Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1132 What if I can’t say it well?

Chi Enen watched the three of them disappear into the entrance hall. Before he could look back, someone grabbed his wrist.

"Chi Enen, do you really want to fulfill your agreement with the old man?" He was hoarse and hoarse, as if he had endured these words for a long time.

One month...

Not an hour, not a day...

It’s a whole month!

She doesn't even want to be by his side!

Even when I think about it, my heart will feel a tightening feeling like a lack of oxygen. It feels like my heart is being squeezed by something, which is boring and uncomfortable.

His handsome face was full of dissatisfaction, and his obsidian eagle eyes were extremely unhappy, as dark as a deep well.

"Are you really going to move out?"

Chi Enen felt a strong force holding his wrist, pursed his lips, and said with clear eyes, "I agreed to grandpa's condition."

"It's only a month anyway. When I resolve the matter, I will come back to you and Chi Baobei and the others. I will find the person behind the scenes as soon as possible, believe me."

Li Beijue frowned so hard that he could kill a fly. His thin lips touched each other and said, "I'll look for it with you!"

A month is too long.

He would be irritable if he didn't see her for a day, let alone a month?

Chi Enen stopped him immediately, "No, the condition I agreed with grandpa is that you can't help."

Li Beijue impatiently pulled her into his arms and lowered his head, "You didn't let me help. I forced you. If you insist on helping, you are not breaking the contract!"

Who would force themselves to help when nothing happens?

It’s strange that an old man would believe this kind of nonsense that even kindergarten children wouldn’t believe.

Chi Enen broke away from him, "Li Beijue, don't make trouble. Grandpa finally gave me this opportunity, so don't mess with the situation anymore. I promise, I will find the person who set up the situation as soon as possible and come back as soon as possible. Okay?"

The arrogant man narrowed his eagle eyes and replied to her gloomily, "What if I can't say it right?"

Chi Enen, "..."

Li Beijue knew it!

He let go of his hand and ignored her, turning around and entering the study.

He needs to calm down, instead of continuing to stay with her. He is afraid that he can't control himself and force her to stay with him no matter what the hell she has agreed with the old man!

Chi Enen had a headache here, and on the other side, in the Saint-Yaro Cafe, a handsome, gentle, angel-like man was sitting in the corner drinking coffee.

The waitresses in the cafe were hiding in the operation room, peeking at the only customer outside.

"So handsome."

"Is he a male star?"

"I don't know. He's so tall. Maybe he's a male model?"

"I don't think so. Look at the watch on his wrist. It's enough to buy a luxury car. How can a male star or male model be so rich? Besides, it's just a coffee, and he actually took over our place. It must be the second generation of rich people.”

Their place is one of the most high-end coffee shops in this area, and it costs at least hundreds of thousands to rent a place.

It’s just a matter of drinking coffee. No matter how rich the average celebrity or male model is, they don’t have such a big deal, right?

His guess was recognized by others, "It's possible."

"It turns out he is the second generation of rich people. No wonder he has such a good temperament. When I brought him coffee just now, he glanced at me, Emma, ​​with those beautiful eyes, which almost sucked me in. I don't know if he has a girl. Friends, if not, do you think I should go and have a chat? "

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