sect that was nearly invincible in ancient times, it is impossible for it to have only one affiliated sect under its command, the Tianlei Sect. There are definitely other affiliated sects that are not weaker than the Tianlei Sect.

Based on this speculation, the inheritance of the Heavenly Formation Emperor in this inheritance tower is very likely to be incomplete. If it is incomplete, it means that more than one person has received the inheritance of the emperor. "

"More than one person has obtained the inheritance of the Great Emperor?"

Lu Qingchen couldn't help being stunned when he heard this, but he immediately reacted and asked tentatively:

"Old Huang, are you saying that there will be many people who can inherit the Great Emperor's inheritance?"

"No, no, there won't be many, but there won't be just one either."

Lao Huang patiently explained,

"Since the Heavenly Formation Emperor has chosen to leave a legacy, he naturally hopes that the chosen inheritor is good enough, because only in this way can the Heavenly Formation Emperor's unique knowledge be carried forward to the greatest extent."

"So the Heavenly Formation Emperor has chosen more than one inheritor. The purpose is to select the best among the many inheritors and inherit all of his inheritance."

Lu Qingchen sighed and answered,

"I have to say that the Heavenly Formation Emperor really made a good calculation. He left a legacy and divided it into several parts."

After saying that, Lu Qingchen was stunned. He suddenly thought of something, and it was a very serious matter.

"Old Huang, if we follow the arrangements made by the Heavenly Formation Emperor, wouldn't it mean that..."

"That's right, the moment you seized the inheritance of the Heavenly Formation Emperor, there were already several more powerful enemies."

Lao Huang said meaningfully,

"Since the inheritance is divided into several parts, it is destined to be incomplete. No one wants the inheritance of the Great Emperor to be incomplete, so you understand."

Lu Qingchen fell silent immediately after hearing this.

After so long, he seemed to have returned to the time before the martial arts exam, because at that time he was still working hard to get into Wuhun University.

Students who are admitted to Wuhun University have a bright future, while most students who fail to pass can only become ordinary people.

Now, time seems to have returned to that moment, but this time it is not a martial arts test, but a competition for the inheritance of a great emperor.

Of course, the outcome has also changed. The worst outcome for not being admitted to Wuhun University is to become an ordinary person, and if you lose the competition, there is only death.

"As expected of the cultivation world, it's quite cruel."

After being silent for a long time, Lu Qingchen suddenly smiled. He felt that this was the real world of cultivation.

If you don’t move forward and don’t fight with others, the end result is death.

"This is the first level, Mr. Lu. The road ahead will only be more cruel."

Old Huang also sighed quietly,

"Choose one of these light groups. In this space, these five light groups may be the most precious existences."

Only then did Lu Qingchen realize that at some point, he had quietly arrived at the location mentioned by Huang.

At this moment, five golden light groups were floating quietly in front of Lu Qingchen.

They emit a dazzling light, fiery and mysterious.

Chapter 476 Hidden Treasure

"Is this the Immortal Sacred Artifact, but why do I feel it is more terrifying than the Immortal Sacred Artifact?"

Lu Qingchen stared at one of the golden light groups. Inside the light group was a huge dark purple hard bow. The bow was covered with small and dense dark purple scales.

The bow string is also dark purple, vaguely exuding a wild atmosphere, but it also makes people feel an indescribable majesty, as if they are facing a peerless demon king.

"No, it is not an immortal artifact."

Lao Huang explained,

"This is a quasi-emperor-level hard bow. Judging from the material, it should be made from the dragon body of a purgatory purple dragon. Its power is hard to estimate."

"Purgatory purple dragon?"

Lu Qingchen suddenly became confused when he heard this.

"Old Huang, why have I never heard of this kind of monster race in the cultivation world? Is it very powerful?"

"It's normal that I haven't heard of it, because this kind of monster does not belong to the original continent. Strictly speaking, it has gone to another world."

