Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1310 Is she making dog food?

He walked straight over and picked up the thermos bucket himself. Under the stunned eyes at the front desk, he turned around and urged Chi Enen impatiently, "What are you doing standing there? Why don't you come in with me!"

Under the incredulous look in the front desk's eyes, Chi Enen followed the tall man step by step into the president's office.

Wait for the door to the CEO's office to close.

She just recovered from the shock, looked at the direction Chi Enen left, and murmured to herself, "Who is that woman?"

In the president's office.

This was the first time for Chi Enen to come to his office at the W country headquarters.

As expected, it is more luxurious than the office in Lin City and has a better view. Sitting on the sofa, you can have a panoramic view of the entire outside scenery. Staying in this kind of place for too long, no wonder it makes people feel aloof and superior in their bones.

With this position and this view, isn't it just that you are so high up?

Li Beijue didn't care about her eyes as soon as she entered the office, put down the thermos bucket and sat down. He seemed to be in a good mood and said, "How did you come up with the idea of ​​bringing me food?"

The women who used to pester him usually gave him things like watches and ties. No one had ever given him a meal out of the blue.

When Li Beijue said this, he completely forgot that the reason why others had never brought him food was mainly because they knew that he had mysophobia and was almost picky about the quality of life. Even if I have this idea, I am afraid that he will slap me in the face and offend him, so no one will give it to me.

If Chi Enen was not the one delivering the food today, and it had been someone else, he might have thrown the person and the food into the trash can by now.

"It just happened to be on vacation, and I suddenly thought of it." Chi Enen mainly wanted him to eat tomato egg noodles to see if he could think of anything. She saw Li Beijue unscrewing the thermos bucket and couldn't help but remind him, "My My cooking skills are not very good, so I made two kinds of food. If one doesn’t taste good, I can eat the other.”

"I trust you."

He believed that since she had the confidence to deliver food to him, she must be pretty good at it.

Therefore, he thought that Chi Enen's statement that he was not good at cooking was just a pretentious thing shared by women.

When he opened the thermos bucket and saw the red wine steak and tomato egg noodles inside, he frowned completely, "Is this...what you made?"

The red wine steak and tomato egg noodles in front of me didn't look appetizing at all.

Especially the red wine steak, probably because of the bumps on the road, the broccoli all ran onto the steak, and there was no shape at all.

In the eyes of Li Beijue, who is used to eating at Michelin and various private clubs, these two dishes can be described as dog food!

When Chi Enen saw the food in the thermos bucket, she felt like she couldn't eat it. She snatched the red wine steak and pushed the tomato egg noodles in front of him, "I'll eat this, you eat this. I made it The tomato egg noodles are delicious. ”

As she spoke, she handed over the chopsticks.

Li Beijue's brows tightened and relaxed, relaxed and tightened again. Although he really wanted to eat, he was really not interested.

He closed the lid of the thermos bucket, packed the red wine steak in front of Chi Enen, put it aside, picked up the intercom phone on the desk and made a call. After a while, the beautifully packaged food box was Sent up.

"Mr. Li."

After the person who delivered the food opened the food box and put it away, he went out with discernment.

Li Beijue handed her the knife and fork and said, "Let's eat this."

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