Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1203 Li Beijue and Scarlett hugged

Scarlett has a special identity.

Although the royal family is just a decoration now, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, and it will be very troublesome if not handled properly.

I don’t know what Miss Chi plans to do.

"Do nothing and wait for others to do it." Chi Enen already had an idea in mind.

She took the person away by force, and Scarlett would definitely know it. Judging from the several times she had contact with Scarlett, Scarlett was definitely not a passive person. With this kind of character, once it was known that she had taken away the woman, The waiter will definitely take the initiative.

She and the old man agreed that she would not only find out who was behind the trap, but also give the other party a powerful counterattack!

Now she found out who did it.

But Scarlett's identity is special. If she wants to fight back, she must have absolute evidence!

Just relying on the waitress’s testimony is simply not enough!

So, before that, she had to make some preparations. Then, you just need to wait for the other party to come to your door.

Chi Enen considered the possibilities in her mind, and said to Huo Yi, who had not yet reacted to what she just said, "Housekeeper Huo, let's drive."


Huo Yi started the car.

Chi Enen was thinking about what she needed to prepare to get absolute evidence from Scarlett.

Suddenly, her cell phone rang.

She took out her cell phone and saw that it was Lin Anxin's call.

She answered the phone and said, "Hello, peace of mind."

"Where are you?" Lin Anxin looked anxious and added, "I just called your home and the servant said you were not at home. Did you see the news and run out?"

"What news?" Chi Enen was so confused that he didn't come back to his senses.

Lin Anxin hated the iron, "What other news is there? It's the news about Young Master Li! Have you seen the news about Young Master Li?"

"..." News about Li Beijue? What's the news about Li Beijue?

Lin Anxin didn't know that the news had been brewing for a whole day. She didn't know it yet, so she blurted out, "You don't really believe the nonsense said in the news, do you? Let me tell you, based on my many years of filming experience, the above The photos of the hugs were either borrowed or captured, and they were not reluctant to leave as mentioned in the news!”

"No, An Xin, who was hugging whom in the photo?" Chi Enen was confused.

Lin Anxin made a big splash. When he heard her words, his whole body felt as if his acupuncture points were being tapped. His beautiful eyes widened, "You... don't know?"

In the hotel, Si Chen got a glass of wine. Hearing her loud phone call, he helplessly interrupted, "I told you, Enen may not know, you have to believe it."

"I want you to mind your own business!" Lin Anxin shouted back at him unceremoniously, holding the receiver of her cell phone. That attitude was not the attitude one should have towards a financial sponsor. After finishing her argument, she said cautiously, "Actually, it's not an important photo. Just forget it if you don't know."

The more she said this, the more curious Chi Enen became, "What kind of photo is it? If you don't tell me, I will search it on the Internet myself."

"Don't!" Lin Anxin was afraid that she would be angry after seeing the random news written on the Internet. If the two of them had nothing to do, but something happened because of her phone call, it would be strange for Mr. Li to let her go. She squeezed out for a long time, "It's the photo of Mr. Li hugging...Scarlett."

Li Beijue and Scarlett hugging?

Any photos?

what's the situation?

How come she doesn't know about this at all?

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