Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1085 Mr. Li’s tough attitude

The expert doctor only felt that his body was covered by a cold light. His hand shook and he almost punctured the little girl's blood vessel. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and stabilized himself.

However, he was still shaking so hard that Chi Jingchen saw him. His face sank, and his gaze was exactly like that of a little leopard guarding his shortcomings, only biting.

As soon as the blood was drawn and the needle was pulled out of the little girl's arm, Chi Jingchen immediately raised his head and said to Mr. Li beside him, "Grandpa, Nono only draws this tube of blood. If it's not enough, we won't draw any more."

His attitude was not that strong, but his style was very tough. He pressed the needle hole on the little girl's arm and said softly, "Okay Nono, I'm done with the injection. There will be no more injections."

During the whole process, there was absolutely no intention of asking Mr. Li.

This was the first time in Mr. Li's life that he encountered such a nail that was neither soft nor hard. He was startled for a moment and looked at the little boy's face that was about 50% similar to Li Beijue's. He still hugged the boy and refused to let go. The little girl moved her mouth and suddenly said, "I don't plan to lick it again."

After saying that, his majestic eyes glanced at the doctor who had previously drawn Nono's blood, and there was clear dissatisfaction in his eyes!

The doctor felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. He subconsciously wanted to explain, but found that his throat seemed to be sealed by ice and he could not make any sound at all.

It's over.

The old prince was dissatisfied with him.

The others didn't notice this. They took the collected blood sample of Nono and immediately started to put it under the instrument for examination.

More than a dozen people gathered together, discussing their opinions from time to time. After chattering for a long time, it seemed that they finally came to a unanimous conclusion. A person was dispatched and stood up and said to Mr. Li, "Sir, we have seen the blood sample of the young lady, and we can confirm that the young lady has indeed inherited the family's blood disease. The white blood cells in the blood have indeed mutated. But it’s not leukemia. For specific details, such as how white blood cells mutate, what adverse reactions there will be, and how to cure it, we haven’t thought of a solution for the time being. We need to give us some more time to discuss it.”

"How long will it take?" Mr. Li narrowed his eyes.

Under the pressure of his serious eyes, the doctor did not dare to perfunctory him with an uncertain time. He could only say, "The details need further observation. We will try to draw a conclusion within a month."

Chi Jingchen disagreed with their so-called 'conclusion'.

What kind of expert is not as reliable as Xize Lie? At least Xize Lie has developed a medicine that can control Nono's condition.

These people only talk about research, discussion, and observation.

If there is an emergency, give them some time to study and discuss it!

In one month, even the strongest person can be buried in peace!

Mr. Li obviously had the same idea as him. His face was not very good, and he gave the order coldly, "One week!"

"Sir, one week is too long..."

Before the doctor finished speaking, Mr. Li interrupted him forcefully, "I'll only give you one week. If I can't give you a solution within one week, you decide what will happen to you!"


ps: Many readers reported that they could not see the chapters in the update since last night. They could see the chapters, but the system had a convulsion, which caused the original update to Chapter 1091 [Fear of Injections]. I took a few pictures back and it was displayed. The chapter [serial number] has become chapter 1084, but the content is that of chapter 1091. People who can't see it just need to turn to the table of contents and start reading from the chapter name "My Boy Has Been Growing Up".

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