She was making honey water for him.

Honey must be soaked in warm water, otherwise the nutritional structure of the honey will be destroyed by the boiling water. The reason she patiently poured the water from one cup to another was to make the boiling water cool down quickly.

Li Beijue's originally irritable mood suddenly became less irritable as if he had been brushed by a soft hand.

He took a sip of honey water and looked at the sofa.

The pretty little woman was sitting on the sofa and looking at her mobile phone quietly. The light shone in from the side of her, hitting a strand of her hair that accidentally slipped down. Her hair has a natural curvature, unlike other girls who like to do various hairstyles. It is naturally bathed in the sun and reflects a little chocolate color. It even made her chin rounder and smaller.

Probably because of the light, or maybe because of her fair complexion, it actually gave people a sense of peace and tranquility.

Li Beijue's neck felt as if someone had strangled him, and it became difficult to breathe.

How could he think this woman was beautiful and gentle?

Are you kidding me?

This woman is a scheming money worshipper from the beginning to the end!

But...the heart was beating strongly in the chest and did not listen to him at all.

"damn it!"

He suddenly punched the desk violently, stood up, and walked towards Chi Enen like the wind.

Chi Enen only heard a bang and raised her head subconsciously. Someone had roughly grabbed her wrist and pulled her up.

"What's your relationship with Jiang Hao?"

"..." Who is Jiang Hao?

Her wrist was a little painful from the strong grip, and she suddenly remembered who Jiang Hao was.

"You mean the director?"

"What's your relationship with him?" Li Beijue said with an aggressive aura, and there was an imminent threat hidden deep in his eyes.

The reason why he went to the planning department was because he overheard someone gossiping in the corridor. It was said that there was a romantic scandal recently spread in the planning department. The protagonist of the story was a love triangle. He was not interested at first, but after hearing the words "Newcomer in the Planning Department", he went down to find her.

He remembered that the gossip he heard was that the person spreading rumors was deliberately spreading rumors against her because Jiang Hao liked her.

Jiang Hao likes her, but what about her?

Li Beijue himself didn't take Jiang Hao seriously.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Jiang Hao is indeed a high-quality man, impeccable in terms of work, earning ability, and appearance. But compared to him, Li Beijue was confident that he could crush that man in all aspects.

But he still wanted to know whether Chi Enen knew that Jiang Hao was interested in her, whether she didn't know, or whether she knew that Jiang Hao was interested in her and was using hard-to-get tactics to hang him.

After all, this woman often plays hard to get with him!

"He likes you?"

Chi Enen was stunned by his sudden question, and then she reacted and finally figured out what he was angry about. She raised her head and naturally looked at the condescending man with bright eyes, "I like you" ”


--He likes you?

--I like you.

Li Beijue was stunned for a moment by her bold confession. He pursed his thin lips, seemingly unnatural for a moment, and avoided Chi Enen's gaze.

After a while, he frowned again, probably feeling that it was too strange for him not to start. When he turned around, he looked like he was about to stare out a flower from Chi Enen's eyes, looking sharply!

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