Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1000 Being together is the best slap in the face

"Miss Chi..."

"Miss Chi..."

Chi Enen's bright eyes were indifferent, but it was definitely not the kind of indifference that could easily be bullied, "What? Don't you want to gamble anymore?"

A group of people dare not speak.

Chi Enen glanced at them, suppressed the smile at the corner of his mouth, and said indifferently, "Next time you want to bet, remember to call me and help me place a bet. I'll bet on the one I just made."

After saying that, she walked into the kitchen without even looking at the embarrassed expressions of the gossiping servants.

After all, she had stayed at the Habsden family, and she knew that the reason these servants dared to disrespect her and gossip about her in private was because Mr. Li didn't agree with her yet.

So until Mr. Li agreed with her, it was useless no matter how much she said.

She didn't bother to argue with them.

Whether she and Li Beijue can be together and how long they will be together are her and Li Beijue's business. There is no need for her to tell these people so much.

No matter how much she said, it was useless. Instead of talking about what is available and what is not available, just do it!

As long as she stays with Li Beijue, it will be the best slap in the face to these people.

The Li family's kitchen is like the kind of kitchen specially equipped for a 7-star hotel. Not only is it fully equipped with all kinds of kitchen utensils, but it is also very large.

As soon as she entered, the chefs in the kitchen wearing white hats all looked at her strangely.

The servant who was following Chi Enen didn't know what she said to the nearest chef. The chef looked at her in surprise and said to her, "Miss Chi, come with me."

Chi Enen followed him to the innermost corner.

He stopped and pointed to the refrigerator next to him, "The vegetables are all in here, and the seafood and other meats are in other places. If Miss Chi needs anything, just tell me and I will get it for you."

Chi Enen looked at the eight-door large refrigerator and couldn't believe that it only contained vegetables.

Such a big refrigerator can fit a supermarket in it, right?

Li Beijue's family is too extravagant and exaggerated.

No wonder he is usually so extravagant, it turns out he is used to it.

Chi Enen composed herself and politely refused the chef's offer to get the meat for her, "No, I'm just making tomato egg noodles. No seafood or meat is needed."

"Tomato and egg noodles?" The chef blurted out with his eyes widened and unable to control his surprise for a moment.

Just now, Shinan told him that the Duke wanted to eat the food cooked by Miss Chi, so he brought her to the kitchen.

He thought that Miss Chi was going to make some unique dishes and was ready to be amazed, but in the end she was just making tomato egg noodles...

There are so many 7-star chefs here, but it’s just a tomato and egg noodle. Sir Alex just orders it. Why do they have to ask Miss Chi to come down and make it?

Could it be that the tomato egg noodles made by Miss Chi are not the same food as the tomato egg noodles I understand?

The chef's eyes changed when he looked at Chi Enen.

Chi Enen has long been used to being looked at by all kinds of eyes, and she is not shy at all. I opened the super luxurious and super large refrigerator and found fresh tomatoes and eggs inside.

Then I found a small pot, turned on the heat, and put a little oil in it. Meanwhile, take the fresh tomatoes under the tap, wash them, and chop them.

Turn off the heat again, crack the eggs and add a little salt.

After the hot oil cooled down a little, she poured the eggs down. The liquid egg quickly solidified into a brown egg pancake, and she methodically poured in the water she had prepared...

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