Lao Huang said lightly, his tone suddenly turned disgusting,

"Boy Lu, you can understand this as the royal family of the evil spirits. Whenever you encounter this family on the border battlefield in the future, you must be vigilant."

Lu Qingchen nodded. When he looked at the dark purple hard bow again, he felt nothing inside.

"But this does not affect your use. Weapons made from the enemy's body are more deterrent.

I can be sure that once this quasi-emperor weapon appears on the border battlefield, it will definitely attract the hatred of the Purgatory Purple Dragon Clan, and they will take back this top weapon at all costs. "

Lu Qingchen nodded in agreement. He didn't give up because this bow was made from the body of the evil spirit clan, but there was something more attractive to him in the other four golden light groups.

"I didn't expect that there is a Bodhi seed here. It is worthy of being collected by a great emperor."

When he saw the green beads in the second golden light group, Lu Qingchen couldn't help but sigh,

"Although it can greatly improve people's understanding and help people realize the truth, it is not what I need most."

After bypassing the Bodhi Seed that could enable the Holy Lord to realize the Great Way, Lu Qingchen looked at the third treasure.

It was a round and golden bead, almost the size of a fist. It was as crystal clear as agate, and it exuded a strong wave of spiritual power from all over the body.

"Dragon Ball, it's actually a Dragon Ball!"

Lu Qingchen's eyes widened. He didn't expect that he could see a complete dragon ball here, and judging from the aura fluctuations, the grade had at least reached the Holy Lord realm, and might even be half-step to the Supreme.

"Good stuff, good stuff. The essence in this dragon ball is very well preserved. If swallowed, it will definitely improve the cultivation level of several small realms."

Lu Qingchen stared at the golden dragon ball with burning eyes, eager to take it down immediately.

"Using dragon balls to improve your realm? It's a waste of resources!"

Lao Huang's somewhat speechless voice came from his mind. Lu Qingchen was stunned, and then he just heard Lao Huang continue:

"This is a dragon ball left by a real dragon, and its grade has reached half-step immortality, and it even contains a lot of immortal substances!

These precious treasures are enough to make your physical body undergo earth-shaking changes and evolve to a deeper level. In addition, the Dragon Balls can also help warriors overcome bottlenecks.

Once this object is obtained by a strong person in the Holy Lord Realm, then becoming a Supreme Being will no longer be a fantasy. The entire essence of a true dragon, plus the immortal substance, is enough to change the qualifications of a Saint!

Not only that, after swallowing the Dragon Ball, there is a chance to understand a Dragon Clan's combat skills or magical powers, which are unique skills of the Dragon Clan! "

After the words fell, Lu Qingchen wiped the corner of his mouth and stretched a palm straight towards the golden light ball, preparing to take out the dragon ball directly.

"Stop, stop, stop, I'm just explaining the function of the dragon ball. Who asked you to take this dragon ball?!"

Just when Lu Qingchen's palm was about to touch the golden dragon ball, Lao Huang suddenly stopped him loudly, fearing that Lu Qingchen would really take the dragon ball away.

"Stop? Old Huang, what do you mean? Do you want to give up this dragon ball?"

Lao Huang's hurried shouting came from his mind. Lu Qingchen stopped what he was doing and asked in confusion.

He really didn't understand the meaning of Lao Huang's words. According to the current situation, the role of this dragon ball for him even surpassed that of a quasi-emperor-level hard bow.

Although the other two treasures are also very tempting, compared to this dragon ball, there is still a big gap.

"Stop first, there is a treasure that you only see on the surface."

As if he had guessed what Lu Qingchen was thinking, Lao Huang first stopped Lu Qingchen's movements, and then said in a serious tone,

"Have you seen that piece of red gold and fire copper? That's what you need most!"

Lu Qingchen looked towards the remaining two balls of light, and saw a huge red-gold copper block as tall as a person floating next to a ball of dark liquid.

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