The planning department suddenly received a notice that everyone had a day off. Not only Chi Enen was stunned, but even Jiang Hao himself didn't come back to his senses.

"Director, today is not April Fool's Day. Are you kidding us?"

They had just come to work, and they were suddenly informed that they would be given a whole day off today, and other departments did not have this benefit, so only their department was suddenly given a holiday.

This is incredible.

"No, the notice just came down from above. I really give you a day off today. You can pack your things and get off work."

"Really?" Others saw that he didn't look like he was joking, and finally believed it, "Oh no, it's really a holiday! Could it be that the president was considerate of our overtime work some time ago and specially rewarded us with a holiday?"

"Linda, what are your plans for the afternoon?"

"Why don't we have a dinner together at noon? It's a sudden holiday anyway, and we don't know where we are going. Let's just play together, play cards, sing, and have a meal together." Someone suggested.

This suggestion was immediately approved by others, "Okay, count me in."

"I am coming too."

Luna rolled her big eyes and landed on Jiang Hao. She immediately asked with a bright smile, "Director, are you going?"

Jiang Hao looked at Chi Enen beside him and hesitated, "Well... you can go."

Luna saw his sneak peek at Chi Enen and felt unhappy, but when she heard that he was going to participate, she suddenly became happy again.

He had forgotten that he was slapped in the face by Chi Enen in the elevator yesterday. He walked to Chi Enen's desk again and asked casually, "Enen, do you want to join us?"

Chi Enen was packing his things, and when he saw her approaching her again, he frowned, took out the car keys from his bag, and said indifferently, "I have something else to do, so I won't participate."

When Luna heard that she was not going, the corners of her eyes and brows were full of joy, and she was about to say a few words.

Chi Enen had already picked up her bag and walked out without even looking at her.

Seeing that the beautiful little woman was about to pass him by, Jiang Hao couldn't help but call her, "Yes."

Chi Enen stopped and turned around in confusion.

Jiang Hao's heart tightened as he was dazzled by her clear eyes, and he suddenly became nervous when he spoke, "Aren't you going to come with us?"

Chi Enen didn't understand what it mattered whether she was a newbie or not going to participate in group activities, why both of them asked her.

"I still have something to do, so I might not be able to participate in the event. Maybe next time."

Disappointment flashed across Jiang Hao's eyes, but he was a business elite after all, and he would not lose his grace over this matter. He nodded immediately and said, "Well, okay. If you have anything else to do, go ahead and do it."

"Then I'll go first, bye."


Chi Enen entered the elevator without looking back.

Jiang Hao watched the elevator door close all the way, losing interest.

He originally thought that Chi Enen was going to participate in a group activity, so he asked to go together. As a result, now that Chi Enen is gone, he has no interest in participating.

But once the words were said, it was hard for him to change his mind at the last moment and be unable to say anything anymore.

Luna saw all this and murmured quietly next to Jiang Hao, "Why do I feel that Enen is so busy all day long? It's a holiday today and I have nothing to do at work. I don't know what she's up to. Why are you in a hurry? You shouldn't be busy going on a date."

Jiang Hao frowned and pretended that he didn't hear.

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