His question was so abrupt that Chi Enen was stunned for a moment.

Mr. Li seemed to realize that he asked this question a little too politely, and narrowed his eyes, "The matter has already happened, and I don't want to pursue it too much. What's important now is how to solve it. For the media, I have asked people to Say hello, the news from the mainstream media can definitely be suppressed, but there is no airtight wall in the world, and the fire can’t be contained by paper. Today’s incident will definitely be posted online.”

"Once things spread online, it will have a bad impact on Beijue and the Li family."

"I'll give you one month. Within one month, I can find out the person behind the scenes and give her a beautiful counterattack."

He is not afraid of that kind of influence, but he doesn’t like that kind of influence either, let alone being plotted by others!

Mr. Li stared at Chi Enen's face and added, "However, you must handle this matter yourself and cannot ask Bei Jue to help. Apart from helping you suppress the mainstream news in W country, I will not help you anymore. If you can do this in one month, I will reassess you. If you can't, don't talk to me about you and Beijue, I will never agree!"

A person cannot choose his birth, nor his parents.

But a person can choose his own life.

He knew that Chi Enen was being plotted today, so he could give him a chance.

But if he gave her a chance, she still couldn't handle the matter, which only meant that there was something wrong with her ability. A person who is not the best candidate for a granddaughter-in-law in the first place still has problems of her own. So sorry, no matter how she and Bei Jue behave when the time comes, he will not agree to their being together.

Moreover, he would no longer turn a blind eye like he did now. He would forcefully cut off their relationship and use his own methods to make Bei Jue accept the marriage.

As for the two grandsons, he will hold them firmly in his hands and will not let her take them away!

This is a test he gave her!

When it was done, he would re-evaluate her.

If she can't finish it, she will be out!

"During this period, in order to prevent Bei Jue from helping you, you must move out. Also, do not meet with Bei Jue during this period!"

"Can you do it?" Mr. Li looked at her.

Chi Enen thought that Mr. Li would settle accounts with her and get angry and scold her for bringing shame to the Li family and Li Beijue, but she never thought that Mr. Li would say such things.


Didn't the old man always dislike her?

He also told her clearly more than once that he just didn't like her and didn't agree with her, and no matter what she did, he wouldn't change his mind.

After she caused such a big trouble, the old man who had always disapproved of her suddenly told her to give her a chance.

Chi Enen was surprised and said quickly, "It can be done!"

"I will definitely do this well!"

Mr. Li rubbed the bridge of his nose and said, "Remember, I only give you one month, and it won't count if you exceed the time."

"I know." One month is enough time, at least the old man didn't give her three or five days. Chi Enen pursed her lips and looked at his tired look, feeling sorry for herself, "Grandpa, I'm really sorry for what happened today. , I promise there won’t be another time.”

Mr. Li didn't expect that she would apologize. After staring at her twice, he suddenly looked away and said, "Send Jingchen over and make some tomato egg noodles."

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