Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1180 I was woken up by mosquitoes early in the morning

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After Huo Yi handed Chi Baobao and Nuonuo to the old housekeeper, he turned around and respectfully asked the man in the room, "Sir, where are we going now?"

"Prepare the car."

He will leave for country S for more than ten days in the evening, and he only wants to go to one place now!

Half an hour later, the car stopped smoothly at the door of a small western-style villa. Huo Yi opened the car door for him. After watching him get out of the car, he looked at the western-style building and guessed who lived in it. .

at this time.

With a click, the door opened.

I saw a man dressed as a servant coming out with a garbage bag in his hand, and looked at them in surprise, "Li... Young Master Li?"

Then he said in a familiar voice, "Miss, you rested late last night and is still sleeping now. Mr. Li, please come in first."

She put the garbage bag in her hand into the corner of the courtyard instead of going out to throw away the garbage. She wiped her hands and stood respectfully at the door.

Li Beijue expressed his gratitude and walked in with his long legs. Huo Yi followed closely behind him and also went in.

Once in.

The servant washed his hands and said immediately, "Master Li, please sit down and I will get you some water."

"No need." Li Beijue has a typical figure and is thin when dressed. He is muscular when undressed. He wears a simple thin sweater. His aura makes him look handsome and noble. His handsome face is calm and he asks casually, "She Where is her room? I’ll go up and call her.”

"This..." The servant hesitated for a moment, then figured it out. Pointing to the stairs, he said, "The innermost room on the second floor is the lady's room."

Chi Enen was woken up by someone.

She was having a clear dream, and suddenly a mosquito appeared in her dream, buzzing and making a lot of noise.

No matter how she tried to drive away, it was of no use...

Chi Enen frowned, feeling inexplicably irritated.

Anyone who has slept well will not feel comfortable if they are suddenly woken up, especially if they are sleeping well and feel the buzzing of mosquitoes in their ears.

It was obviously a dream, but she felt an indescribable sense of reality.



Normally, dreaming about mosquitoes means... someone is disturbing someone's dream!

Chi Enen woke up suddenly and was caught off guard by an enlarged handsome face. Because the distance was so close, she could clearly see his thick eyelashes and flawless skin with almost no pores...

She suddenly understood why she had such a dream.

As his brain began to wake up, Chi Enen moved, opened his mouth and said, "Li Beijue, you..." Why are you here?

Before she could finish speaking, the man lowered his head and bit the corner of her mouth harshly.

"Hmm." The corner of his lip was bitten, and Chi Enen groaned in pain.

Li Beijue left her lips, raised his head, and said in a good mood, "You are finally awake."

Chi Enen was so depressed that it was impossible for anyone who was sleeping soundly so early in the morning to be disturbed like this. It was impossible not to wake up. It was strange that she couldn't wake up.

There was still a slight pain on her lips, and for no reason, the handsome face of the man who had been in her eyes and stared at her tenderly when she just woke up appeared in her mind. The tips of her ears suddenly felt warm, and the inexplicable things in her mind disappeared. He threw them all away and sat up, "Li Beijue, why are you here?"

She actually wanted to add another word.

After all, he just came here yesterday evening and again early in the morning.

She doubted whether the old man knew.

If the old man knew that he was running to her every day... Chi Enen felt an inexplicable headache.

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