Since taking a hot air balloon ride with Li Beijue that night, Chi Enen has started her career as a secretary.

Speaking of being a secretary, she always felt that "life aunt" could more appropriately describe her job.

The first thing he does when he goes to work every day is to make coffee for Li Beijue, and the last thing he does after get off work is to have dinner with Li Beijue.

Other tasks that are serious tasks for the secretary are almost all taken over by others.

She was only responsible for arranging and finalizing the itinerary with Li Beijue.

However, this also allowed her to fully see how busy this man was all day long.

Almost every day, his schedule is full, and from time to time he has to make arrangements for meetings.

Even personal time such as eating is mostly turned into socializing.

There are endless people to meet and endless business to discuss every day.

What's even worse is that in addition to these external entertainments, he also needs to review the company's internal finances, projects, etc.

It is often necessary to hold meetings and finalize directions with department heads.

And the operations of each branch...

Adding it all up, it is simply not a workload that one person can complete.

But Li Beijue completed everything and still found time to date her every day. Chi Enen was curious about how he could complete so much work quickly and effectively.

Anyway, she was so busy taking care of his secretary and Ryan's affairs every day that she had no time to take over the family affairs.

Fortunately, her uncle didn't urge her to take over.

"Ding ding."

She had just opened her laptop.

The intercom phone rang.

The assistant said that the intercom phone in this office used to vibrate and ring, but since she moved in, it has become a deafening ring for some reason.

Anyone who is not deaf will definitely receive the call as soon as possible.

Chi Enen listened to the deafening ringtone and answered the phone, "Hello."

"Come in!"

"I just……"


The other end is already hung up.

She stood up from the swivel chair helplessly, turned around, and looked at the president's office, which was separated by a piece of glass. However, the piece of glass that separated her used the most advanced tempered anti-peeping technology. People inside could see her every move, but she couldn't see the people inside.

Chi Enen walked out depressedly and knocked on the door of the president's office.


"Come in."

She unscrewed the door and went in.

In the past few days, she had to go to the president's office more than ten times a day. She made more trips and became accustomed to the luxury of Li Beijue's office.

In particular, he became accustomed to the 360° large circular glass in his office.

I saw a set of black minimalist sofas placed in the spacious and bright office. An arrogant man in a straight suit sat on the sofa. There were also several exquisite wooden boxes placed on the table. Seeing her coming, the man raised his head and touched his thin lips, "Come here."

Chi Enen walked over and found that there were several delicious dishes on the coffee table, all of which were home-cooked dishes that had not been seen for a long time.

In addition, the wooden box also contains rice. The grains of white rice are plump and fragrant, which makes people appetite just looking at it.

Her stomach made an unsatisfactory growl, and her face suddenly became hot. She subconsciously covered her stomach and looked over in embarrassment.

As if he didn't hear her stomach growling, Li Beijue raised his head. His black eyes were like fine gems, and he said impossibly, "Don't you know it's already noon?"

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