Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1057 I personally chose a skirt for her

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Li Beijue panted fiercely, and the damn familiar feeling in his lower abdomen came up again. He let go of Chi Enen's shoulders and said immediately, "I'm going to take a shower!"

He had to calm down, otherwise he was afraid of getting out of control.

Although in the past few days, he has wanted to get out of control several times!

Chi Enen wasn't much better either. Her cheeks were flushed, and there was a faint tingling sensation on the tip of her tongue. While she was ashamed, she didn't forget the important thing, "Li Beijue, your back..." Don't touch it. water!

The man with long legs had already entered the bathroom, and his hoarse voice came from the bathroom, "I know!"

In the blink of an eye, the sound of rushing water started...

He went in to take a shower. The heat on Chi Enen's cheeks slowly subsided. She poured him a glass of water, found the anti-inflammatory medicine and put it away.

By the time she finished all this, the people in the bathroom had already come out.

His sharp short hair was still dripping with water, and his firm outline became more and more handsome and upright against the backdrop of the water drops rolling down. Just like the European nobles who came out of the works of Archimedes, the whole person is dazzling beyond belief. Especially when the white shirt he was wearing was soaked by water drops, and his good figure underneath was looming, he was even more sexy!

For a man like Li Beijue, as long as he is willing, it is really impossible for any woman to resist his charm!

Chi Enen finally understood why this man always topped the list of the most desirable men in the world to marry every year on the Internet and TV.

Because he is really a person that makes people unable to take their eyes away!

Wherever he appears, light seems to gather there. What kind of woman can resist such a man?

Chi Enen forced himself to look away, picked up his medicine, picked up the water glass and handed it over, "You haven't taken your medicine today, have you? Take the medicine."

Li Beijue raised his eyebrows, flicked the towel wiping his hair aside, and took the water glass she handed over. He raised his head and took a big sip, swallowing a handful of medicine.

After eating, he frowned, took another sip of water, and returned the cup to Chi Enen. He said, "I'm going to change clothes, and you should also get ready. We'll go out later."

He had poured cold water over his head just now, but his clothes were still splashed with water. He was not used to wearing wet clothes, even if they were only a little wet.

Besides, the place he was taking Chi Enen to was not suitable for wearing such formal clothes.

Chi Enen took the water glass and asked inexplicably, "Where are you going?"

"You'll know when we get there." That's the answer again.

She was used to it and didn't ask any more questions. He turned around and put down the water glass and said, "If I have to come back later, I will make a video call to the baby first to prevent him from being angry for waiting too late."

"let's hit."

It looks like I won't be back until tonight. Chi Enen knew what was going on, so she sat by the sofa and dialed Chi Baobao's video call.

Half an hour later, she saw a man who had changed clothes coming out of the cloakroom. She hung up the phone with Chi Baobao, agreed to send him a message later, and then put down the phone.

Li Beijue walked up to her in a blink of an eye and threw a skirt to her, "Go and change. I'll wait for you outside."

After saying that, he really walked out.

Do you want to be so domineering?

Chi Enen couldn't help but hugged the skirt he threw to her, opened it and took a look——

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