Spoiled Marriage: Big President, Little Sweetheart

Chapter 1345 I’m in a bad mood now

When Lin Nan heard that he had sentenced her to death, she couldn't help but hurriedly asked for help, "Master Si, don't say that, please help me. In fact, I don't have anything to do. The waitress I found for Master Li is really She is very beautiful, and she is smart and discerning. I don't know what happened above to make Young Master Li so angry. It was probably because the woman accidentally offended Young Master Li. Was she being too pretentious? "

Seeing that he still didn't understand why he was unlucky, Si Chen decided to make him understand, and interrupted him, "You said beautiful means beautiful? That's what you think! I tell you, in Beijue's eyes There is only one beautiful woman in the room, and that is Chi Enen! Women other than Chi Enen are trash in his eyes. You put the trash you thought was a beauty into his room, as a person with severe mysophobia. , do you think he will be grateful to you?"

"Let me tell you clearly, if Lei Ting were not here today, and if you didn't have a relationship with Lei Ting, the bottle of red wine just now would not have hit the wall, but your head!"

He didn't mean to scare Lin Nan, what he said was true.

Li Beijue has never been a person who likes to talk nonsense. His style of conduct can only be described in four words: simple and rough!

For someone like Lin Nan who is seeking death, if he acts in front of Bei Jue, he is simply seeking death!

Lin Nan was just lucky at first, thinking that he was just giving away beauties according to the custom in the circle, and would not make the other party angry no matter what.

Now when Si Chen said this, his heart sank.

He looked at Huo Tingting in panic and kept saying, "Cousin, you must help me this time. I don't know. I really don't know. Please help me, help me."

"For my aunt's sake, please help me once. Just this once, please help me explain to Young Master Li. I really don't know."

Huo Tingting glanced at him with hatred, exhaled, and suppressed his anger. His resolute face was full of coldness and masculinity, "You didn't discuss with me before doing things. Now let me help you. How can I help you?" ? "How can I help you?"

"Cousin, I..."

"I can't help you. You are responsible for your own trouble. Go back and explain to your parents tonight."

Lin Nan suddenly collapsed to the ground, with cold sweat covering his forehead.

Unfortunately, his clothes were also stained with red wine, so no one could tell that he was sweating.


"Li Beijue, walk slower, I can't keep up with you."

"Li Beijue, slow down!"

"Your legs are too long. If you walk too fast, I can't catch up with you!"

He walked with long legs like a gust of wind, and Chi Enen chased him until he almost died.

Suddenly, the man who was pulling her along suddenly stopped.

Chi Enen was chasing after him, but without noticing for a moment, he bumped into his back with a bang.

"Ugh!" There was a sharp pain on the bridge of her nose. She covered her nose and groaned.


it hurts.

Chi Enen's face wrinkled in pain.

Don't blame her for having such a big reaction, it's because someone's back is too hard.

It was such a sudden collision that my nose was hit right on the spot, so it was considered a good thing if it didn't cause any nosebleeds.

"I am in a bad mood."

"..." Chi Enen covered her nose, not understanding what he meant.

The aristocratic man was tall and tall, with displeasure written all over his handsome face. He stared at her with stern eyes again and said, "Chi Enen, I'm in a bad mood right now!"

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