Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1092 Dog bites dog, a mouth full of hair

Country W is happy and happy.

The Chi family in Lin City was in a mess. Chi Jianguo looked at the stock market quotes on the computer in disbelief, his mind going blank.

"Impossible, how is it possible..."

"I saw it wrong. I must have seen it wrong!"

He held the mouse with trembling hands and kept shaking it.

A pair of bulging eyes stared at the computer screen with red eyes, as if it could make the screen pop out.

I don't know if it's because his hands are shaking too much, but the mouse just keeps shaking around and doesn't obey his orders.


Just as he was murmuring, the door to the study room opened from the outside. Gu Qiaomei walked towards him holding a cup of coffee, "I made you a cup of coffee, don't be too tired."

"Absolutely impossible..." Chi Jianguo acted as if he hadn't heard anything and was still talking about impossibility.

Seeing that his expression was abnormal, Gu Qiaomei was stunned for a moment, put down her coffee, and walked behind him.

When she saw the falling lines of stocks displayed on the computer, her head buzzed!

how come?

Yesterday, Chi Jianguo was still saying that this stock would go up. In order to turn around, they invested all their money and even asked her brother to borrow millions!

"Impossible...how could it be like this..." Chi Jianguo didn't notice her at all, or in other words, all his energy was focused on the stocks, and the stimulation was too great, so he didn't notice Gu Qiaomei coming in at all. .

After Gu Qiaomei's mind buzzed for a moment, she calmed down briefly and asked with a glimmer of hope, "Jianguo, isn't this the stock you mentioned? We didn't buy this stock, right?"

Chi Jianguo's face suddenly turned ferocious as if his sweet dream had been shattered. He turned around sharply and said, "Buy!"

He stood up suddenly, as if he had found an outlet to vent his anger, and slapped Gu Qiaomei on the face angrily, "It's all your fault! It's all your fault! What evil did I do in my previous life, how could I marry you! It's too early for me to marry you! I know, I should..."

Gu Qiaomei was slapped unexpectedly, her whole body was shaken, and she subconsciously covered her face. After hearing Chi Jianguo's heart-wrenching words again, he couldn't maintain the manners a lady should have. Like a shrew, she yelled back at him, "If I had known earlier, should you have married Lin Mu?!"

Gu Qiaomei snatched his words and blocked Chi Jianguo's attention!

She sneered and said sarcastically, "Stop dreaming! Lin Mu is dead! You know what you did!"

"Also, even if Lin Mu had not died, the person you married was still me! What kind of man do you think you, Chi Jianguo, are? Ha! You think too highly of yourself! You are a person who will do anything for money! So you You can never give up on me and choose the Lin Mu you were before!"

"No, I said it wrong. You have no choice at all. I originally wanted to divorce you, but you lied to me and shamelessly dragged me into doing things I shouldn't have done. Otherwise, I would have divorced you long ago. No! Lin Mu will not choose you. When Lin Mu found out that you had a wife, he went to you and made it clear that she had no intention of marrying you and just wanted to give birth to her child quietly. "

It was all Chi Jianguo who deceived her.

He lied to her that Lin Mu was a mistress, and it was Lin Mu who seduced him, got pregnant with scheming intentions, and used the child to threaten him with divorce.

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