When Chi Enen returned to the planning department, the planning department was still immersed in the previous shock, and many people had not recovered.

When they saw Chi Enen again, everyone's eyes changed. Before, they were mostly looking at the fun, but now they all turned into awe, fear and alienation!

After all, the colleague who was still inconspicuous around him before suddenly turned into the 'president's wife'. No one could accept it.

The entire planning department on the first floor was extremely quiet, with only Luna's soft sobs vaguely heard.

As if Chi Enen didn't feel this strange atmosphere, he returned to his seat and began to pack up.

She had only been here three days, and there was actually nothing to pack.

Apart from the laptop she brought, a small potted plant and a mug, she had almost nothing else.

She put everything into the cardboard box, packed it up neatly, picked it up and prepared to go to the 88th floor.

As a result, before she could go up, a figure had already rushed in front of her, grabbing her arm with tears in her eyes, "Well, I know I was wrong. I apologize to you. I apologize to you. I'm sorry. Don't let Mr. Li Can you fire me?"

Who was the person who grabbed her arm, not Luna?

Chi Enen frowned, pulled her hand away indifferently, and said calmly, "It's not up to me to decide whether to fire you or not. Also, the president didn't fire you because of me. Mr. Li fired you. The reason is that you spread rumors in the company and slandered your colleagues.”

Luna stared with eyes red from crying and couldn't listen at all, "You lied! It was clearly you who asked Mr. Li to fire me, you said it so nicely. Just forget it if you don't want to help, why do you have to pretend to be so hypocritical?"

Chi Enen was really angry. He looked at her coldly with bright eyes and asked, "Why should I help you? To put it bluntly, I am not your mother or your father. There is no reason to forgive you unconditionally. . You have admitted it yourself, and you are spreading rumors behind my back to slander my reputation. Do you think that if you just say sorry, I will forgive you, tolerate you, cry bitterly, and then help you in return?"

Luna choked on the words of the question and wanted to refute, but couldn't find the words to refute. Moreover, in Chi Enen's eyes, she felt that she lacked confidence.

Chi Enen continued, "You are not a child of several years old. If you do something wrong, you can use your ignorance to justify it. You are an adult, and I believe you know what you are doing. When you did it, You should have thought about the consequences, but you still did it, which shows that you are ready to take responsibility for your actions. If I were you, I would just do it, instead of running away after doing it when it is time to take responsibility. Come and apologize. You said it was hypocritical for me not to help you. Don’t you think it’s even more hypocritical for you to pretend to stop me from apologizing and ask me to help you even though you still don’t feel that you did anything wrong?

The entire planning department was silent, as if someone had been stabbed, no one spoke.

During the few days that Chi Enen was in the planning department, he had always been a good-tempered person who didn't talk much.

This was the first time for people in the planning department to see her talk so much, and they also realized that her words were extremely sharp.

Luna was so speechless that she even forgot to shed tears.

Chi Enen was too lazy to talk to her any more. He carried his suitcase, walked around her and walked out...

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