Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1053 You agreed to his damn requests!

"Where have you been?" Li Beijue's eyes were burning with anger, and he stared at her with eyes that seemed to burn a hole in her! The big hand holding her wrist was like a pair of pliers, holding it tightly, as if she could turn into a butterfly and fly away in the blink of an eye.

"It hurts!" Chi Enen's wrist was a little painful when he grabbed it, frowned, and twisted her wrist to pull it out.

However, Li Beijue didn't give her a chance at all, holding her tightly, just like a lion holding its prey, and would not let go easily!

"I asked you where you went?"

Damn it!

Can she be more obedient!

What does she think the Li family is? ! A park? How dare she go out and wander around alone!

Sometimes, he really wanted to tie a chain to her and tie her tightly to his side, so that she wouldn't run around everywhere!

Chi Enen twisted her wrist for a long time, but couldn't pull it out. Knowing that she couldn't pull it out today, she said helplessly, "Grandpa wants to eat tomato egg noodles, I went to make him one..."

"He? Want to eat tomato egg noodles?" Li Beijue looked strange, as if he heard a divine book, "Are you sure he wants to eat tomato egg noodles, not that he called you over to cause trouble for you? Chi Enen, don't try to lie to me!"

Isn't he clear about what kind of person the old man is?

The old man's requirements for the quality of life are almost strict, and for the food he eats, he is even more demanding!

It is because the old man has high requirements for food that the family has more than a dozen seven-star international chefs, just to make all kinds of food for him every day.

When did the old man become interested in tomato egg noodles? How did he know that Chi Enen could make tomato egg noodles?

Li Beijue's heroic brows were twisted into knots, and he looked at her with anger, as if he had caught her lying, "What did the old man say to you? How did you answer him?"

He didn't know what he was thinking of, his eyes suddenly darkened, his thin lips suddenly stretched into a straight line, and he gritted his teeth gloomily, "Chi Enen, don't tell me that you were scared off by him! Agreed to his damn requests!"

If she wasn't scared off, why would she make up a lie that the old man wanted to eat the tomato egg noodles she made, which was full of loopholes that even children wouldn't believe!

"Shit! Did you really compromise with the old man?" He asked quickly and urgently, like a storm, so quickly that he didn't give Chi Enen a chance to interrupt.

Seeing his raging anger burning, his stubborn old habit came back again.

Chi Enen made a prompt decision, without saying anything more nonsense, stood on tiptoe, gave him a kiss, and directly blocked his thin lips.

Blocked his burning anger and the anger that was about to burst out!

When his anger subsided, Chi Enen took this opportunity, stepped back and said, "I didn't lie to you. Grandpa really wanted to eat tomato egg noodles. As for why he wanted to eat it, it was yesterday morning when I was making white porridge for you that I met the old housekeeper..." She told how she met the old housekeeper, how she knew that Grandpa Li was sick, and how she was entrusted by the old housekeeper to take care of the old man.

By the way, she explained that the reason why Grandpa Li specifically asked for tomato egg noodles was because Chi Baby strongly recommended it.

She spoke clearly and didn't look like she was lying.

Li Beijue's dark handsome face gradually eased, narrowed his eyes, and was still worried, "It's just tomato egg noodles, why did it take so long? Are you sure he didn't cause you trouble?"

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