Gu Qiaomei couldn't believe her ears, "They said they wanted to touch Tao'er, and you apologized to them!"

Chi Jianguo turned around sharply and said harshly to her, "Shut up!"

"Hey, our Mr. Chi is quite manly. Just now I thought we got Mr. Chi's gender wrong. Mr. Chi is a girl, and Madam is the man."

This means he is a coward!

Chi Jianguo listened to the wanton laughter in his ears and felt unprecedentedly embarrassed. That kind of embarrassment is like having your self-esteem and face trampled to the ground and being crushed several times!

He was in a trance, feeling like he was in a dream.

How did things become like this, how did he fall to this point?

Just when he was being slapped in the face in a daze, the leading man finally had enough ridicule, stopped laughing, patted his face and said, "It seems that Mr. Chi is 'sensible', and the brothers are Thank you Mr. Chi for letting him go. Mr. Chi has given you such respect, so we won’t beat around the bush. Our boss is very optimistic about Mr. Chi’s ability. She owns industries in W country, and there happens to be an industry that needs someone to take care of it. Is Mr. Chi willing? Go to country W and help our boss take care of it?"

"Going to Country W?" Chi Jianguo frowned, subconsciously feeling something was wrong.

How come these people are so easy to talk to?

The man seemed to see what he was thinking and said rudely, "Of course, our boss just has this idea and does not force Mr. Chi to go. Mr. Chi can go if he is willing to go. If he doesn't want to, we will follow the normal debt collection process. . It won’t be long before I want it, Brother Peng will also know that Mr. Chi’s investment failed. I hope that by then, I can still get the money while Mr. Chi and his wife are still alive.”

Chi Jianguo's face turned green and he couldn't care so much. He opened his mouth and said, "I do! I do!"

When Gu Qiaomei heard that Brother Peng would kill them, her face turned pale with fright and she was completely speechless.

The man knew he would agree and took out the contract, "Mr. Chi has seen it clearly. In addition to the house, car, stocks and the money in your bank account, you also owe my boss 18 million in cash. This We will deduct the money from your monthly salary. Your monthly salary is five thousand yuan, what does Mrs. Chi know? It seems like she doesn’t know anything, right?"

He said without thinking, "Then stay over there and work as a cleaning lady. Give Mr. Chi a salary of one thousand and two thousand dollars every month."

They actually asked her to be a cleaning lady!

Gu Qiaomei couldn't believe her ears.

The man has continued, "Since Mr. Chi owes too much, our boss has said that we will give you three-cent interest. Every month, the finance department will deduct Mr. Chi's salary from your salary, leaving Mrs. The salary is used as living expenses.”

Eighteen million, three-cent interest can turn the money into an unexpected amount.

Just by paying back five thousand a month, it will never be enough.

But Chi Jianguo and Gu Qiaomei had no choice at all. The other party was sure and they didn't dare to resist, because once they disagreed and the other party let out the news that their investment had failed, Brother Peng would come to their door immediately. When the time comes, even if you die, you will have to shed your skin.

Rather than die immediately, lingering becomes their only option.

Not only could they not resist, but they also had to thank each other gratefully.

Gu Qiaomei has realized that this investment may have been set up by the other party, but now, she has no way to reverse the situation and can only give in.

But who set the trap for them and what was their purpose?

Just to humiliate them?

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