There seemed to be thunder and lightning gathering in his eyes, and lightning flashed and thunder roared in an instant. Leaving the beaten half-dead man behind, he went straight to Chi Enen.

He snatched the broken glass from her hand, threw it to the ground, and shouted angrily, "Shit! Chi Enen, are you looking for death?"

She actually threatened him with her own safety!

Or for those damn men!

Those people deserved to die, but they dared to take advantage of her and attack her! As long as he thought that if she hadn't been calm and composed just now, he would have arrived quickly enough. Chi Enen might have been beaten now, and his chest felt like a fire, burning brightly.

He was so burned that he wanted to kill all those daring people!

If you act arrogantly in front of him, he can teach you a lesson. But he will not let go of anyone who dares to touch Chi Enen!

Chi Enen's shoulders were severely restrained by him, and her ears hurt from the roar, but her hanging heart was completely relieved.

She made the right bet!

Li Beijue really stopped!

She was afraid that he would run over again, so she quickly grabbed his arm, pursed her lips, and held it tightly, "Li Beijue, don't hit me again. If you hit me again, you will really kill me. Are you injured?" ? Is there any crack on the back?"

at this time.

A siren sounded at the intersection.

Chi Enen was dumbfounded for a moment.

Are the police really here?

Who called the police?

Before she could react, the crowd had already made way for her. Several people in police uniforms jogged over.

When he saw the situation inside, he was stunned for a moment, then walked up to them and said, "We received an alarm that someone was blocking the road here and snatching bags. Who is it...?"

In the crowd, a middle-aged woman came out, pointed at the two people on the ground and said, "It's them, they snatched my bag!"

"Who are these two people?" The policeman pointed at Chi Enen and Li Beijue strangely.

The middle-aged woman glanced at the tall and handsome man fearfully. The scene just now was still vivid in her mind, but they helped her after all. She still said, "They helped me catch the person who snatched the bag. It turned out that the person still had The accomplices wanted to beat them, so it became like this.”

She never mentioned it, but Li Beijue beat her almost to death.

She didn't mention it, but the police also saw two such big people lying there covered in blood. One fainted, the other kept moaning and almost fainted, and only the blind could not see it.

He took out his notebook in a business-like manner and said to Li Beijue and Chi Enen, "You helped catch the thief, right? You are also the one who beat up the thief, right. How about this, come with me to the police station. Make a note.”

Chi Enen didn't expect that today's appointment would end up at the police station. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry. About to follow.

The man holding her arm took out his cell phone expressionlessly and made a call. He didn't know what he said. Soon, the cell phone of the policeman who told them to go to the police station rang. He didn't know who called him, but he hurriedly answered the call with all due respect.

After picking up, he hurriedly said hello, and then suddenly looked towards them with a complicated expression, "Yes... yes... okay... yes... I understand... yes..."

He hung up the phone, put down his mobile phone, changed his business-like attitude, and said to Chi Enen and Li Beijue, "I'm sorry just now. You don't need to go to the police station. I will take care of the transcript. If you have anything to do, go first." Get busy."

Meaning, they can leave?

Chi Enen was surprised.

The stern man had already taken her hand and said as if he had known it for a long time, "Let's go home!"

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